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Pahrak Model ZX

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Eh, there are things I like about Gurren Lagann and things I don't.  I suppose I'm glad I watched it, but mainly to finally check it off my list, and it works best as an exhibition of interesting concepts than an actual story.


    Massive robots combining and rejecting the laws of the universe are cool.  I want to see if other things use them better.

  2. Your Trap Card activates my Trap Card: Retroactive Sarcasm Enhancer!  This frees me from any and all obligations I have made previously, so long as I spend the free time it gives me to play children's card games!


    And yes, I summoned a bunch of monsters in one turn.  So?



    Why would you shoot the first week of February?


    February thought it could gain one day this year


    So I'm gonna make sure it loses seven


    That'll teach it to leap over the year


    That'll teach it


    Well, at least my birthday in the second week of February will come sooner this way. Just don't miss. I'd hate to not have a birthday.



    Don't worry


    I don't miss


    *throws a rock across Spherus Magna, knocks a can off a peak in the Black Spike Mountains*


    *the real question is who in the heck left a can up in the Black Spike Mountains?*


    *don't litter kids*

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