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Crimson Jester

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Blog Entries posted by Crimson Jester

  1. Crimson Jester
    So, seeing as BZPRPG is getting to the point of stagnancy which sees mosquitos start to look to it as a breeding ground, and it doesn't seem like that's gonna change for a while, I'd like to open a discussion (miiiight not be the right choice of words, considering I'll probably be the only one reading and discussing hahaha). 
    -What NEW things would you like to see implemented in the new BZPRPG arc?
    -What OLD things would you like to see brought back?
    -For those of you with experience TBRPing on other forums: what are some things that worked in other TBRPGs that could work in BZPRPG?
    I had more questions, but now I'm distracted, so that's all ya get.
    Let me know what you all think!
  2. Crimson Jester
    The bells toll, signifying the arrival of the all-fabled Christmas Break. (thank-you, Christians )
    Anyways, this time of year is a rather important one for me. I get to see family, do whatever I want all day, and get a ton of free stuff.
    So yeah, I'm gone as of now, until sometime near New Years.
    Happy Holidays, BZP.
  3. Crimson Jester
    Well, stuff hit the fan today.
    I'm done, all this stuff is ridiculous. Seriously, what have I done that's so abhorrent that I'm granted nothing in this pathetic excuse of a life? I've absolutely had it.
    I'm scheduled to see a mental specialist next week.
    I learned how to fall today, didn't think it would kill you
    To settle the debt I thought never would be paid.
    Found out I was wrong today (I was wrong)
    Too weak to continue
    One final defense to fall
    Still unbroken
    Now I am torn, thought it was over this time
    And we know there's still a fire inside
    And we know, and we know
    We're gonna let it burn
    Let it burn
    Till the image fades away
    Knew there was a price to pay, didn't think it would thrill you
    To witness the fallen ones shattered and ashamed
    No I'm not the only one (only one)
    Yearning to fulfill you
    Unwilling to risk it all
    Still uncertain
    Now I am torn, thought it was over this time
    And we know there's still a fire inside
    And we know, and we know
    We're gonna let it burn
    Let it burn
    Till the image fades away
    Now I am torn, thought it was over this time
    And we know there's still a fire inside
    And we know, and we know
    That I am torn, thought it was over this time
    And we know there's still a fire inside
    And we know, and we know
    We're gonna let it burn
    Let it burn
    Till the image fades away
  4. Crimson Jester
    Boredom. Again. Though I doubt many will read this, I guess I'll blog anyways.
    So today was a generally bad day. I got a call this morning saying my Great Grandmother died in her sleep last night. Then, later, I broke my foot.
    Otherwise, not too much going on in Wetaskiwin. Some foreign exchange kid from Turkey is at my friends right now, so we were giving him The Grand Tour.
    Uh, on the 25th, myself, the previously mentioned friend and BZP member Grey Jester are going to Capital Ex, a huge Fair up in Edmonton. Then that night we're going to see Wierd Al. (I'm so pumped for that)
    Anyways, I guess that's all for now. I'm at home by myself for the weekend, so I'll be on pretty much 24/7. So feel free to leave a comment, PM me, or IM me on AIM/MSN about basically anything. Keeps me busy.
  5. Crimson Jester
    So, since it's been a while, I figure I'd take a break from blogging my lyrics (since nobody bothers critiquing them anyhow :\), and give you guys a little life update.
    First off, general life garbage: I moved at the end of the summer. Bigger town, stupid rich kids, but still nothing to do. Lots of gorgeous babes, though. That's a definite upside to Wetaskiwin.
    Got a job, as well. Actually, two. First of all, I'm now Chief Survival Instructor of my new Cadet squadron. This job has me in charge of primary survival instruction duties, planning survival exercises, and doing any other survival-related work at the squadron. Essentially, I am amazing at survival.
    And, as for the second job, I'm now working at a Canadian chain, similar to RadioShack, called the Source. Basically, I sell TVs, video games, and electronic stuff the odd time that people are actually in the store. Otherwise, I just practice my screaming, listen to metal, and jam on Guitar Hero with my co-workers. For $10.50 an hour, I can't at all complain. And plus, since I work in the mall, there's an Edo Japan within feasible distance.
    Otherwise, I've basically been finishing up school, planning out my military career (I'm enlisting next summer), practicing guitar, and working out. All the cool, metal stuff that I normally do.
    Oh. And don't forget to go critique my lyrics.
  6. Crimson Jester
    Hello, readers.
    As I'm sure a few of you know, I took a 6-week Survival Instructors' Course over the summer of 2008. After completion, I am now fully qualified to teach military-grade survival skills.
    Now, before you go saying 'Oh, when will I need rubbish like this', think. These incidents are a lot more common than you think. Things from getting your car stuck in a snowy ditch on a low-to-no-traffic highway, to being in a commercial plane crash. You see them on the news frequently, and sadly, the common factor in all of them is: too many people died. How can I say this, you ask. Well, the concept is relatively simple. Would the initial survivors have had some sort of survival skills training, they would have all had an extremely high chance of making it out alive.
    And that is why I'm blogging today. I figure, I should share my invaluable information with BZPower. Each and every lesson is my personal interpretation of information handed down to me, all of which is Canadian military-grade training. Only a select few will ever attain these skills, so consider yourselves a lucky bunch.
    Now, on to today's lesson:
    Survival Psychology Part I
    Survival depends on several factors, the will to survive and mental preparation being two of them. Human beings have an innate will to survive but we also have higher intelligence than most animals and are able to repress any feelings or drives we may have. If we panic or lose hope, we may defeat our will to survive. The most important ability we can have is being able to recognize a new situation and reacting/adapting to it.
    1. Death
    2. Being alone
    3. Animals
    4. Darkness
    5. Weakness
    6. Failure
    7. Discomfort
    8. The unknown
    9. Other personal fears
    Fear is a normal reaction for anyone faced with a new or unfamiliar situation. Fear is a double-edged sword; it may aid or hinder the individual depending on their reaction to it. It can lead to hopelessness and decrease self-confidence, hindering their will to survive. In can also, by releasing adrenaline, give greater strength and stamina, reduce pain sensation, give you the ability to think more clearly, and help you act in a more coordinated manner.
    1. Pain: Pain is a natural way of making you pay attention to something that is wrong with you. However, nature also has ways of holding off pain if you are too busy doing something else to play attention to the injury right then. You should treat whatever needs to get treated and then get busy or pain may go unnoticed and become more serious.
    2. Cold: Cold is a much greater threat to survival than it seems. It not only lowers your abilities to think, but it also tends to lower your will to do anything but get warm again. Cold is a subtle enemy; at the same time that it numbs the mind and body, it numbs the will. Because it is hard to move and you want to sleep, you can forget your goal: to survive. Solutions: Build a fire*, get dry, and keep busy*.
    3. Thirst: Even when thirst is not extreme, it can dull your mind. As with pain and cold, thirst can be almost forgotten if the will to survive is strong enough. It is also important to remember not to deprive oneself unnecessarily of water. Serious dehydration may occur in a survival situation even when there is plenty of water available. Solution: Attain water*.
    4. Hunger: Hunger is dangerous because of the effect it can have on the mind, primarily in lessening the person's ability for rational though. Both thirst and hunger increase a person's susceptibility to the weakening effects of cold, pain, and fear. Solution: Eat food, set snares*, fish*, collect edible plants.
    5. Fatigue: Even a very moderate amount of fatigue can reduce mental ability. Fatigue can make you careless as it becomes increasingly easy to adopt the feeling of just not caring. This is one of the biggest dangers in survival. The confused notion that fatigue and energy use are directly related may be responsible for many deaths in survival situations. Certainly, there is a real danger of over-exertion, but fatigue may actually be due to hopelessness, lack of goal, dissatisfaction, frustration, or boredom. Fatigue may represent an escape from a situation that has become too difficult. If you recognize the dangers of a situation, you can often summon the strength to go on. Solution: Take short naps, and stay busy the rest of the time.
    6/7. Boredom and Loneliness: Boredom and loneliness are two of the toughest enemies of survival (trust me, I know this first-hand). They are dangerous mainly because they are unexpected. When nothing happens; when something is expected and does not come off; when you must stay still, quiet, and alone, these feelings creep up on you. Solution: Keep busy (camp crafts*)
    *: Later features of Survival Weekly.
    Well, I believe this wraps up this weeks' lesson. I hope you all enjoyed this, and be ready for another one next week!
    Comments, questions, criticism? PM me, or leave a comment.
  7. Crimson Jester
    Feel the heat
    Tearing flesh
    A hail of death
    Mounted chaos
    Spitting lead
    Breathing fire
    All are dead
    I am the war machine
    Product of our misdeeds
    Make you hurt, make you bleed
    But you're the one pulling the trigger here
    And you're the one killing here
    Don't blame me
    Feeding [EXPLETIVE]
    Steel barrel
    Bellowing casings
    Muddy gallow
    Bodies pile
    Smoking vent
    Cool it down
    Kill again
    You are a war machine
    A product of your own misdeeds
    Make them hurt, make them bleed
    Pull the trigger without discretion
    You're the one killing here
    As far as sanity goes, you're already dead
    No hope of reform, can't fix what's in your head
    So kill again, and again, and again
    You'll be gone tomorrow
    War machine
    Hollow eyes
    A single bullet
    The hero dies
    Make sure to leave some feedback, guys!
  8. Crimson Jester
    Fresh morning air has a very distinctive taste. Cool, crisp, and sweet. But on this particular morning, that signature aura was disturbed. On this morning, a bitter, slightly burnt smell rode on the wind, the aroma of smoke and fire. Ashes floated in the sky, barely discernible against a charcoal sky.
    The Toa slid his tongue along his his teeth, trying to scrape the horrible taste and grey particles off of his teeth. He clutched the hilt of his blade, it's brown leather grip a warm, soothing familiarity in his hand. It was the only comfort he could gain in this place of dark skies and cold. As he walked on, his steps unconsciously became more hurried, frantic. He The Toa felt a vying feeling in the pit of his stomach, a curdling sensation of suspicion. Of wariness. Of fear. So the figure ran. He ran, his chest screaming from internal fires, his legs throbbing and aching with the jarring of every footfall. But, he didn't stop. Not until he reached home.
    His place of refuge was a run-down apartment, with charred, crumbling walls. He stepped inside the broken door, entering an intensely cluttered living space. Newspaper clippings, books, and loose sheets of paper were stacked on every possible surface, even pinned on the walls in a frenzied sort of collage. The Toa dropped his work bag and belt down on a crowded desk. The Toa groaned as he bent down into a fragile-looking chair, trying to rub the pain from his legs and knees as he sat. His heart rate had begun to slow itself, and the searing pain near his heart had subsided. The Toa extended a hand, and hit the power button on a telepanel, which flickered into life. A news report blared forth.
    --religious historian, and curator of the Iharu Museum, Dr. Kur Hekita, was murdered today, in what is now being called by authorities an assassination. Dr. Hekita was making a presentation on recent finding pertaining to the Ancients in Zohara Park, when he was shot twice in the chest. The Sect has announced their responsibility for the killing.
    And in related news! Rioting has hit downtown since Dr. Hekita's murder. Angered members of the famed scientific community, the Church of the Ancient, and even ordinary citizens have taken to the streets, causing upwards of two million widgets in property damage, as well as completely demolishing the city's police headquarters. Casualties on both civilian and police sides are recorded to be in the high thirties at--
    The Toa flicked the telepanel off. The newscast was burned into his head, searing like a branding iron. He groaned at the clamor of thoughts as he rifled through the chaotic jumble of books thrown upon his desk. His fingers worked like a finely-tuned machine, hitting their marks dead-on; as dead-on as the Sect assassins struck down Dr. Hekita. His thumb suddenly stopped, halting the flurry of books on a specific page. His eyes poured the quote over. Sect. Insurgence. Seal. Arma--. He stopped, taking a step back. His bottom found it's way to the chair. He buried his head in his hands. His shoulders heaved and rocked like a great tidal wave. He sobbed. We're all dead...
    “And so it shall be, in the wake of insurgence, the first Seal shall be broken, and the onset of Armageddon shalt be upon you all.”
    -Divinations, Chapter XII, Verse VI
  9. Crimson Jester
    Stand on the abyss, the blackening clouds obsuring the view
    Of a million sorrow-drenched faces, their illusions construed
    The hollowed worn hands of society, clawing at mind’s outer wall
    Through gritted teeth, echoed howls engulfing the skull
    The simplest design brought not to fruition in the sea of pain
    Oh, when will it end?
    Rapture is in plain sight
    There past your empty lies
    There beyond the twisted truths
    Presented to you in plain view
    Look beyond the empty lies
    Look through the hollow illusion
    To see I’m standing alone
    Beyond this nightmare
    From here remains nothing but death of self
    Harrowing screams go unheard, ne’er will you get help
    I’m done with all the foolish games, no matter what you say
    Watch yourself be broken now, embrace the decay
    Through the storm of death, spirit adrift
    Will you hold on, to the ultimate gift?
    Throughout the struggle, wear the grin
    Strength, perseverance, we can win
    (It's still in the works, but I figured I'd show it now. Be sure to post tips/ideas/criticism)
  10. Crimson Jester
    Well, I finished up my latest RPG Project, and decided that since I can't submit 'er until February 6th, I'd post it here, and let you guys run over it, and toss me your opinions.
    So yeah, let me know what you think:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «17th August, 1948 
    It’ll be five years next month. Five long, bloody years we’ve been in this
    Five is a pretty small number, contrasted to the rest of those associated with this. Thirty cities in ruins. Ninety-one ships sunk. One hundred seventy-eight planes downed. Three hundred one thousand, six hundred fifty-six men MIA. More than double that KIA. And by tomorrow, I’ll be back here, writing again, scribbling out those numbers, and replacing them with the new tallies.
    My division has been in the jungles for fifty-one days now. Well, at least what’s left of the jungles. What once was revered as being a place of beauty and solace, has now become its’ bitter foil. Trees and other plant life crushed and burned lines the jungle floor, speckled with the occasional human or animal corpse, in various conditions. It really goes to show how bitter our race has become.
    I’ve gotten used to the smell of bodies, at least. There’s some who still haven’t, and boy do I feel sorry for them. Almost every day I see a group of them off in the bushes, puking their guts out. There’s been lot of mental breakdowns, too. Almost every day the companies have to send men back to the psych ward at Fort Grey. Makes you feel lucky.
    Speaking of lucky, we lost another platoon last night. They were out on a night raid, about 2km south-east, at a UE encampment. We lost radio contact with them at around 2345h, and found their bodies, along with an empty camp, this afternoon. May they rest in peace.
    Anyways, it’s getting real close to dinner time, and I think we get those fancy MRE’s with the meatloaf tonight. I’ll try and write tomorrow.


    Since the dawn of time, mankind has known no other home but the tiny, sea-dominated planet known as Aven. Although nothing near the legendary, fictitious human home planet known as ‘Earth’, humanity has developed in a virtually identical manner as that in the tale.
    As time passed, through bitter conflict, and political dominancy, Aven divided itself into six independent nations: the Republic of Dayson, the United Empire, Falkland, Byzantia, Kyrin, and Korr. The nations co-existed quite peacefully, confining conflict to their rightful waters, and generally avoiding each others’ affairs.
    Shift forward to six years ago: November 5th, 1939. The ever-suspicious United Empire got greedy. Their sweep was fast, and powerful. The Invasion was not unlike a sucker punch, lightning fast, and originating from seemingly nowhere. Aven was hit hard, and within three years, all but the secluded nation of Korr had fallen to the United Empire’s iron grip.
    The captured nations plead with Korr to act, and repel the UE, but they would have none of it. At least until the war hit home. On May 20th, 1943, four-and-a-half years after the United Empire began to sweep Aven, they invaded, pummeling the naval bases on the North Bay, and eventually invading. Within a month, the entire north shoreline had fallen.
    Now, five years later, the war still rages on. Back and forth, with no clear victor the forces of the UE and Korr battle.
    Will you commit to you national duty, and enlist in the Korr Armed Forces? Or will you pick up a rifle for the United Empire, and crush Korr once and for all?
    The war is in your hands, recruit.
    Korr Armed Forces: The legendary military of the secluded nation of Korr. The KAF is divided into three branches: Army, Navy, and Army Air. Upon enlistment, you will be given the rank of Private, and shipped to the jungles in the northwest.
    The United Empire: Equally powerful to the KAF, the UE is a battle-worn, malice-fed force that has seen nine years of combat in five nations. Upon enlistment, you will be given the rank of Private and shipped to Korr’s northwest jungles.
    Aven Map
    Korr: Korr is quite unique compared to the other nations of Aven. For one, the country consists of a single, large continent. Secondly, the regions of Korr greatly vary: A mountain range dominates the north-west; the jungles engulf the east; and plains cover the central region. The climate on Korr varies by region, with the jungles generally being warm and humid, the plains being cool and dry, and the mountains, cold and harsh. Korr is a very militaristic democratic nation, and has one major metropolitan center: its’ capital, Korruhnai. Korruhnai is a large city, overlooking the Great Lake. It is considered one of the most contemporary, beautiful cities on Aven.
    Kyrin: Kyrin is known as being the smallest and most inhospitable country on Aven. It has two seasons that can change at any time, without warning, throughout the year: severely hot, dry summers, and extreme sub-zero winters accompanied by ‘razor hail’. Kyrin has a single inhabited city, named after the country. The city is small, with heavily-reinforced steel buildings. Kyrin has only a local militia, but is a very important military staging point for either side.
    Byzantia: Byzantia is interesting, geography-wise. A ring of small, mountainous islands borders a larger island, which consists of a mountain-ringed southern half, and a flat, taiga forest north. The islands are trapped in an eternal, harsh winter, with a good two feet of snow permanently blanketing the landscape. A single Army base dominates the southern half of the main island, whilst the capital city ‘Cliff Terrace’, along with dozens of other small towns and villages. Cliff Terrace, the nations’ capital, is built onto the side of a large cliff, overlooking the sea.
    Falkland: Falkland, located east of the United Empire, is a sea-dependant nation. Its’ four islands are spotted with many small seaside towns and cities, with the two most important being its largest, ‘Shale’, and the capital ‘Stroetz Bay’. Falkland has a mild, warm climate, with a humid, sea-water air hanging constantly. Rocky shores, and vast, rolling plains make up the nations’ landscape, and the furthest north island has one of the most advanced Air Force bases on Aven.
    Republic of Dayson: The Republic of Dayson consists of two nearly-connected islands, with two major cities: the capital of ‘Westfield’, and ‘Hudson’. The Republic is, save for the cities, fully coated in foliage. The dense jungle has a warm, humid climate, with the occasional burst of rain. Dayson has one of Aven’s most important Naval Facilities, Fort Edmonton.
    United Empire: The United Empire: a three-nation, three-island imperial alliance. They are one of Aven’s most formidable, militaristic countries, on an equal playing field to Korr. The UE is headed in the city of ‘Zath’, with two other major cities at ‘Harem’ and ‘Gattenfeldt’. The United Empire has a fair climate, with optimally warm summers, and relatively mild winters. There are five major military installations in the United Empire, as well as many small towns and cities.
    Being a military-based RPG, there is obvious room for advancement. Said advancement can occur on a single level: ranking up. The ranks are as follows:
    -Private: The grunts of the force. Follow orders from anyone, and everyone.
    -Corporal: Slightly above Private, but not enough to make a difference. Perks: scoped Arisaka, M1 Garand, MP40
    -Sergeant: Usually second-in-command of a team, fairly important. Perks: Mosin-Nagant, M1897 Trench Gun, BAR, Tokarev TT-33
    -Staff Sergeant: Team leaders. Have a rather important job. Perks: scoped Kar98k, STG-44, PPSh-41, MG42
    -Second Lieutenant: First officer rank. Extremely hard to reach. Perks: Unknown
    -First Lieutenant: Second officer rank. Even harder to attain. Perks: Unknown
    -Captain: Third officer rank. Near impossible to reach. Perks: Unknown
    In order to get promoted, you must show prowess and dedication to the RPG. You will be contacted by a GM upon promotion.
    Character Creation:
    In order to join, you must fill out a profile, and post it in the role-playing topic. Profiles are as follows:
    Hometown: (You may make your own small villages for hometown, as long as you tell me where it is)
    Affiliation: (only Army branches of each side are available at this point)
    Main Weapon: (Choose between a scoped Springfield, a Gewehr 43, or a Thompson)
    Sidearm: (Colt M1911, until you earn a new one)
    Gameplay is like any other RPG you’d encounter. Here’s a quick refresher:
    ‘IC’ for in-character, role-played portions, ‘OOC’ for out-of-character discussion. Read the rules for more information.
    As well, being a war RPG, don’t go doing anything overly heroic and stupid. Your character will promptly be killed.
    -Use IC/OOC, and use them properly. If not, you’re gone.
    -No god-modding. You aren’t superior to anybody else, and I will gladly prove that to you.
    -Don’t kill other player’s characters, or I’ll have to kill yours.
    -Don’t use other player’s characters for anything major without prior permission from said player.
    -Just because you're higher rank, doesn't mean you're a freakin' superhero. You have the same abilities/strengths as anyone else. Go abusing your status, I'll abuse you.
    -Crimson Jester, GM
    -Robo: Thrower of Shoes, Moderator
    -Spink, Moderator
    Approved Characters:
    Crimson Jester:
    Name: Staff Sergeant Colt James Dutkiewicz
    Age: 26
    Hometown: Korruhnai, Korr
    Affiliation: Korr Armed Forces, Army branch
    Main Weapon: STG-44
    Sidearm: Tokarev TT-33 handgun
    Appearance: 6’2”, 215lbs. blue eyes, short-cropped dark brown hair. Has a scar trailing down his cheek from the inner corner of his eye. Well-built, with a strong jaw, and battle-worn face.
    Bio: Colt was born in Korruhnai, Korr on May 20, 1922; he had an immense fascination with military ever since he was a boy. Upon completion of high school in 1940, Colt enlisted with the KAF, and completed training in Fort Grey, by Lesser Lake. After 3 years of service, he was put on the frontlines in the Korr Bay, where he served for 3 years, before being sent to the East Korr Theater, where he has served frontline since.
    Campaign Objectives:
    Here is where you’ll see any and all current objectives for both sides of the war. It includes individual positions, character status, and waypoints.
    Objective Map
    KAF C ‘Charlie’ Company, 12th Battalion, 82nd Regiment, 16th Infantry:
    - Exit your tented quarters and meet with S/Sgt Dutkiewicz in the Command Tent.
    UE A ‘Alpha’ Company, 2nd Battalion, 107th Regiment, 31st Infantry:
    - Locate 2Lt Westerly, who’s currently a half-kilometer north of your position, in an abandoned farmhouse.

  11. Crimson Jester
    This truth
    An ode to my liberation
    To cast out the longing that grew so near
    Watch it burn
    An inspiration
    This proclamation
    That hope remains
    Flow of ambition
    Course through my veins
    Awaiting a spark
    (You are the spark)
    Alight, alight
    I’ve found the way
    Watch me burn
    I’ll keep you warm
    Simple words are but an understatement
    A lifetime of labor to paint your visage
    The mirror of beauty itself
    My passion
    Empty and lifeless
    A breath of life
    Left in your kiss
    To go alone
    The last steps I’d take
    To go without you
    A burden I cannot bear
    I cannot bear
    I shall not bear
    Questions, comments, constructive criticism, or concerns? Comment away.
  12. Crimson Jester
    Peace: the ever-sacred, yet near-impossible to attain treasure of life. It is a blessing, a gift not many experience in their lifetime. And for the inhabitants of Alleria, it could not have come sooner.
    For thousands of years prior to Peacetime, Alleria was torn ragged by the dogs of war; the result of two self-sanctified Clans, the K’laric and the Ztun. They had been at war for six thousand years, fighting for control over the island that they each believed was rightfully theirs. Back and forth the upper hand went, until the Fall. Faced with near-suicidal odds, the K’laric made one final push, catching the Ztun by surprise, and forcing them nearly to sea. It is said, after a bloody massacre, the remaining Ztun made peace with the K’laric. And thus, the Accord was born.
    Ten thousand years went by under the Accord; the damage done by the Great War undone, and the war itself forgotten. Technology, society, and culture advanced to levels never dreamt of before. Alleria became a haven, a utopia the world over couldn’t even fathom. All was well; at least, until the Uprising.
    It hit the island quickly; an attack from within. Top-ranking members of government, key citizens, military personnel; it oozed out of every crack in the Accord. Within a month, the Accord was fractured, and the legion responsible for the coup, the Uprising, revealed themselves. They were unlike anything Alleria had ever seen before: organic beings, with mysterious supernatural powers. They had at their grasp powers which could not be explained, but rivaled that of the strongest elemental. They were unstoppable.
    But the power of the Uprising had yet to be revealed. Two weeks later, strange, hideous beasts began to appear, ranging from the size of a human, to towering over the island itself. The only thing that kept the Uprising from destroying the island was the very thing that protected it: The Remnant. Built on the remains of the Accord and its policing force, the Remnant’s technological power matched that of the Uprising’s supernatural. They fought back, and they fought back hard, locking the island in a stalemate.
    This is where your story begins. Will you take up arms with the Remnant, and fight off the Uprising? Will you stand by the Uprising, wielding supernatural powers to destroy the Remnant once and for all? Or will you, the citizen, fight from the inside, and save your island from destruction?

    I. Locations:
    Alleria is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful regions in the Universe. It has a warm, mild climate, with light winds, rain, and fair humidity. The landscapes range from thick coniferous forests, to mountains, to sandy beaches. Throughout the island, one can find many unmarked ruins and landmarks, as well as strange formations, and hidden treasures.
    Map of Alleria
    Cities Map
    1. Terrakus: Terrakus is the capital of Alleria; a city literally built on the blood and sweat of thousands. It was originally built as a haven during the Great War, Terrakus quickly proved its worth, taking over Allerium’s position as the capital. The city is Alleria’s largest. Built out of marvelous marbles, shimmering glass, and powerful steel, Terrakus’ tall towers are the epitome of ornate architecture. The city is surrounded by a great stone wall, with several gates to get in and out.
    2. Oberon: The most technologically advanced, ‘modernized’ city on Alleria. A maze of steel and smog, Oberon is nestled against a quarry dug into the side of Blood Mountain. The thing that sets Oberon apart, though, is it’s complete lack of life. Instead, the city is populated entirely by machines; robots if you will. They are descendants of factory machines from the days of Peacetime. The machines come in many shapes and forms, both benevolent and malevolent. The city is still the largest source of technology, and many people come here to have custom equipment made.
    3. Rangaruc: Rangaruc, roughly translated as "The Horsemen's Plane" is city in the mountains. The people adapted to old monasteries and fortified a town where they could live in peace. At least they hoped. Either because of the supernatural powers of the Uprising or because of something else entirely, as war was waged, the folks who thought they'd escaped to harmony found themselves at the center of a whole new problem. The first omens were in the stars, and then in the clouds, and then in the grass and soil. Now life is hard to sustain and people are inciting each other to fight over nothing. Children die, but the old aren't granted any such mercy. The survivors fight to escape, but are prevented...
    4. Allerium: Allerium, as it’s name implies, is the original capital of Alleria, from the days prior to Peacetime. It is only a portion of it’s original size, and ruins of the rest of the city surround it. It is widely regarded as the most serene city on Alleria. It’s all-white marble architecture is in immaculate condition, and the pillared, majestic buildings overlook the quiet plains. It’s residents rarely leave the city.
    5. Tantagel: Tantagel is an isolated city, buried deep within the forests of Alleria’s southernmost island. It’s quite a spectacle among Allerians and foreigners alike, though, for thousands of years ago, the city was turned upside down. Literally. The ground beneath the city, as well as the city itself, floats in stasis above its’ original resting place. It seems to have it’s own gravity, though, as when one ‘enters’ the city, they flip as well, and feel no effects of being upside down.
    6. Volus: Tower city. Volus is one of the most treacherous cities on Alleria. Many a person has wandered carelessly, and plummeted off the spires into the swamps below. That said, the city is a fairly small one, stretched over a large area. The ornately carved wooden buildings that the city is composed of reside on large, thin rock spires, topped with a thin bedding of vegetation. The spires are connected by wooden bridges. Nobody knows just how far down the spires go, though, as the dark, misty nature of the air in the swamps makes it almost impossible to see more than thirty feet.
    7.Freyr: Freyr is, to put it literally, sinking. Built on top of a long-forgotten underground stream system, the heavy stone buildings of Freyr became too much of a burden when the river rose. Over the last century, many parts of the ancient city have collapsed, and major portions of the city are left leaning. Nobody knows when the next portion will collapse into the acidic waters below.
    8. Modai: Home to the Legendary Shrine, an ancient attempt to appeal to the three monstrosities. The huge shrine sits in the dead center of the town, and the rest of the town has expanded around it. The town’s citizens have been oppressed by the Shrine’s priests, under the threat that they have the power to summon the Legendary.
    9. Sigrun: A fairly small city, Sirgun serves little purpose, aside guarding the bridge to Modai. Sigrun is comprised of wooden shacks, stacked on top of each other, pressed against the river banks. The city is currently ruled by outlaws.
    10. Skadi: Skadi is a well-hidden city, built into the low cliffs along the river. Each side consists of a series of tunneled-in caverns, going several kilometers deep. Skadi is well-known for it’s trade.
    11. Hrym: Hrym is perhaps the strangest city in all of Alleria, or even the Universe. During the war, the city was damaged by something never discovered, to a state that it was beyond repair. Miraculously, though, the city re-formed, but at a price. Hrym has been in an inter spacial stasis ever since. The city literally ‘flickers’, as though static, and even completely disappears from existence. Residents still live in the city, and have adjusted to the seemingly random displacement.
    12. Hel: Hel is one of the oldest cities on Alleria, nestled deep in the forests of Blood Mountain. Once home to the Ztun clan, Hel has become all but abandoned since the Great War. It’s magnificent buildings sit silent, slowly decaying, and the forest has begun to consume the town. Only few dare to go to Hel, as it is well-known to be haunted.
    The Pass: A large bridge connecting the two major islands of Alleria. The crossing is a dangerous one; many a time the ancient Leviathan has come and devoured the Pass, along with anyone on it.
    Mount Arcanum (Blood Mountain): Mount Arcanum, or Blood Mountain, as it’s been called since the Great War, is a source of many a brilliant tale. Aside its majestic beauty, some of the most pivotal battles of the great war were fought here, amongst its snowy, jagged peaks.
    Great Cliffs: The Great Cliffs, perhaps where the first metaphorical bullet was shot. War has been waged upon these rocks ever since the days when the Uprising first crucified the helpless wanderers foolish enough to leave their haven on the rocks overlooking the sea below.
    II. Factions:
    The Remnant:
    Formed from the remains of the Accord, the Remnant are the self-proclaimed freedom fighters of Alleria. Comprised of nearly any and all species, the Remnant are intent on saving Terrakus, and Alleria, one street at a time.
    The Remnant base themselves in the old, heavily damaged Terrakus military base, in the north-east sector.
    Species: Any race, save for Dzin [see section XI: Species]. (Most Remnant races can be augmented with elemental powers)
    -Power-augmenting bATTle Gear(PATT Gear): Standard-issue combat gear, made for any and all species. Along with having tracking systems, the suit augments ones’ power, both physical and elemental, and absorbs some kinetic energy from physical blows. PATT Gear is onyx grey, with a very streamlined structure. Armor highlight colors are wearer’s choice.
    -PATT Elite: PATT gear reserved for officers. Equipped with a better HUD system, and stronger augmentation.
    -Element-Charged Gun (ECG): The ECG is a general title for many varieties of hand-held weapons produced by the Remnant. The weapon hooks into the users body, and taps into their elemental energy, converting it into projectile-like rounds with properties of the power. Can come in any variety, from assault rifles to flamethrowers, pistols to rocket launchers. Larger varieties are known as ‘Element Cannons’, and are vehicle-affixed.
    Vehicles: (Playable by anyone. Keep in mind, most vehicles require more than one person)
    -Razor Hawk: Giant flying robot, resembling a bird of prey. Carries one pilot, and one gunner. Outfitted with hydraulic talons, two shoulder-mounted turrets, and a throat-affixed half-power element cannon. Frequently used for scouting, have only recently taken on a combat role.
    -Single-Man Battle Suit: Similar to the small mech suits. Passenger is exposed from the neck up, and controls the suit with his limbs. Outfitted with a tri-barreled machine gun, and a shoulder-mounted element blaster. Special models have flight-capable wings.
    -Element Tank: A two-legged machine, with a suspended cockpit. Carries four crew: a pilot, co-pilot, main gunner, and secondary gunner. Fitted with a full-power element cannon and two machine guns.
    -Judgment -class Assault Platform: An enormous treaded vehicle. Can hold twelve to fifteen troops, as well as two pilots. Is fitted with one large Element Cannon and four mounted turrets.
    -Battle Cruiser: A submarine-like vehicle. Holds twenty crew. Fitted with blades, capable of gutting Uprising sea beasts, electric field generators, forty torpedoes, and four element cannons.
    The Uprising:
    Originally a single species, the Dzin, who mysteriously appeared in the Accord, the Uprising is now comprised of several species, and is the source of the insurrection on Alleria. How they appeared is anyone’s guess. All that is known though, is that they intend to tear Alleria apart, and will do anything to do it.
    The Uprising are housed at an old factory on the south edge of Terrakus.
    Species: Any known/user created species, as well as Dzin.
    Creatures: (Playable by anyone. Keep in mind, most creatures require more than one person)
    -Deathmount: A four-legged, heavy-set, furred and fanged boar-like creature. Carries a crew of two, one driver and a gunner, who uses the rear-mounted machine gun, as well as using the scythe to decapitate ground troops. The Deathmount is strong enough to flip an Element Tank.
    -Megalodon: A large, shark-like creature. Has a single large kinetic cannon, capable of creating waves, disrupting projectiles, and knocking back opposing submarines. Also has the ability to call upon a fleet of razor fish. Carries a crew of twelve, in a cockpit-like attachment on it’s back.
    -Colossus: A fairly sizable creature. Walks on four legs, as well as having two arms. Has green skin, and a large head with sharp teeth and horns. Carries three passengers: the driver, front gunner, and rear gunner. The Colossus is outfitted with a metal saddle, equipped with a front-facing kinetic cannon, and a rear facing machine gun. A useful opponent to the Assault Platform.
    -Dermis: A sickly tan parasitic creature. It completely coats the host, like a skin, augmenting physical and kinetic powers, but removing any elemental powers. Is capable of taking on a Battle Suit.
    -Reaper: A medium-sized, winged and feathered reptile. It’s long tail is spiked, effective for knocking opponents out of the sky. Has sharp talons, two machine guns, a kinetic cannon, and a sonic ability. Carries one pilot and one gunner.
    III. The Legendary:
    The Legendary are three creatures of fable that reside on Alleria. There is one for each land, sea, and air. Some say they are older than the island itself, and none truly dare find out, for anyone who ventures into the territory of the Legendary never return.
    -Leviathan: The Leviathan, Legendary of the sea, resides between Alleria’s two islands. Has the head and tail of a shark, along with 8 large tentacles, and two clawed hands. The Leviathan is the largest creature in Alleria, and frequently devours Megalodons and Battle Cruisers whole.
    -Behemoth: The Legendary creature of the land, known as Behemoth, is the least-seen of the three Legendary. Relatively ape-like, the Behemoth has thick limbs, pale fur, ferocious teeth, and red eyes. It resides in the forests of Blood Mountain, killing and devouring anyone who stumbles upon it.
    -Apollyon: Winged raptor-like reptilian. Also known as ‘Hunters of the Sky’. The Apollyon has no known nest. It is known to attack and kill nearly everything in the air, making any air battle a three-way struggle. Approximately the size of a Razor Hawk.
    IV. Characters: (More will be added as the game progresses)
    Xander Erakus: Leader of the Remnant. Xander is an African-American human, with a large build. Always wears the Single-Man Battle Suit. Originally the Chief of Accord Intelligence, Xander became the obvious choice for leader once the Accord fell. He is highly knowledgeable, with a high tactical prowess, and is one of the Remnant's strongest members. Despite his gruff appearance, Xander is a calm, collected, down-to-earth leader, never above speaking to any member of his faction. His element is fire. Xander can be found on the frontlines of Terrakus.
    Kaiad Nerei: Right-hand man to Xander Erakus. Kaiad is an orange-and-white armor-clad Caucasian human. He is the liason between Remnant forces and Xander himself. Although small, Kaiad is extremely agile, and a brilliant medic. His extensive knowledge of Terrakus' hidden pathways and dark alleys is his most valuable tool. He's rather friendly, and the Remnant's go-to guy for any questions. Kaiad's element is earth. Any newcomers to the Remnant are to report to him, at Remnant headquarters.
    Jaste:Leader of the Uprising. Jaste is a rather large Dzin, with ornate ceremonial armor. He carries two rather large swords. Jaste is rather hot-headed and stubborn, but his tactician's mindset and downright murderous attitude have lead him to many successful battles in Terrakus. Although not the most elementally adept, Jaste has unmatched brute strength. Jaste can be found on the front lines of Terrakus.
    Aryn: Sub-leader of the Uprising. Aryn is a Dzin, formerly secretary to the Mayor of Terrakus. Aryn is known to be the most elementally adept of the Dzin, able to channel his kinetic energy to create shockwaves strong enough to cause small earthquakes; a feat usually only possible through Dzin weaponry. He is rather small for a Dzin, standing at around 6'4". He is usually found at the Warehouse, home to Uprising forces.
    V. Character Creation:
    To join Insurrection, you must fill out a character creation form, and post it in the Profiles Topic. Once approved, you may begin role-playing! Each person may have up to four characters.
    Species: (Most fictional/user created species, as well as Dzin, are playable)
    Affiliation: (Remnant, Uprising, none)
    Weapons/Equipment: (weapons, PATT Gear, Dermis, and ECGs go here)
    Abilities: (Remnant species list element [Earth, Water, Wind, Fire] here)
    Species Submission form: (please submit one if you wish to use a custom/non-listed species)
    Additional Notes:
    VI. Faction Creation:
    In Insurrection, players are given control. Though you may join one of the two opposing forces, you may also create your own small faction, whether it be a guerrilla group, outlaws, or anything else you can think of. If you'd like to create a faction, fill out this form, and PM it to me.
    Faction Name:
    Type: (Guerrilla, raiders, outlaws, etc.)
    Roster: (How many PCs/NPCs you have. NPCs must be in reasonable number)
    Location: (Include a facility)
    Armament: (Again, be reasonable. You wouldn't have tanks, gunships, etc. Try and be creative.)
    Description: (Goals, funding, how it was founded, etc.)
    Affiliations: (Other factions, existing or custom. Explain the affiliations.)
    VII. Gameplay:
    Insurrection is what many people would call a ‘sandbox’ RPG. Although there is a two-sided war going on, players are free to choose what they do. With the war currently confined to the Terrakus plateau, the rest of Alleria is free to explore, whether you be looking for treasure, pillaging unmarked villages, or just making your way to a new area. The island of Alleria is full of problems. Explore, maybe you'll find some to solve.
    As with any TBRPG, you must follow IC (In-Character), and OOC (Out-of-Character) format when role-playing.
    VIII. Rules:
    -Use IC/OOC, and use them properly. If not, you're gone.
    -No god-modding. You aren't superior to anybody else, and I will gladly prove that to you.
    -Don't kill other player's characters, or I'll have to kill yours.
    -Don't use other player's characters for anything major without prior permission from said player.
    -Just because you're a different species, doesn't mean you're a freakin' superhero. You have the same abilities/strengths as anyone else. Go abusing your status, I'll abuse you.
    IX. The Gamble Factor:
    The Gamble Factor is a significant factor to Insurrection. Being a war buff, I strive on the most realistic text-based war experience imaginable. Thus, the Gamble Factor was born.
    Now, you might be wondering what this means to you, as the player. Here's the low-down: In a real combat situation, extreme cases of heroism and bravado generally hang with heavy consequences. The loss of a limb, blindness, even death; all have been paid. This knowledge in tow, you must make many war-changing decisions, ones that could involve sacrificing your own life. Make your choices carefully.
    X. Staff:
    -Crimson Jester, Gamemaster
    XI. Species:
    Locale: Alleria's eastern island, for the most part.
    Appearance: Self-explanatory
    Powers: One of four basic elemental powers: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
    Abilities: Athletic, intelligent, capable of a wide variety of tasks
    Additional Notes: Humans have grown slightly since modern times. The average human height is 6'0".
    Locale: None known. A majority of their forces are in and around Terrakus.
    Appearance: Tall(er than a human), stocky, with smooth gray skin. They have sharp teeth, large jaws, and beady black eyes. Armored Dzin
    Powers: The Dzin have no elemental power, instead having kinetic powers very similar to elemental. With every physical blow attained, the Dzin absorb kinetic energy. They are able to discharge the energy in the form of powerful energy blasts, or use it to augment their physical blows. As well, all Dzin technology is created to work with this power, amplifying it to create projectiles and, in some cases, earthquakes.
    Abilities: The Dzin are extremely athletic, and quite intelligent, rivaling the prowess of humans.
    Additional Notes: Dzin live for war. Glory is the center of their culture, and failure usually results in suicide.
    Locale: A small village on Blood Mountain.
    Appearance: Tall and spindly with little muscle. A long neck upon which sits a rounded head with bug like eyes. Their skin is a mottled pale blue color, and they move with grace and elegance.
    Powers: They can draw on the life force of the living beings around them to give them energy and strength. They can channel this energy into a variety of abilities, each of them unique to each member of the species.
    Abilities: Highly flexible, coordinated, and well balanced.
    Additional Notes: Tranqwil are generally peaceful and are not easily provoked to anger. They are one of the few groups of beings to remain neutral.
    XII. Approved Characters:
    Crimson Jester:
    Name: Project 'Nessus'/David Lancaster
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Affiliation: Remnant
    Weapons/Equipment: ECG pistols, ECG IWS model (Interchangeable Weapons System), machete, heated iron punching rod, hand-held chainsaw
    Appearance: David Lancaster
    Abilities: Superhuman intelligence, strength, and agility. Extremely adept with his element: earth. His prototype armor allows him cloaking capabilities.
    Bio: David grew up in Terrakus, a 'military brat', living on Terrakus' Armed Forces Base. His father was an Army tactician and boot camp instructor, and his mother a medical wing secretary. His advanced elemental ability was noticed at a young age, and, by the age of 7, they had begun his training for the project they'd later name 'Nessus'. Upon reaching 13, his training intensified, and upon adulthood, he was commissioned as an Intelligence Officer, in charge of protecting Allerian officials from harm. His assassination record was rather high, and his job continued, until the day the Accord fractured. He disappeared for four months, wandering the country as the city tore itself apart. Now he has returned, taking occasional jobs from the Remnant, although, he does most of his work by his own free will.
  13. Crimson Jester
    Alright, since I deploy to my summer posting on Saturday, I figure'd I'd give you guys an update now, in case I don't get the chance to further down the road.
    For all who don't know, I've been selected from my squadron to instruct future military personnel for 7 weeks, teaching, among other things, leadership skills, instructional techniques, and survival skills. I'm being deployed to CFB (Canadian Forces base) Cold Lake, an Air Force base about 5 hours north of here. My leave date is Saturday, July 4th, and my (estimated) return date is Saturday, August 22nd. For further information on the camp, refer to my other entry on summer deployment.
    I will have very limited internet access throughout the summer, and when I do get on, I quite enjoy sending/receiving emails, ensuring I keep in touch with everyone. I'll send updates when I can, as well. If you wish to email me during the summer, please, feel free to do so by following this link.
    Anyways, I'm going to spend my last few days up in the city, so I'd better keep it short so I can get some sleep. If you have any questions, comment here, or PM me, and I'll do my best to catch you before I leave.
    Until August, BZP,
  14. Crimson Jester
    Good afternoon, Vault Dwellers.
    It is currently 13.30h at The Vault, apparently the power-hour of brainstorming activity. Outside the security door, the sun is peeping through a blanket of thick, gray clouds, and the air is mighty warm.
    But, petty weather is not why I'm broadcasting this message. 'cause, heck, weather doesn't even affect us in the oh-so-glorious Vault. The true reason I'm sending this message, is to inform all you wonderful Vault citizens of some updates.
    First off, the Weekly Guest Column feature is turning out good so far. I've had numerous people sending me in great columns. Don't fret, though: you still have until tomorrow at 10.00h Mountain Time to have your entries in!
    Secondly, the other feature announced yesterday, the Vault Dwellers' Society, is soon to be in full-swing. I'm just finalizing a few of it's features; expect to see that up in a few days. And remember, citizens, you can start sending your applications for the VDS, so get 'em in!
    And finally, I have another new feature to announce: the Weekly Interview Spotlight! Once a week, I'll select a topic, review the week's applications for interviewees, and select one lucky winner to be interviewed on the chosen topic! Feedback and applications are much appreciated!
    With all that said and done, I must leave; apparently a few Radroaches got in the reactor shaft, and must be dealt with.
    Until next time BZP,
  15. Crimson Jester
    Simple I am
    Simple I go
    A few simple luxuries are all I know
    (And all I need)
    A simple man
    I have no home
    For all my life I choose to roam
    (Down my own road)
    The simplest life
    Is all I'll take
    When everything is hollow and fake
    (So full of lies)
    A basic life is all I need
    But if I could have just one more thing
    (chorus [Not at ALL satisfied with it...])
    Your face
    Mine to
    I won't let go
    I'm haunted by the memory of you
    Simple I was
    Now I fade
    My simple life for you I gave
    (Gave it all)
    Empty I am
    Broken, sullen and scarred
    As I walk toward my grave
    (It beckons me)
    As I drift among the dead
    A thousand memories
    Flooding my head
    Flooding my head
    I gave it all for one simple thing
    My haunted voice for you it sings
    Calm, collected
    Hollow, fake
    I have become something real
    I have become nothing
  16. Crimson Jester
    Hello, readers. You may be wondering what 'Ask the Overseer' is. Simply put, it's a version of a mailbag; you send me your questions, I'll answer them!

    Thank you for your question, EW. I had to do a bit of research on this one, but, here's your answer: I began RPing on BZPower in early 2004, in a CoT RPG known as 'The Empire Returns: A Star Wars RPG'.

    Ah, yet again, an intelligent question. At first, I wasn't overly familiar with the subject, but what I concluded from a bit of research, is that, although the cat either appears dead or alive, the cat is, in fact, both dead and alive. Hope that helps.

    Ah, here's something I know quite well. See, despite not being an American, I followed the election rather closely.
    This election was definitely the most interesting one in a long time. Because, not only was history going to change, the fate of Canadian-American relations rested in the balance. On one side, you had the generally politically-strong, American hero John McCain, who I've always had support for. And, on the other side, a relatively unheard of newcomer, Barack Obama.
    A little-known fact is, that, at the beginning of the election, I was more supporting of John McCain. Before you go accusing me, though, look at his past record: first of all, he spent five years fighting his captor valiantly at Hanoi. After, with his Senatorship, he proved to be very strong and just on the political level as well.
    But, as the election moved on, my mind was swayed. The newcomer Obama was a unique one. He brought a young, fresh, intelligent face to the U.S., a kind of retribution for a nation on the brink with the world. McCain was turning into another Bush, sadly, so I abandoned him.
    In my view, the election played out perfectly. John McCain, due to his past record, had a good number of votes. But, overall, I am GLAD that Obama won. You guys needed a change.

    Well, aside from the fact that it's a stupid word...
    Oh, wait. I gotcha.
    Well, I really don't dislike anything about myself. I mean, I've got it all. Self-hate is bad mojo.
    Anyways, that's all that's in my mailbag today! Thanks to everyone who submitted questions!
    Remember, if you'd like to see your question answered by the Overseer, send me a PM, entitled 'Ask the Overseer', and it'll be up in the next installment of 'Ask the Overseer'!
    Until next time BZP,
  17. Crimson Jester
    A double standard, according to the World Book Dictionary, is a standard applied more leniently to one group than to another. For example, a belief that it is permissible for teenage boys, but not teenage girls, to engage in dating is a double standard.
    When judicial processes are applied more strictly to some people more than others, such double standards are seen as unjust because they violate a basic maxim of modern legal jurisprudence, that all parties should stand equal before the law. Double standards also violate the principle of justice known as impartiality, which is based on the assumption that the same standards should be applied to all people, without regard to subjective bias or favoritism based on social class, rank, ethnicity, gender or other distinction. A double standard violates this principle by holding different people accountable according to different standards.
    Now, one may begin to question, at this point, my reasoning for ranting on double standards. This might result in the premise that I'm crazy, bored, or just really, really strange. But, in fact, the reasoning behind it is quite simple: it's the name of a good friends' blog.
    Double Standard, as a blog, is quite a bit more intelligent and thoughtful than its' namesake. Simple and to-the-point, Necro's text prodigy is gushing with pure, raw musical energy, bringing vibrant, bold color to it's simple overcoat.
    So please, take some time out of your day, and visit Double Standard.
    Until next time BZP,
  18. Crimson Jester
    |Divine Blood|
    And there it is, my friends. Divine Blood. The brainchild of Koname and Rehz, spiced up a bit by myself. I am proud to say, it is now an official contestant in RPG Contest 12.
    Best of luck to all entrants.
    Until next time, BZP.

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