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Status Updates posted by Xinlo

  1. wow I don't even remember sending you a friend request... that must have been years ago when you were on tth lol. anyway, hi again

    1. Noxryn


      I kinda just checked pending friends since... Ever and approved a bunch out of the ton I had yesterdayish

  2. whoa unsuspended


  4. Xinlo

    Course, bought it release day haha. I was disappointed at first, but after a few more listens I grew to love it. As always, DAT BASS.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xinlo


      I know, it's like he was all "hey Alex, let's switch our parts okay? I'll play guitar with a bass, you play bass with a guitar!"


      I'd like to find out what's up with the drastic change in his voice, though. On the album it sounds great, but he totally butchered 2112 on the time machine tour. :P

    3. Eeko


      I know, I caught the time machine tour when it was in the area, and he couldn't hit like, half the notes.

    4. Xinlo


      Lucky, I've just got the disc. :P Not too many people seem to notice the change though, and he pronounces words funny now. Still, Rush is Rush.

  5. I never know what to type in this thing...

  6. Tell me why you are viewing my profile.

    1. Frank Zappa

      Frank Zappa

      Because I'm creepy

  7. Awesome, another guy from BC who's also obsessed with music. Good job. Favourite bands?

  8. Until one day I stopped caring/and began to forget why I longed to be so close/an I disappeared into the darkness/and the darkness turned to pain/that never went away/until all that remained was buried/deep beneath the surface

    1. Frank Zappa
    2. Xinlo


      *sits in corner with hood up*

  9. Mother fears the door, baby's off at war just like dad before.

  10. Holy ######, everyone in your friends list (except nif, darn him) has pony pics. EVERYONE.

    1. Xinlo


      gah I keep forgetting that's censored

  11. I need my masks ;_;

  12. you hakizak

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xinlo


      I've been good. grade 12 is awesome. you?

    3. Zahaki


      Same(Grade 12 now xp)

      Been good, been writing more of my Epic, and Drawing.

    4. Xinlo


      awesome. I need to do both of those more :P Haven't written my epic since april

  13. That package I was so stoked for? Not happening.

  14. 7 days until Th1rt3en! So stoked for my package ^_^

    1. Frank Zappa

      Frank Zappa

      I still gotta get lulu.

    2. Xinlo
  15. Got my Hero Recon guy today after waiting about 5 weeks. He's pretty sweet though.

  16. you stole my banner. D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xinlo


      haha I was just kidding. So did I :P

    3. Master Inika

      Master Inika

      Oh. :) Fluttershy rocks.

    4. Xinlo


      I agree. Thus my signature line lol

  17. "Tears fall from the shameless, shelter me, guide me to the edge of the water. Selfless are the righteous, burden me, lead me like a lamb to the slaughter."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xinlo


      I know right? Wrote those myself.

    3. Frank Zappa

      Frank Zappa

      A little pretentious but still good for your first lyrics

    4. Xinlo


      I don't claim to have everything down to an art yet, but thanks!

  18. ponies > homestuck. You should fully convert.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xinlo


      every single one's on that certain video site in perfect quality, and one piece


    3. Kanaya Maryam

      Kanaya Maryam

      My connection's too cruddy to fully stream a 20-30 minute-long video in less than 2 hours.

    4. Xinlo


      ...oh. I guess I've been spoiled by high speed. :P

  19. Wow, we have status updates now...

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Fancy that!


      ...except we already had them by a different name. We just couldn't comment directly to them. d=

    2. Xinlo


      well kind of. I never saw anyone actually update them though... I just put song lyrics in mine =P

  20. you, sir, need some pony love.

    1. Tenebrae Invictus

      Tenebrae Invictus

      No, good sir, I don't.

    2. Xinlo


      watch first two episodes, then tell me you don't like it. If not, fair enough.

  21. you have great taste in music AND shows! lol great name.

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