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Everything posted by CHTrilogy

  1. They should just rent them out every so often.
  2. Did I mention that I REALLY, REALLY HATE MUPPAT????
  3. Exactly! Exactly my thoughts! This was one of the worst series of Who history, and believe me, there have been some doozies!
  4. I usually eat cheddar. But sometimes I treat myself with a bit of swiss cheese. You know... that one... with the holes.
  5. Now, I'd actually be eligible! ...if I had a collection that was actually intact.
  6. Yeah... well... at least they didn't mess things up constantly!
  7. Believe me, the only reason those episodes were good is because Helen Raynor edited them to be more sensible! Alright then. I'll have to refer you to these facts - and hear me out!: His writing is riddled with plot holes. His plots are so complicated that not only does he contradict the show’s past, he contradicts himself within his own single episode. In "Asylum of the Daleks" the Daleks say they cannot destroy their insane counterparts yet the entire plot is the Doctor giving them access to blow up the asylum, and all the mad Daleks in it. This is not done as some form of deception on the Daleks’ part; it is quite obviously a writer who has forgotten what they wrote a couple of pages beforehand.Amongst the shows many changes over the last 50 years, it has always managed to keep the same integrity and feel. Under Moffat’s control, the show has taken a completely new turn. It's now about making bad one-liners that wouldn't even be worthy of printing on a shirt!The Doctor's enemies have now become nothing more than a joke. The Sontarans were once written as great adversaries that took glory over war. Nowadays we have Strax, whose main purpose is to make bad slapstick jokes.Speaking of contradictions: in "Victory of the Daleks" one faction considered the purest of the most recent Daleks to be impure and destroyed them, yet in "Asylum of the Daleks" they seem to be best friends. Also, in "Time of the Doctor" the Daleks know both of the Doctor and even how his regenerations work, even AFTER they were made to forget in "Asylum". It’s too much! All of this thrown together complicated tat and yet the man who wanted to "make the Daleks scary again" hasn’t had them kill a main character in 3 years!Back in 2005, the Doctor was not the flawless hero Moffat now wants us to believe. He killed his people to save the entire universe from them and the Daleks. However in the 50th anniversary special "Day of the Doctor" (which only seemed to celebrate the last 8 years of the 50 year old show!) the two Doctors, and another that Moffat made up because he was too lazy to write out Christopher Eccleston’s planned involvement, bring back Gallifrey (his home). Or rather: they rewrote time so that it never happened! Quite apart from the fact that it ruins the entirety of the previous mentions to the Doctor’s loss and suffering for us as viewers, story-wise, rewriting time is nonsense! Moffat’s excuse is that time will fix itself, but this is coming from the man who believes he should be writing nonsensical tales. Surely all drama should have an element of tragedy and worry as well as the lighter sides. What is so dramatic about a world where you can fix time again by going back and it’ll sort itself out? There are NO consequences! Unbelievable! Consequences exist in relation to huge decisions as well as day to day events. People can identify with a reality where loss and seriousness come to play in situations of peril and/or heart break.Come to that, Moffat will create an artificial consequence when a cast member is leaving and he needs to create a last minute situation to attempt to pull at heart strings. In "Angels Take Manhattan" he makes it so the Doctor can never visit his companions due to complicated space-time events. He leaves a gaping hole in his logic - or lack thereof! - as there are endless simple ways around the situation. He is head writer of a time travel show yet has admitted he is clueless about theories on how it works in interviews. He hasn’t even picked it up from previous eras!It’s bad enough that he can’t write decent situations for his characters however it’s worse looking at the characters in question. They are all incredibly two-dimensional and in the case of the current companion, she has been nothing but a plot point... if you can even call her that. Steven Moffat seems to write his characters as the sort to be laughing in the face of danger, not caring about the chance of imminent death ["who’s scared, Geronimo"] and constantly making jokes about fish fingers and Fezzes with the insistence that it is "cool" to be this crazy. It passes bohemian, transcends over the top and hits the mental mark right on the spot! Every episode he writes has a character like this! Nobody acts like that, nobody knows anyone who acts like that and nobody can identify with that!Steven Moffat is a misogynist. In interviews AND in his scripts. He uses the same character preset for nearly all of his female characters - an endless amount of women he writes out to be nothing more than [insert hypocritically mysoginistic word here]! And anyway, if there's one thing I cannot stand, it's a misogynist!Finally, a quote from him from an interview in 1995: He's useless, he knows nothing! In fact, George Lucas is far too benevolent for his favour. George Lucas does not expect anyone to be so degrading about women! ...come to think of it, he didn't even write in that many in his films.
  8. I have been convinced that Steven Muppet is about as incompetent as older George Lucas - and probably worse. Tell me I'm wrong!
  9. Darn it! I don't have Twitty. Still - I wouldn't win anyway.
  10. Ah yes, I remember the first time I heard that on Radio 7...
  11. Oh, but how I've missed you all! hm... Makuta's there - but what about Mata-Nui?
  12. I'll say it: this series is not one I'll look back on with undiluted pleasure. Frankly, it's painful to even think about it, for a number of reasons.
  13. You lucky, lucky thing! How much would you price this baby at?
  14. This comes as no surprise to me, but I'm delighted all the same!
  15. I just remembered where I got that bit with the rocks in 'Winamp & Tuggles' from! It was from an episode of Danger Mouse!

  16. I've already got my copy of Skyrim in preparation for it... whenever it comes around!
  17. technically they were events in the Syro-Arabian desert. Ack! Don't remind me!
  18. YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!! I knew Bionicle wouldn't be lost to time after all!!! Thanks guys! Made my day!
  19. Already got my copy of BDcraft Cubik Pro - and I'm actually having a bit of fun with it!
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