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Everything posted by CHTrilogy

  1. W00T! DOUBLE W00T!!!! You can bet your life that I will certainly be buying both!!
  2. Well it is becoming more... cerebral. It requires a lot more thought on the viewer's behalf - which I don't seem to have put into it.
  3. Ooh! That's a thought! There's a Dilithium weekend going on right about now, isn't there?!
  4. What's happened to Majhost?! Am I going to have to move all my images from there? Don't tell me it's closed permanently!

  5. Well - I think I'm becoming disconnected from it. Series 8 proved to me that Moffat has run out of ideas, amongst... other things. I pitched this to other Whovians - and they promptly ganged up on me. Only when I learned that it's only a band of people known as SJWs who resent him that I realised what I got myself into. They poisoned me with their petty, feeble quibbling, and I don't know what to think anymore. Also, one of them accused me of being a bad Whovian! He said I wouldn't even know what the name of the 100th episode of the classic series was! Apparently I professed the show to be my fanatical interest. But no... I know a lot more about Star Trek than I do Doctor Who.
  6. Oh, Doctor, I don't deserve to be a fan of you anymore... can't say I have deserved it, really, when I think about it.
  7. As I said before, I bought a uniform set that ended up being given out the next day. I tried to get reimbursement of course, but no dice. And they ask quite a lot for a sufficient number of Zen to get anything!
  8. The with this game! I can't say I expected it to be good... but it's a train-wreck - first they take my money and now they can't even commemorate their 5th anniversary properly - the quests are all buggy and the Spacedock lags immensely.
  9. I dunno, I'd have to pour several hundred pounds in to get that far. Some hope. This is why I usually stay away from MMORPGs, they take your money mercilessly!
  10. Oh no, apparently they're giving away the TMP uniforms today, but I'd bought them with real money yesterday! ARGH! I want my money back!
  11. Meanwhile, I've started getting into Star Trek Online - it's only my first day there and I've already bought the Original Series pack which includes the uniforms and classic Constitution-class ship! Admittedly I do stick out a bit, but it's a lot of fun. I've also considered getting the TMP uniforms and ships, but I dunno, I've already spent more than my usual limit...
  12. They may still... at least with the Blu-rays, they have that choice. (Unlike some I could mention!) That said, I always like to switch the angles and see what's been changed!
  13. Oh!? I honestly thought we had twice as many members.
  14. So I've finally gotten the whole TOS on Blu-ray (the Full Journey box set), and I can start watching them all through. I'm particularly grateful that they still give the option to watch either the original or enhanced effects too; believe me, you haven't experienced the originals unless you've seen it with the classic VFX.
  15. I've had my eye on this one since watching the Ashens review of it. Perhaps I'll get one with my Christmas money.
  16. Yeah, I did kind of find that unusual...
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