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Hey, Hating-people

Tufi Piyufi


Hey. People who hate me. Yes, I know who you are. I've read the posts. No, no, not the ones here. The ones on all those elsewheres. Yeah. Those very public ones. So help me, sometimes I get bored and I scavenge for things to fuel my reading addiction.


I know you hate me. I know who you are. I know just how you feel about me. And I don't care.


If I was worried about hurting people's opinions of me by helping to maintain a forum, I'd have quit years ago. Fact is, it's totally worth having the infractees hate me if it means the general populace can let out their breath and go 'thank god that was taken care of'. You might go 'well, where are those people then, heh heh'. They're all around. They're quiet. It's in their nature. Moderates everywhere, of every kind, are quiet. Extremists are the loud, noticeable ones. The extremists take the silence for agreement. The moderates know better, but, for reasons constantly debated and hypothesized, don't speak up.


Fact is, the people who hate me are people I never liked in the first place. Amazing how the universe sorts all that out.


So, moderates. You know who you are. Don't let yourselves get dragged down. If someone claims to speak for you, you shut them right down. You're logical, reasonable people. You don't have to stand for this. You just gotta take that first step. Once you get moving, believe me, the rest comes naturally.


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I say you're just too serious with your job. You never post any MOCs anymore, and whenever you post on the forums it's always as if it's to say "Topic closed." or the usual Moderator-saying stuff.


You're not the only one this has happened to, trust me.


That's all I have to say.

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I say you're just too serious with your job. You never post any MOCs anymore, and whenever you post on the forums it's always as if it's to say "Topic closed." or the usual Moderator-saying stuff.


You're not the only one this has happened to, trust me.


That's all I have to say.

So... you're slightly displeased with her for doing her job? Interesting.


Well, don't let the loud noisy ones perturb you. It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.

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I can't say I hate you; I don't really know you. But nice stand.


Frankly, I haven't seen the hatings, but then again, I haven't really looked.

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I don't hate you, but I don't like you. That's because I barely know you... I've always been ignored by you (well, so I think) so we haven't really gotten to know one another.


So... yeah.

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I agree with Shmog. If staff worked harder to be one WITH the community and not just work FOR the community, things would be much more pleasant. And if this means more staff to get the job done, so be it.

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I say you're just too serious with your job. You never post any MOCs anymore, and whenever you post on the forums it's always as if it's to say "Topic closed." or the usual Moderator-saying stuff.


You're not the only one this has happened to, trust me.


That's all I have to say.

So... you're slightly displeased with her for doing her job? Interesting.


Well, don't let the loud noisy ones perturb you. It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.

It kind of comes down to what your point of view of what a good staff member is.


And what I think is basically what Cee said in his last comment.

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Well, as you probably know - or rather, dont know, because theres not much to know - I have absolutely no opinion of you, good or bad, as I have rarely come into contact with you.


Now, for my story...


About... oh, three and a half years back? I got addicted to Halo PC - Gametype Race in particular, for those whom that means something. Long story short, I dedicated myself to *THE* best clan and, after 8 months, got recruited. Now, they werent just the best gamers - sure, they had skill, but that wasnt the prime thing. They ran several interesting servers, had very nice and fun people to game with, and had a good admin style.


After I got into the clan, my playing habits got more addictive, and I usually played 2-4 hours of Halo a day. Now, I was an admin. What I found was, as one year led to another, my admin patterns got more and more trigger-happy; eventually, I got suspended because there were simply so many rules-breakers and fools running around pulling dumb rules-breaking antics that I flew of the handle and perma-banned each and every one at the very first rules infraction for two days straight and racked up a ban-total of over 32.


Needless to say, over the time I was an admin, I got more than a few haters, and more than a few people who loved me because I kept the server clean. Thats not the point; the point was that I found that my own admin style had gotten so trigger-happy that I was, in fact, acting out of the spirit of the clan while trying to enforce the spirit of the clan on everyone else. So all I'm saying is is to be aware that, in doing a "community service" like moderating, you CAN get worn out and get a little too heavy-handed and crude for your own good and the good of the community.


Jus' some thoughts.


- Heir

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I dislike your seriousness, but other then that, the only reason i would have to dislike you was because of restriction, at that it was my fault, so it really doesn't matter to me.


Staff are pretty awesome.

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I neither hate you nor like you, but you still have my respect because I really do not know you other than how well you do your job.


So keep up the not caring about kids with problems not liking you because you closed their topic because it was Spam. :P

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I try to wait until I know a person before I judge them. So I don't hate you Tufi, but I don't -love- you either. :P

I think you do a good job as a staff member and I'll leave it at that. :)


Oh and Cee, I agree with you. :)

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First and foremost, I do not hate you, but at this point that might be qualified as "spam" since it's basically what everyone has said. ;) From the brief, if even existent interaction I've had with you, I never gained a poor impression of you.


Now, I will make a comment about many of the staff, not one in particular, though there are particular ones I speak of, and if you're observant it shouldn't take you that much to figure it out.


There are many staff here I like. I've even had more personal relations with some. However, there are also those staff that are so "committed" to their jobs that they essentially lose their souls, or at least any previous digital trace of one. The large majority of posts of seen in the forums by staff consist of about three basic messages, occasionally altered for occasional purposes: "Topic closed, banned discussion", "Topic closed by request of topic-starter", and "Topic re-opened by request of topic starter". It seems almost like you're playing a game of hide-and-go-seek with the staff, and the only way you can make the staff come out from behind their trees is to do something illegal.


I staff on a couple of much, much smaller boards, and though the size difference is much too large to measure, I have noticed something. The staff on my boards are more connected to their members and as a resulting effect, we have a consistent crowd of members that remain with the board over a long period of time, and that crowd makes up a decent ratio of the board. In contrast, on BZPower it often appears that we have a steady feed of members, hundreds at a time, yet the ratio of members that actually stick with the site is very small.


Now, I do understand that with so many noobs on the site, it may be difficult to maintain a personality. However, even if you can't help it, it certainly doesn't turn me on, thus the reason why I rarely pay this site attention anymore.



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Silly moderates, with your not-liking-but-not-disliking. :P


Sorry, I just had to say that.


You do good work, Tufi-sama. You have my respect. Which you probably already knew. But hey, worth saying it.


And now I retreat to the shadows. =3



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