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Status Updates posted by Kothra

  1. And do what, exactly? =/


  2. And Etna looks better in blue than in black.

  3. And He hasn't sent it to me.

  4. And his small sheet looks kinda strange. =/

  5. And how exactly is this supposed to work.

  6. And i definitely did not play in the LotR RPG.

  7. And I found that my time problem was the fault of me. I accidentally set it to the wrong time zone.

    (Atlantic instead of Eastern) XD

  8. And I hope they eventually bring Halo Wars over to the PC.

  9. And I like starburst squasehed into the shap of a circle. =P

  10. And I play the clarinet, which owns the viola. =P

  11. And I replied to it.

    Hurry up with your friend code.


  12. Kothra

    And I though that I Am The Otter was being rediculous again. I_I

  13. And I thought your old username was strange...

  14. And I updated my blog. =D

  15. And I'm listening to Technologic right now.

  16. And in Barbarian Invasion, I prefer the Romano-British (Rome + Britain = Epic win), and the Franks

  17. And its size, noise, and recoil make it the least practical handgun for a stealth-based character.

  18. And look at my latest blog entry.

  19. And maybe this MAS could be something about Rome?

    Se my topic in Artwork II for more info.

  20. And Reno's hair-do beat's Sephiroth's.

  21. And Rundas has the best battle them from the whole series. Followed by the Incinerator Drone/Hive Totem thing.

  22. And the circle begins again...

    (refering to your pic)

    Have you heard Daft Punk? They're better than They Might Be Giants.

  23. And the first bit of your interests somewhat reminds me of your intro comic in BOCL (Blue Orange Comics Limited).


  25. And we all know that I started the whole procrastination thing.


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