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Metallic O'Dalek

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Everything posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. Today is a Blah sorta' day, know what I'm saying?
  2. In that case, I'm locking this now.
  3. I don't know. Maybe a Hacker figured out a way to do that?
  4. Never mind, ~Laughin'Man just explained. He was the changing what I said as a Joke.
  5. So do I. Meow pert purrrr murt wacka wacka*. *Not commonly used.
  6. Okay. Although it might take sometime to get my family to stop calling them that.
  7. Warning: If you can't speak really high pitched, stick to Owl or Crow.
  8. Chirp chirp ack Acckk twitter burble Burble twitter chirp Ack! (Translation: I told you so!)
  9. 'Ello. We hope you enjoy your stay! =D Also, I'm glad you left your sanity behind, because we, I mean I, have our my, methods to remove it from those who don't do it themselves...
  10. What, and then post throughout the school during Lunch?
  11. Sort of like mine, you mean? Anyway, I agree with you that that is rude, but yours would also be rude to put in your sig.
  12. You scare me. Also, you might want to keep up with your Tagbox on Turakii.com.
  13. I believe you mean Teachers, and yes, the principal did. In fact, they even stress on that more than anything else. X2
  14. Metallic O'Dalek


    I have Homework for the weekend, and yet, the schools policy is "No homework on Weekends."
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