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Metallic O'Dalek

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Everything posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. *Climbs out of Cthulhu's mouth, turns around, and attacks with Banana again*
  2. Oops... Oh well, Die, CtD! *Hits CtD with Banana Katana*
  3. *Hits Frankin-Kal in the back with Banana Katana* I be Pirate, here, Arrr!
  4. Metallic O'Dalek


    Yay! I love Airsoft, even though I've only played it once... but who cares? So far I only have this cool, spring loaded Pistol, though.
  5. I wish that I could get my Bionicle rants out, but since my friend moved to San Jose, I have no one to talk to about it. Now, then, GIMME THE BROWNIES OR ELSE!
  6. Yay for you! We've had one as long as I can remember, and I love the Penguins! Have I ever told you about the Penguin Conspiracy?
  7. If you do one tomorrow, I might join.
  8. Metallic O'Dalek

    Pop Quiz #2

    #1.) Gahlok Va. #2.) 120 Giga Bytes. #3.) Is it ever? #4.) Who knows? #5.) Paper?
  9. Poor you. By the same token, if you stick your face in a dogs mouth, he bites you. but if a dog sticks his face in your mouth, you don't bite him. I don't know where that came from.
  10. But whatever of? Maybe it means lots of people didn't sign up for Life-time Premier Maemberships!
  11. Well, I have yet to actually save enough money, but they look cool. BTW, is the point of articulation in the waist?
  12. Woot! Less than fifty is what I'm best at! YAYZ! I am enthralled by your contest!
  13. it is fair and just! I don't get out until the sixteenth!
  14. Well I have to be vewy, vewy quiet, 'cause I'm hunting that Wascally Wabbit Bugs.
  15. You mean person! Why din't you go see if it was still alive and just dazed? :angry:
  16. Guess, what? You're winning the poll! Yayz you!
  17. Ooh, ooh! Where can I buy a Bouncee-Ball? I'm bored, I have nothing to do. So where can I get one?
  18. Metallic O'Dalek

    Mom's Day

    Yes, I know what you're talking about, Nikira. Eeeeevil doesn't even describe the horrors, think along the lines of "No sugar".
  19. Metallic O'Dalek

    Mom's Day

    They do? Mine doesn't, she's making us all go on the "Atkins Diet" with her.
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