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Blog Comments posted by Ga-Metruian

  1. I go to bed at midnight on average. (that's one of the reason's I'm so good at drawing/woodcarving. I use up a lot of my spare time doing it.) I get up around 7:00 or 8:00. Or 9:00. The latter two most often.


    I have no idea exactly how long it takes me to fall asleep once my head hits the pillow, but fifteen minuets sounds about right (for most nights). I guess Makuta gets so bored waiting for me to get even the concept of sleeping in my head he falls asleep himself. HaHA! Take that, you pompous master of shadows!


    I hope you find something that helps you get to sleep!



  2. I know, but it's kind of a joke, since that's how the BZPower filter bleeps out words. With # signs.

    I know. :D


    I guess the reason I'm so uncomfortable with it is because nobody ever swears at my house. Never. I'm not used to it at all.


    Hash signs have names. :(


    IPB Image


    And up until now I had absolutely no idea what it was! Thanks, Phyoorii! [^^]


    Hash signs.



  3. Yeah. That's it. I mean, the fact that you substituted the actual words with # signs shows that you have a sense of decency, but I prefer actual words as substitutes for "bad" words if there absolutely has to be a substitute. ("crud" or "makral" in place of the s-h-word, for example...)



  4. What I mean to say is... I completely understand if you don't want to confide certain things to me, someone you only know through the internet. But don't be afraid to talk with someone you trust about something that's bothering you. No one is a stranger to having bad days, and someone who is your friend will want to help you even if the only thing they can do for you is to simply listen about your bad day. Who knows? They might even be experiencing the same thing you're experiencing and hearing you talk about it might help them feel less alone.



  5. Everything is going way too fast on my side.


    I can't read music well, either. I have to use the tabs or I'll be totally lost.


    Ah, the art of MOCing. I only really tried MOCing once, for a contest. It was the contest for the dark hunters thing. Didn't win anything. I think I made my dark hunter too strong. Or maybe they just didn't like the weapon I had for him (a matoran disk launcher). I'll admit, it looked kind of funny being held by a hunter bigger than Makuta, but it was the only thing I could think of.



  6. Actually, you can get a lisence when you're 14 in South Dakota, but I chose to do it a year later. Insecurity problems.

    Really? Neat.


    Don't worry, Switz. I'm sure you're going to do just fine. It's everyone else that I'm concerned about...


    And... well, I just became Switzerland out of boredom. It's not really what I'm going to use as a name. Use-r-name. I wonder how I missed that.

    I was kind of surprised when I saw the name "Switzerland (Tums)" attatched to your pms in my inbox. And just as I was getting used to "Tums (Toa Achilles)", too. :P


    Buckle up, world, here I come.

    That's the spirit, TA!... Er... Switz!



  7. You can take a driver's test when you're 14? I couldn't...must be state laws differences...or something....


    And...um...you changed your name to Switzerland? What about Finland? Deutschland? Netherland? Poland?

    He's fifteen, Le. :P


    Congradulations on passing your driving test, TA! (or should I call you Switz now? :lol:)


    Just remember: you may not be interested in driving right now, but you will be very glad that you learned when you get older.



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