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Johnny Truant

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Everything posted by Johnny Truant

  1. Johnny Truant


    Well...as tempting as the popcorn would be, I'm waiting out their Disney phase and seeing if they make any good music during their career. They HAVE to play Disney-pop, it's in their contract. For all we know they could write decent music, but alas, Disney owns their souls for the time being. 92% of teens have had or have been around alcohol. Put this in your sig if you like bagels.
  2. It's okay in some cases, but when bands have to censor their records just to be sold in certain stores, it's not right. Isn't it the parents' responsibility to say what their kids can or can't listen to if they so choose? Stores shouldn't be parents.
  3. *high-five* I expect music. GOOD music, judging by your tastes in music.
  4. But Paul is De- Oh. Happy 67th old boy!
  5. Blog about how you should QQ moar dood. QQ moar.
  6. Know Your Enemy is pretty bad, and misplaced on the album. 21 Guns has to be my favourite off the disc. Though I gotta say, I swear I've heard most/all of the melodies before. Also, they copped the title from Rage. And kudos. 21 Guns is also my favorite.
  7. No, it's not good at all...hehehe *steals because it's awesome*
  8. Johnny Truant

    A Little Story

    Usually, your blog makes me lol or at least a little bit happier. This, however, p***** me off to no end.
  9. WUT U DID THAR. I c it.
  10. If you were still allowed to have the wall...
  11. ... *turns away from computer* HEY MA! I NEED MONEY!
  12. schweet Also, I've heard the guitar controller will be replica of a Rickenbacker like John used. I think it'd be worth buying just for that.
  13. See my childhood? There in that toilet? There it goes...
  14. Needs moar Paperback Writer.
  15. oh lawd Another mac/pc blog, another flame war.
  16. You mean Sharon suing Tony Iommi. *I do not take credit for that comment.
  17. Johnny Truant


    I'd much rather have Beck's Loser played at my funeral. Actually, no. I want a viking funeral while Meshuggah blasts Bleed from the roof of a large building. Wait, what were we talking about? I guess it says you're a loser
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