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Johnny Truant

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Everything posted by Johnny Truant

  1. Johnny Truant

    Winged Cats!

    :| I keep saying, "older than the internet..."
  2. Johnny Truant

    Hey Look

    How do I get to Horon village?
  3. Oh my god. 4. Definitely 4. maybe a little of 5, just a little though.
  4. i am a heron. i haev a long beak and wings. if you do not post this to 10 others i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
  5. holy sadface. That sucks. At least it's not broken.
  6. Now this...this is epic win. How did you get your parents (or guardian(s), whoever) to let you do that?
  7. That may be an option for you, but a program on my computer blocks access to /there/. I come here so I can see pics from /there/.
  8. A little of column A, a little of column B.
  9. The last girl I liked reported me to the authorities when I did that. All I did was give here a gift to show that I liked her.
  10. But it's not like /there/'s that unknown. Lots of people recognize /there/ when they see it.
  11. Epic thread is epic, but should you really be showing screenshots from /there/ on here?
  12. Anyways, this is pretty much my life to a T.
  13. What would happen if I accidentally a whole cake?
  14. Do you really just do it for the lulz?
  15. Nope but I'm going to put it on /there/ tonight. maybe /there/ will think it's an epic win? I do.
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