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Johnny Truant

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Everything posted by Johnny Truant

  1. god bless america its just terrible. and i mean that content-wise, it's actually a decent movie. but just...vile. and also a little heartwarming in a really twisted way...not real sure how i feel about this, its a real mixed bag of emotions before that was the lego movie and that just blew me away, its so good
  2. Sweet Weapons - All Of My Best Friends Are Dogs also an into it. over it. shirt, a dowsing shirt, and a sweet weapons shirt theyre not here yet but im really excited to wear them and show everyone how cool and indie i am
  3. this is actually awesome, she's a really good singer, and this is kind of a nostalgia bomb cuz of fallout 3 so 5/5 oroki, emo vocals aren't about technical ability they're about the ability to make you feel the feels maybe this is more yr taste
  4. its really...bland :/ but the guitars r nice and crunchy, got a nice groove goin, high energy....3/5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itYf8qAE4Gs
  5. do you dream about electric farm animals also i didnt know you were even still active here
  6. LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem LCD Soundsystem - Sound Of Silver LCD Soundsystem - This Is Happening LCD Soundsystem - The Long Goodbye: Live At Madison Square Garden i got into this band after they were already dead ;_;
  7. Freaks And Geeks episode...8? 8 or 9 whichever one Sam is the mascot in
  8. i didnt expect much from an anime intro but that was really good 4/5 i know this is long but its so worth it, it really takes off around the 3 minute mark takes off to outer space it'll blow yr mind
  9. this is pretty cool for what it is, although im not exactly sure what it is... 3/5
  10. oh my god i couldn't be happier with this i may cry tears of joy
  11. currently listening to ozma this is good i can almost believe its weezer if i try hard enough i dont wanna completely write ozma off as a wannabe weezer tho, because of the work they put into being a band and writing songs and recording and stuff but they sound so much like weezer its ridiculous thx for the rec btw, exmilitary is super awesome amazing
  12. i hope the new Weezer gets back to the good life is more like what they did on blue and pinkerton btw anyone whos into post-hardcore and screamo should check out Lilith on bandcamp theyre real cool and ive never been able to get into death grips ryu, where would you suggest i start
  13. I think its my favorite out of all of their stuff the production is so much better than I could have imagined, every single song just crushes. Kurt Ballou is a master of his craft and they experimented a little, like on the first half of Moor with that odd, creepily whimsical piano, and the poppy chorus of Old Light (ft. my dude, the B-Fals aka Brian Fallon) and the last lines of the album (not the last lines if you're a cool kid who got the deluxe edition) deserve special mention "All I want is for everyone to go to heck It's the last place I was seen before I lost myself All I want is for everyone to come to heck There we can be free and learn to love ourselves" what a closer, man... TL;DR 11/10 they delivered everything I expected from them and much more
  14. haha yes so From Parts Unknown is melting my face off
  15. The Weight has to be a Motherload demo, idk about the other ones and id like a physical copy of remission but if they ruin the mix I'll be upset because remission's sound is quintessential sludge sound imo
  16. oh my god the new mastodon oh my god and they're even using the dropped A tuning again, I'm pretty sure they haven't played in that one since leviathan this is so good
  17. I haven't heard it yet, I'm waiting for the album to drop so I can go in blind and have my mind blown apart I also heard Brian Fallon is appearing on it and I'm a huge Brian Fallon fanboy so that's amazing also in reply to the whenever if ever part: I heard Picture Of A Tree That Doesn't Look Okay and thought rest of the album would be equally amazing so I kinda feel the same but I feel like it was worth it anyway because picture of a tree is exceptionally good that part when it reaches the crescendo and the gang vocals come in ("WHERE DO THE ECHOES FROOOM THE ECHOES GOOOOOO") the first time I heard that was almost a religious experience
  18. bringin it baaaaaaaaack I've been really into Crowbar lately, Kirk Windstein puts all of his soul into a sludgy doomy heavy metal package that is emotional and still like 8 different kinds of brutal odd fellows rest is the album I'm referring to specifically. Its so good
  19. Maron, starring Marc Maron as himself in fictional situations. Its really amazing
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