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Everything posted by Kothra

  1. Uhhh.

    I got it from a website.

    'Tis the lyrics to verse one of the beast song we know as "One-Winged Angel."

  2. RZ? On my first post is a link to all of the characters.

  3. Got the character sheet up. Have you checked out the first post at all?

  4. Yeah. I know my Av is beast.

  5. You said that already...

    If you do end up making some, I'll help you when ot if possible.

  6. Reku, you don't want to know what he's talking about... V-V

  7. Meta Knight's victory theme in SSBB is beast.

    It's like a guitar version of Kirby's, if you hsaven't played.

  8. The new pic is cool, but you changed your statment. =(

  9. I missed your birthday. Oops.



    View older comments.

  11. I put it there...

  12. ...Very well.

    *adds death count*

  13. And how exactly is this supposed to work.

  14. YOU FAIL.

    OH NOES.

  15. The Dark Angels rule.

    Have you seen my comics yet?

    There the Blue Orange ones.

  16. Hey MR. "I haven't made any topics."

    No problem. I just happened to have the sheet next to me at the time. You can print it from the website.


    I happen to be listening to the MGS Theme right now.

  17. After making comic in Blaseman's topic, are you going to start your own?

  18. OMG Chané.

    You mobbed his profile.

    Anyway. Two new comics.

  19. I just don't understand what you're saying.

    You also spelled my name wrong.

  20. Do you mean Victory Road?

    Actually I think it's the same song. From Ruby/Sapphire, right?

    If so, then that version was written by Motoi Sakuraba

  21. I won, 'cause I cheated.

    But according to my lyrics, you cheated too.

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