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Status Updates posted by Kothra

  1. You like the Redwall series? YAY! ^_^

  2. You listen to Relient K?

  3. You looked at my profile. How dare you. I will eat your soul.

  4. You love otters too??!!

    I thought there was only me

  5. You making yours.

    You naver said anything about helping me, but I would greatly appreciate it.

  6. You misspelled my name. =/

  7. You need a "real" av.

  8. You need more friends on BZP.

    Go out and talk to random people. Help noobs and stuff.

  9. You NEED to play Ōkami.

  10. You need to read Redwall.

  11. You never said happy birthday. =(

  12. You now answer directly to me.

  13. You only have 12 posts? O_o

  14. You play Empire at War?

  15. You posted in my comics 3 years ago. ^_^

  16. You really are him... XD

    Was I Kothra, or was I still Satua when you were making that movie of yours?

  17. You said noon, in your PM. I'm ready to get on at any time.

  18. You said that already...

    If you do end up making some, I'll help you when ot if possible.

  19. You said you didn't know who the person in your desktop was?

  20. You said you were going to play 40k. Which army are you going to do?




  22. You should add space beteweeb the songs, and title them.

    And your av looks like the side of a restaurant in Virginia Beach.

    It's called Abbey Roab (the restaurant). =P

    Though I didn't like their special steak sauce. >.>

  23. You should bring back your old photo.


  24. You should change your name to DX: The Virus of Zhalath's Profile.

  25. You should get a picture of a Wutai soldier.

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