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Metallic O'Dalek

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Everything posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. "Okay. What's on my mind?"
  2. Whoever guesses correctly at the time they guess, wins 500,000 DBs. If you don't get them all correct, you get 100 DBs.
  3. What about what just popped into my head?
  4. I'm not sure about you, but for me, it's "Pig." Don't ask me why.
  5. Amazing! The first word that popped into my head was balloon, also!
  6. Metallic O'Dalek


    I wanna do that now!
  7. Especially since I lost those two masks a couple months ago...
  8. So far I have the Great Huna, and am working on the Great Rau.
  9. Nope, Bionicle. But I might throw in a couple of Bonuses.
  10. Metallic O'Dalek


    I am working on a Sprite Kit! Woot!
  11. I have a Higher Score on 3-D Pinball than ~Laughin'Man~! I have a score of 4,188,750! I just remembered the other thing, I'm working on a second Music Vid. This time I'm using Meant To Live by Switchfoot.
  12. Go Whoever, I don't really care who, but go!
  13. I have recently been going through ancient Manuscripts, and have found something in common! They all mention that these creatures "Fell from the Heavens." This may very well rock the Historical World! If this means what I think, they may not even be native to this world! The oldest recors I have found so far, belong to the Inuit Indians, of North America. I believe that the Inuit Records are refering to the Saber Tooth Meeper, for they refer to a creature of "Great Furs, with muscles like Ice, and Fangs like those of the great Walrus, which we hunt."
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