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Metallic O'Dalek

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Everything posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. Yep; And we only have two hundred left.
  2. It would cost us One hundred dollars.
  3. Twenty-two. We all stack ourselves up, and the one on top has to change it.
  4. Yes, but it uses to much energy, and with gas prices what they are these days, we prefer to roll, instead of flying.
  5. I did it right after posting my comment.
  6. Four. One to shoot it down, one to jump on the first, one to jump on the second, and one to jump on the third and change it.
  7. Why, thank you. If Daleks were pink, we would all implode into little black holes, and then explode, destroying our selves and the universe. B)
  8. You know, you should probably give credit to the one who started the club. *cough* Me. *cough*
  9. Than 3+3= 4784396586259570565584873656y84756585637643743845438744873475437837835.
  10. 1.I'm all for it. Woodchucks should have the rights to vote, and to have a funeral if they're hit by a car or truck, leaving nothing but a sticky pulp to show they were there. They should be allowed to eat at restraunts, and be hired for jobs. Woodchucks should be allowed to have fancy weddings, own property, and have the right of a fair trial for any woodchuck crimes, instead of being unfairly imprisoned in cages for crimes they didn't do, and being forced out there homes with no notification. I stand on the side that shows hope for Woodchuck kind. B) 2. I would probably scream and run around until they sedated me. 3. See number two. 4. They would run around and scream, until I sedated them. :evilgrin 5. I have no idea. 1. MataNui would die, the toa would implode, all the matoran would explode, and the universe would come to an end. Any questions? 2. I would implode. =D
  11. I have a Mudkip in my possession, and will proceed to rip it up piece by piece, holding it out as long as possible; unless, of course, you were to pay me 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 widgets before sundown.
  12. Could you please kidnap Laughin' Man's Mudkip and Torture it while holding it for ransom?
  13. Metallic O'Dalek

    3, 3, 3

    *pokes Niki with active cattleprod*
  14. I am starting a Chinchilla Rights Club in my Blog, for those who are for Chinchilla rights! The official banner is:
  15. A dalek went wanderin' in a forest one day, when along came a watch-a-ma-call-it, interrupting his stride...

  16. 1. Dalek Caan would chuck all the wood it could if Dalek Caan chuck wood. 2. I'm all for it. Chinchillas should have the rights to vote, and to have a funeral if they're hit by a car or truck, leaving nothing but a sticky pulp to show they were there. They should be allowed to eat at restraunts, and be hired for jobs. Chinchillas should be allowed to have fancy weddings, own property, and have the right of a fair trial for any chinchilla crimes, instead of being unfairly imprisoned in zoos for crimes they didn't do, and being forced out there homes with no notification. I stand on the side that shows hope for chinchilla kind. B) 3. If time flies like an arrow, than fruit flies like a banana.
  17. How dare you interest your Doctor, I'm ashamed of you! P.S. - Good luck on your blood test!
  18. 1. I've never measured it. 2. A grand total of... *Cue Drumroll*... One! 3. Yes... I do now.
  19. 1. You mean the one who lives on Drury Lane, over in London? 2. A woodchuck would chuck all the wood it could if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 3. One, to have my own private Puddle Jumper, two, would be to go to Atlantis, and three, would be to meet Sheppard's team.
  20. I bring this message to you from the land of the Puffins: "Our studies have shown that for every number rating, one of our babies dies, we have lost thousands of new borns this way, and would like you to stop, please, be merciful to those who have caused you no harm! We beg of you!" - End Transmission.
  21. That's right, this is an entry where you can ask a Dalek anything you want, and it's totally free! =D
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