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Tufi Piyufi

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Posts posted by Tufi Piyufi

  1. Voting Time

    SBC Contest #3: For Chima!


    It's here... it's the exciting voting stage for SBC Contest #3: For Chima!


    Voting begins April 16th and ends April 19th at 11:59 P.M. EST.

    The contest winner and final voting results will be posted in a separate thread on April 20th.




    BZP Rules and Guidelines




    1. wp_20140401.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Mine Turtle


    2. sbc-03-deity-dolphin.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Deity Dolphin and his Spectacular Speeding Boat Buster


    3. 100_3559.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> The White Gryffon


    4. 20140410_212224.jpg.jpeg_thumb.jpg >>> Sharkmarine


    5. sbc03_05.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Octosubmarine


    6. img_3751.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Flynn's Flamingo Striker


    7. image.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Lion's Royal Carriage


    8. sbc03_08.png_thumb.jpg >>> THE MOOSE TRUCK


    9. sbc03_09.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Lavurtas' Lion Tracker


    10. entrypic1.png_thumb.jpg >>> The Humming Birdshot


    11. sbc-entry-final.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> The Eleraffe M9 (Miss Malones Magnificent Mechanized Mammal Modeled Mist Maneuvering Motorcopter)

  2. This is the entry list for Official SBC Contest #3: For Chima! Placement on this list does not guarantee entry into the contest, however: entries may be disqualified at any time.




    1. Swert >>> Mine Turtle


    2. xccj >>> Deity Dolphin and his Spectacular Speeding Boat Buster >>> Topic


    3. Sycron >>> The White Gryffon >>> Topic


    4. RahkshiToa88 >>> Sharkmarine >>> Topic


    5. keiththelegokid >>> Octosubmarine >>> Topic


    6. Rahkshi Lalonde >>> Flynn's Flamingo Striker >>> Topic


    7. Makuta DUSt >>> Lion's Royal Carriage


    8. Kakaru >>> THE MOOSE TRUCK >>> Topic


    9. ldd2000 >>> Lavurtas' Lion Tracker


    10. Kung Fu Pyro >>> The Humming Birdshot >>> Topic


    11. Pomegranate >>> The Eleraffe M9 (Miss Malones Magnificent Mechanized Mammal Modeled Mist Maneuvering Motorcopter) >>> Topic




    Entry Name: The Eleraffe M9 (Miss Malone’s Magnificent Mechanized Mammal Modeled Mist Maneuvering Motorcopter)


    Entry Pic URL: LINK


    Topic URL: LINK

    Uhhh.... Man, the contest was over like 1 hour ago, your a bit late :(, I hope the mods still let your entry through though :)


    The contest is still open: the topic will be closed in about two hours (midnight Eastern). There's still time for people to get their entries in.


    But the countdown on the homepage says it is closed?


    From the first post of this topic:


    Entries begin being accepted as soon as this topic is posted, and will stop being accepted on Tuesday, April 15th at 11:59 P.M. EST.

    Please leave managing the contest to the contest staff.


    Speaking of, it's now time to wrap up the entry period. See you all later for voting!

    • Upvote 1

    Entry Name: The Eleraffe M9 (Miss Malone’s Magnificent Mechanized Mammal Modeled Mist Maneuvering Motorcopter)


    Entry Pic URL: LINK


    Topic URL: LINK


    Uhhh.... Man, the contest was over like 1 hour ago, your a bit late :(, I hope the mods still let your entry through though :)


    The contest is still open: the topic will be closed in about two hours (midnight Eastern). There's still time for people to get their entries in.

  5. Okay, thanks! A followup question:


    The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC.

    If I build a stand for the MOC, does that stand count as part of the background and is eligible to be edited out of the entry picture? Or can I only edit out non-LEGO background? Additionally, if I submit a gif as my entry picture, must it be a still or can part of it be animated (to show spinning rotor blades, or a rotating 360 shot of the model, for example)? Or is it best to just have a blurry, mid-spin still image of the spinning blades, and just include regular still shots of different angles? And is there a limit to the filesize of the entry pic? I like to explore all options and get as creative as I can, so sorry about pressing all the technical questions ^^'

    It would be preferred if you did not edit out the stand.


    Please don't submit your entry picture as a .gif animation: stick to static images. There is no filesize limit on the entry picture, but people are far less likely to want to load a large picture. Try to keep it a reasonable size.

    • Upvote 3
  6. A couple quick questions for some clarification and peace of mind:


    Is there any rule that says the creation must be able to stand on its own? Or can I suspend it on strings for photography purposes? ('cause it's a flying vehicle and all). If that's allowed, can I do some really minor photoshopping on my entry pic to just remove the strings from view?


    Also! Can the entry picture feature multiple angles and features, or is it one unedited photo from a single angle? And is there any sort of restriction on how long the entry's name can be? Would it be fine as long as it's under 10 words, or something?


    Thanks ^^

    String would not be permitted. You can use a stand made of Lego.


    A composite entry picture is fine, as long as all the pictures included follow the rules. An excessively long name is discouraged.

    • Upvote 1
  7. You've seen him around: helping out other members, reviewing a set or two, and generally contributing to the BZPower community. He'd be a top draft pick, except this isn't the NHL and none of those things I listed are hockey. Instead, since this is a web site about Lego, I'd like to present Zatth as the newest Forum Assistant. Please join me in congratulating him and welcoming him to the cross-check-less world* of the BZPower staff!


    *I guarantee nothing

    • Upvote 9
  8. BBC Contest #67: Results!

    1. Obsessionist: Ocarina of Time Link and Ganondorf (33 votes)
    2. DeeVee: PHAZON SUIT SAMUS ARAN (18 votes)
    3. Shadrahk: Halo: Tiny Co-op! (15 votes)
    4. (tie) Ballom: Barioth (8 votes)
    4. (tie) Steve the Squid: Kingdom Hearts II Sora (8 votes)
    6. Torran: Super Mario (7 votes)
    7. _Artakha_: DOG (4 votes)
    8. Octodad: Honedge (2 votes)

    Obsessionist will receive 8991 Tuma, DeeVee will receive 8979 Malum, and Shadrahk will receive 8981 Tarix. Thanks to Lego for the prizes!

    Well, folks, it's been another great contest. You tapped into the deep well of video games and came up with some terrific MOCs. Thanks to everyone who entered, congratulations to everyone on the high-score board, and we'll see you all next time!

    • Upvote 3
  9. Oh, lovely! I wish everyone the best of luck!

    I am now curious. Are we allowed to create entries in programs such as Lego Digital Designer? And although mythological animals are allowed (such as a Manticore), would humanoid creatures (such as a Gorgon or Siren) count?

    LDD is not permitted.


    Humanoid creatures are not allowed. Please keep to animals for this contest.


    Can I use LDD to make models?

    No, you cannot.
  10. The entry period seems rather short, but I'll see if I can slap something together.

    Does the not-necessarily-minifig rule mean that animals (ie frogs, parrots, octopuses) can also operate the vehicles?

    The entry period is as long as it has ever been.


    As long as they are clearly the operators, yes.


    This sounds like there's potential for a lot of very creative entries, I'm very excited to see what members come up with. I already know what I'd like to do with it. We gon' get some silly animal vehicles up in here ^_^


    These "clear, distinct, and prominent animal features" don't have to be just from one animal, right?

    No, they don't.



    Does Uni-Kitty count?

  11. Official SBC Contest #3: For Chima!

    It's Chima Month here on BZPower, and it's just not a party without a contest. This month, we're taking a page from Chima's latest playbook and devoting the contest to animal vehicles. You know, where it's a car but it's also a rhino. Best of both worlds. See also: Power Rangers.

    Your assignment is to build a vehicle that has clear, distinct, and prominent animal features, and a rider to use it. The rider must be able to use the vehicle, but it doesn't have to be a minifig. Several riders are also acceptable, but you need to be able to get them all in there.

    And what exactly are you fighting for? First place takes home a 70132 Scorm's Scorpion Stinger, second gets a 70129 Lavertus' Twin Blade, and third receives a 70126 Crocodile Legend Beast, all graciously provided by Lego.

    Now get building!


    Entries begin being accepted as soon as this topic is posted, and will stop being accepted on Tuesday, April 15th at 11:59 P.M. EST. We will accept unlimited entries for this contest, so there's no need to rush your entry. To enter, simply post a link to your .jpg or .gif entry picture in this topic. Your entry post in this thread should appear as follows:

    Entry Name:
    Entry Pic URL:
    Topic URL (if applicable):


    A running tally of entrants will be updated daily IN A SEPARATE PINNED TOPIC, which will be posted shortly after the first entries are received.


    Voting Process:

    Preliminary Voting begins April 16th and ends April 19th at 11:59 P.M. EST.
    Final Voting begins April 19th and ends April 21st at 11:59 P.M. EST.
    The contest winner and final voting results will be posted in a separate thread on April 21st.



    1) Your entry may not have been published prior to the start of this contest. You may make your own topic before posting in the official entry thread, but you must create a post in the entry topic before it is closed in order to be officially entered. If, after posting your entry anywhere on BZP but before officially entering it (including the blogs), you modify it and then enter it, you will be disqualified. You may only start one topic for your entry. Please post only one main pic in this entry thread and a link to the rest of the pics in the gallery on your image host (most likely Brickshelf, Photobucket, or Flickr). You can do pictures as normal in your own separate thread. If you need help posting pictures, please see this topic.

    2) Don't PM the contest host unless you have to. Ask questions in this topic and the host or an assistant will answer it.

    3) Painted parts are NOT ALLOWED. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game; however, for the most part, they should be System pieces. Let's say, at least 75% of the MOC System parts. Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. If either method is used, the MOC will be disqualified. The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC.

    4) Only one entry per member. You cannot switch or modify models mid contest. Once you have entered, you may not "un-enter" your models and enter new or modified ones in their stead. You may opt to bow out of the contest for whatever reason but you cannot reenter under such a situation. If you get disqualified for any reason, you will not be allowed to reenter with another MOC in that contest.

    5) Any flaming will result in disqualification from the contest. Competition is good if you keep it clean. Everyone play fair, NO WHINING, no insults. I reserve the right to DQ any entry at any time for any reason.

    6) Absolutely, positively NO CHEATING! Anyone found to be cheating or even suspected of cheating will face immediate disqualification from this contest and will be banned from participating in future contests. They will likely also be banned from the site. Mods know this information, so you're not fooling anyone but yourself by thinking you can get away with it. We run a check on people with multiple accounts too, which is an offense that results in banning from BZP entirely, aside from the contest... DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

    7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, birds, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you!

    8) Discussion is encouraged. Feel free to ask questions about models you see or about the contest in general. This is for us, the BBC builders; let's have some fun with it.

    9) The contest is open to all BZP members, and voting is open to all BZP members to participate in even if they did not enter an MOC. "Advertising" your MOC is fine by making a signature or avatar reminding people to vote for you, but mass-PMing is frowned upon and will just get you disqualified. Advertising your MOC in someone else's thread is also a major no-no. Spamming may result in proto loss or even post-count reductions, so don't do it.



    First place will receive 70132 Scorm's Scorpion Stinger. Second place will receive 70129 Lavertus' Twin Blade. Third place will receive 70126 Crocodile Legend Beast. Thanks to Lego for the prizes!


    Contest Host:

    Tufi Piyufi

    Well, what are you waiting for? Get building already!

    • Upvote 1
  12. It's a bit much to assume that all Bionicle fans are guys into "giga mega hyper destroyer droids", and exclusively so. A lot of fans of any gender will tell you their favourite aspect is the story, which is a little more nuanced than robots beating each other up. Even people who primarily deal in MOCs will give them fleshed-out backstories beyond combat. If anything, reducing Bionicle to Rock-'em Sock-'em Robots tends to annoy many fans.


    It's also a reach to assume all Bionicle fans are guys, as I can personally tell you.


    In any case, it's not an either/or thing. There's nothing wrong or unusual with liking both "masculine" and "feminine" things. MLP is popular in general, so it's no surprise that a fair chunk of Bionicle fans would also be MLP fans. It's not shocking or weird at all.

    • Upvote 3
  13. Flickr Contest - March 2014 Voting


    This is it... it's time to vote in the March 2014 Flickr Contest!


    Voting begins March 29th and ends March 31st at 11:59 P.M. EST.

    The contest winner and final voting results will be posted in the BZPower Flickr group on March 31st.




    BZP Rules and Guidelines




    1. 201403_01.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> "Mars Mission" Tarsus


    2. 201403_03.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> BBCC67: Sora (KHII)


    3. 201403_04.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> God of Fire


    4. 201403_05.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Yenqe


    5. 201403_06.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> PT 1


    6. 201403_07.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Electro crawler


    7. 201403_08.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Spondus


    8. 201403_09.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> untitled


    9. 201403_10.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Naval Commander Jaldamir

    • Upvote 1
  14. Final Poll

    BBC Contest #67: Super Smash Builders!


    This is it... it's the final round of voting for BBC Contest #67: Super Smash Builders!


    Final Voting begins March 25th and ends March 27th at 11:59 P.M. EST.

    The contest winner and final voting results will be posted in a separate thread on March 27th.




    BZP Rules and Guidelines




    1. c67_02.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Barioth


    2. link_and_ganondorf_collage_v3.png_thumb. >>> Ocarina of Time Link and Ganondorf


    3. c67_04.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Super Mario


    4. c67_17.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Kingdom Hearts II Sora


    5. entrypic.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Halo: Tiny Co-op!


    6. 1395015692235.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> DOG


    7. samus00.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> PHAZON SUIT SAMUS ARAN


    8. honedgeentrypic.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Honedge

    • Upvote 2
  15. This is the entry list for the March 2014 BZPower Flickr Contest. Placement on this list does not guarantee entry into the contest, however: entries may be disqualified at any time.




    1. -Smooth Jazz- >>> "Mars Mission" Tarsus


    2. Ballom Nom Nom >>> Indigo Sunsear >>> Disqualified: Entry does not meet Technic/System ratio


    3. Steve The Squid! >>> BBCC67: Sora (KHII)


    4. Th3 Ch0s3n 0n3 >>> God of Fire


    5. [ Chro ] >>> Yenqe


    6. The Phantom Terror >>> PT 1


    7. macsforless >>> Electro crawler


    8. JakePaleo >>> Spondus


    9. yossigina >>> untitled


    10. DARKSIDERZ >>> Naval Commander Jaldamir

    • Upvote 1
  16. Preliminary Poll Green Version

    BBC Contest #67: Super Smash Builders!


    Here we are... it's the first round of voting for BBC Contest #67: Super Smash Builders!


    Two entries from each poll will advance, as well as two overall wildcards.


    Preliminary Voting begins March 22nd and ends March 25th at 11:59 P.M. EST.

    Final Voting begins March 25th and ends March 27th at 11:59 P.M. EST.

    The contest winner and final voting results will be posted in a separate thread on March 27th.




    BZP Rules and Guidelines




    1. 1395015692235.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> DOG


    2. honedgeentrypic.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Honedge


    3. entrypic_hq.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Enderman


    4. vezokius_titus.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Vezokius Titus


    5. 100_3330.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Masked Dedede & Meta Knight


    6. c67_04.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> Super Mario


    7. bbc-67-skifree.jpg_thumb.jpg >>> SkiFree

    • Upvote 2
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