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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by mercenary vahki

  1. ought to post in hurr
  2. Well that explains a few things lol
  3. Their choice of popular kids is quite amusing, it seems their only qualification is the amount of content produced and who has the coolest text color
  4. mercenary vahki

    Oh Lol

    I just got around to reposting this, as it was lost in the downtime. It'd be great if anyone wants to post. Also, new MOC essentially done, undergoing scrutiny. Edit: I know BBC is bad, but c'mon, no posts? even the worst of toamods gets a few :/
  5. I've actually been managing to go to bed around 10-11, so that works out okay, because weekends have more than enough hours to sleep off deficits
  6. lol, what was the title, something insightful perhaps?
  7. Indeed, the mysteries of the universe are what kept me into bionicle for a long time. As cool in concept as the whole truth seems now, it was always better when you had, you know, needed to use your imagination. Kids these days...
  8. I'm pretty sure I don't have it, but I can't remember the set it came in, so there's always the possibility that Its not in my usual containers.
  9. mercenary vahki


    I'm missing one piece. one. Now I either re-do an important section, or buy the part... hmmph, ill just do it another way
  10. ........... ...................__ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............(
  11. So I took some lego and I put it together So expect something [relatively] soon. Also, the title was what I said when i violenced this guys boat yesterday
  12. may he spare my toilet from his wrath
  13. probably in my stomach tbh
  14. mercenary vahki

    Massive Fail

    aw snap my speed is legendary
  15. mercenary vahki

    Oh God

    that cheese just turned transparent should i stop eating this pizza Update: I ate the whole thing
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