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Everything posted by Pekel


  2. CANADIANS CANNOT RAP and I saw a video to prove it.
  3. I actually searched out your blog to post something petty and spiteful like HAHA IT'S BOBBERT but I didn't expect this. Nice work. And since I'm sort of sick enough to drop out of college I may finish your holiday gift. <3
  4. Can Hanni and I crash your place for a game or two? THEN HALO TIME!
  5. I believe Dick also had some mental issues which might explain continuity issues in the book. Many major plot improbabilities - like the android police station - were pretty glossed over. Still, I enjoyed the book enough to keep it when I was returning my other school books. Also kept the cyberpunk short stories and Dracula, Frankenstein, and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Best Literature class ever. <3 Though I wish the toad at the end was real. I remember talking to you about this book when I was reading it, glad you got to it yourself.
  6. You look emaciated. PUMP IRON AND EAT YOUR VEGGIES. Congrats, though.
  7. If you think they're amazing above water, you're only getting half the experience. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend getting certified as a scuba diver. If you ever get the chance, definitely go for it.
  8. Good to know it's in safe and appreciative hands. Keep on enjoying it!
  9. You have referenced Maddox, pirates, Bionicle and Metallica. +winnage
  10. Heh, that's always how I used to play with my toys. Other kids would always ask "who should win?" while I was busy finding out. Made it more like watching a movie... plus having things fall into place themselves is much neater than shoving them together. You must have fun writing. I envy you.
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