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Kortu Campesinos!

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Everything posted by Kortu Campesinos!

  1. Living in Minnesota, I know the only things people would regularly travel here for, so I figure I know where you're going. Not sure though. Good luck. Keep spirits high, and hope you have a good trip. Prepare for excessive trees and Culvers (mmmm, tasty!) along the way.
  2. 5 stars for being awesome as a possum, dude.

  3. OMGeh Tumsz you changed your name to what I called you in your BBC entry topic? Sweat! Err, sweet!

    *Leaves 5-star rating for being so awesome*

  4. *Adds Ocrist to buddy list*

  5. Yay Girly Freak Llama Kid! I'm am commenting on you! Good work on being yourself. You should win an Emmy for your best role yet.

  6. Haley's Comment

    Err, comet. Sorry, Oc. :P

  7. Oh! You're Biomech. OK, I got it now.

    Thanks for adding me, dude.

    And why did you even change your name to Fruitomech?

  8. You guys are so sweet, rating me as a '4'.

  9. *Is the first to add a comment to the profile of Nikira*

    Keep 'rockin, Nikira!

  10. No way frankin-kal, he added ME! :P

    I rate like all my friends with five stars. You're getting... 4, Wexo. Kidding. I'll give five.

    Lol I was just checkin who added me and I'm all like 'WTH EXO ADED ME I FEIL SPECHL!'


  11. Hey, yo! These new profile things own, so I figured I'd drop a shoutout in here to my best BZP pal, Desertdan! You go, girl Dan!

  12. *Steals Laugh'nman's grape gun and stuffs it with a pineapple grenade*
  13. *Summons fast food to kill healthy fruits*
  14. Eleven more comments to give this topic 2000 comments! Woots! I'm gonna celebrate by shootin you all with fruit-flavored tootsie pops! They're right here- KIRBY! GIMME BACK MY AMMO!
  15. I join fahd lol. And made a nice fwoot userbar.
  16. *gets rapidly beat up while I make this awesome userbar for the fruit wars:* [url=http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid= 504&showentry=14937][img]http://www.majhost.com/gallery/KToK/userbars/ fwootwarsuber.gif[/img][/url] Feel free to use it. but give credit to me. And take the spaces out.
  17. You fight dirty. :angry: *Aims Secret Weapon III at Kortu and fires* ZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAPPPPP!!!!!! - You missed.
  18. *uses a magical spell to turn Eryzeth's Lemon Cocktail into a Shrimp Cocktail, which makes it not fruit and it's teleported away before it could blow up anything else.*
  19. *Uses a conveniently placed pineapple slicer to core Ocarda's pineapple projectile and toss it at JSZ to stop him from hurting our fearless leader, Doktor.*
  20. *Sets dynamite under a bowl of FWOOT SALAD and tosses it towards Odarca*
  21. *tosses a tomato and goes to get a quote from Nikira to put in my siggeh* This is so awesome. We should expand the fruit wars. Have secret hideouts in certain people's blogs where each team would meet, and then a battlefield in Dok's blog. Right here. That was a good idea. Hit me wit sum Dokkypoints, Doek. I gotta link to this in my sig. And put a Nikira quote in there, too!
  22. Kortu Campesinos!

    More Hhjj

    With the ladies all over you in all, won't you become a little compressed? I'll chip in for the plastic surgery, buddy. WAI.
  23. Thanks for 'really hoping that I won't fail miserably', but seriously, I'm fine. ... ...what? ..Norik needs luck? The horseshoe coming through your window and aimed next to your head is for good luck. Unfortunately, I just walked under a ladder, so my aim's a little... off...
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