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Angry Nidhiki

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Blog Comments posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. it does, but I had to have it off for the test


    plus it's not a graphing calculator D:

    I love how people think you're talking about Windows Caluclator. :P


    Um, I know some Caluclator death codes, but I don't think those would help you. XD A bajillion of my classmates would be able to help you, though, if you happened to be in my general area.



  2. I doubt Bostwik actually thinks everyone hates him. =P To be honest, Bosty, they do have a few good points. Reading a public forum really isn't spying, at all. However--


    What I think is slightly out of form is that because someone who saw this site realized that people didn't like Tufi, and then passed it along to her, Tufi decides it's then appropriate to respond publicly and loudly in her blog to all of BZPower. If you don't care, then why post this? I'm tired of people arguing about this. This comment session has turned into a hate-love session-- People are either telling Tufi why they hate her, or telling her how much they love her and how they would never side against her.


    Why don't we discuss something more productive instead?

  3. First and foremost, I do not hate you, but at this point that might be qualified as "spam" since it's basically what everyone has said. ;) From the brief, if even existent interaction I've had with you, I never gained a poor impression of you.


    Now, I will make a comment about many of the staff, not one in particular, though there are particular ones I speak of, and if you're observant it shouldn't take you that much to figure it out.


    There are many staff here I like. I've even had more personal relations with some. However, there are also those staff that are so "committed" to their jobs that they essentially lose their souls, or at least any previous digital trace of one. The large majority of posts of seen in the forums by staff consist of about three basic messages, occasionally altered for occasional purposes: "Topic closed, banned discussion", "Topic closed by request of topic-starter", and "Topic re-opened by request of topic starter". It seems almost like you're playing a game of hide-and-go-seek with the staff, and the only way you can make the staff come out from behind their trees is to do something illegal.


    I staff on a couple of much, much smaller boards, and though the size difference is much too large to measure, I have noticed something. The staff on my boards are more connected to their members and as a resulting effect, we have a consistent crowd of members that remain with the board over a long period of time, and that crowd makes up a decent ratio of the board. In contrast, on BZPower it often appears that we have a steady feed of members, hundreds at a time, yet the ratio of members that actually stick with the site is very small.


    Now, I do understand that with so many noobs on the site, it may be difficult to maintain a personality. However, even if you can't help it, it certainly doesn't turn me on, thus the reason why I rarely pay this site attention anymore.



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