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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by mercenary vahki

  1. Not knowing what this was, my mind imagined it as a... Oh, this is BZP. Figure it out yourselves~
  2. mercenary vahki

    I Lol'd

    Which is why I don't wear pants! No restriction for me!
  3. mercenary vahki


    Now what do we have here? *goes to bump mine*
  4. I'm giving them a little slack - after all they're not just newb staff, they're actual newbs~
  5. mercenary vahki


    This thang got mad agility --- YEAH I DO -Laka(who's too lazy for color)
  6. sup dawgs sup dawgs sup dawgs So I'm considering colors, your thoughts?
  7. I can get hidden meanings from anything, don't expect this to be perfect also WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  8. I'm pretty chill I had a pretty good day, I gave a presentation on ghana or something and just talked about camels and gold and golden camels Also listening to some Mitch Hedberg
  9. Which is why I usually don't post in BBC. It's hard to get ideas across when you have to do them in a watered-down fashion. Also quote function, I spent like 30 seconds deciding how to format that ^^ I know, I know. <3 other forums for not being so picky. You shoulda seen some of my old 3D stuff before I posted it to a few places. Or rather you shouldn't because it sucked. Isn't there a member named you?
  10. oh u meen diarea coler srsly? dats gross man well it just occurred to me that it can be called metru brown (but that's what I always thought those sets looked like anyway lol)
  11. tee hee On the club, I don't care one way or the other, but I'm now contemplating starting a "[mean people] of BBC" club for lols. (Because I'm assuming that spanish showers break the rules) We'd tell the truth to the tune of delicious tears Except you'd get banned because they can't handle the truth.
  12. dark tan isn't that brown
  13. I always come late to these kind of things :/
  14. How can you censor that song, it loses its character...
  15. Yo dawg my pc is moar expensive then yoar pc Dunno about better, but I'll bet it is
  16. Agh I was just about to say *Fondly remembers his days of 8-player system link awesomeness*
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