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Johnny Truant

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Everything posted by Johnny Truant

  1. No. When I played football, the team I was on sucked for the most part. Well, we were losing, but then we scored a touchdown right before the clock ran out. We won right? Wrong. The ref throws down a flag, and calls some bs penalty that didn't even happen. So we don't get the touchdown and they win. I'm sure those refs were bribed. I can't believe some people would take a kids football (I was in 5th grade) game so seriously. Just...no.
  2. Johnny Truant

    Is It Weird...

    No. I want to see it as well. Oh, the memories...
  3. Johnny Truant

    Rush Limbaugh

    I know! Srsly. He's meh to me. Not great, but not horrible either. Meh.
  4. :superfunny: :superfunny: :superfunny:
  5. ಠ_ಠ They need to stop having anything to do with anything else related to music.
  6. Oh god, the very thought of that *ahem* alternate spelling makes me sick. I know a couple of people on another website that post "kewl" instead of "cool" on a regular basis. It makes me cringe. Babby, kewl, cooly, lulz, lawl, wut, wat. Inb4 you can't spell "Problem, BZPers?" I do it occasionally, but only when I'm in a really really big hurry.
  7. O noes, it is the swien flu's.
  8. Because Murphy gets a kick out of disappointing and angering us.
  9. Johnny Truant


    Make a microwave smore, the marshmallow gets REEEALY big, so much that you think it's gonna pop...but it doesn't, you finish microwaving it, and enjoy a tasty smore.
  10. O I C WUT U DID THAR And I've actually said a fair few things that had that on the tail end of it. AFAIK, no-one's said anything, ever.
  11. Your avatar...it's DAT FUNKY DANCE Who told you about DAT FUNKY DANCE
  13. Well I think my state sucks so All states suck. That is the law of life. (Except Alaska, but only because you get free money if you live there.) -=< >=- "But why?" "We pay every citizen $1000 so they won't oppose the oil companies ravaging our state's natural beauty." "I'm home!" My state sucks big time...they're trying to re-write history.
  14. This surprised me almost as much as when Maynard said he found God. That turned out to be a joke too. So lol at your joke.
  15. The real story is that Blur is back together. Lol.
  16. He got into an "altercation" with Liam. The story's on the UG homepage.
  17. Gal-uh-ger. Speaking of Gallaghers, Noel just quit Oasis...again.
  18. I CAN! =D Best game on the Xbox ever. EDIT: Reading that made me hope for a real life BioShock. Only it will affect me in no way. well the genetic manipulation is a somewhat true thing but we cant shoot fire out of our hands....yet That would be so awesome. Although I'm more partial to Electro-Bolt.
  20. I CAN! =D Best game on the Xbox ever. EDIT: Reading that made me hope for a real life BioShock. Only it will affect me in no way.
  21. Johnny Truant

    A Realization

    =D I would like to buy one plawks.
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