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Blog Comments posted by Distorted

  1. If you are non-Premier, did you start a blog this week?

    If you are Premier, are you blogging this week?

    I'm a Premier, and I'm blogging this week.


    Is your browser transparent PNG friendly?





    How many years have you been a member?

    Three and a half.


    Paper or plastic?

    Wood. :P

  2. Wii Music could be fun, but looks like a gimmick like Wii Fit. I wonder why.


    I don't understand what you think is 'gimmicky' about Wii Music. It looks like pure fun to me.


    Wii Speak is another pointless accessory


    First there's people complaining about the lack of voice chat on the Wii, now there's people saying a microphone is pointless.


    "Here are some more accessories that should have been here from the start. Here are some sales figures showing we are the best. Here are some pointless games. We will take all the casual's money to win this war and not pay attention to the hardcore."


    Um, the Zelda and Mario development teams are working on games right now, and we've had Pikmin 3 confirmed.


    "So while attending an E3 event like this, they might be given the impression that Nintendo is no longer focusing on the games that appeal to the core gamer, in fact we're still working on many of those titles, but it's just not the type of event where we'll be showcasing that anymore."
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