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Blog Comments posted by Ga-Metruian

  1. A story? That's a good idea. Thanks GM.



    But you have to follow a rule: You must write something for it in EVERY blog entry, even if at times it's only one or two sentances. Writers block is not allowed. Don't let the story interfere with your regular blogging, though! It's just something to put an end to all of the entries exlusively about boredom, which are... let's just face it...




  2. You know what would be cool? If you were to write a story in your blog. You could write, like a couple of scentences in it every entry. Unless you feel particularily inspired on a particular day to do more. You are a talented writer, I like reading stuff you make up!



  3. ...


    Ok, let me explain why the melting of the polar ice caps WILL NOT flood Florida, or anywhere else. Ice is made up of both water and air. If you put water in the freezer, you will notice that it EXPANDS when it turns to ice. Put a bunch of ice and water into a cup, almost to overflowing, and see what happens when it melts. I have seen this done on a CHILDREN'S SHOW, and I have tried it AT HOME, and the end result is ALWAYS the same. The water level in the cup after the ice melts remains the same (and sometimes even goes down a bit). Water will always flow down to sea level. Melting ice will only flood areas that it can flow into. Sea level ice will melt and take up less space than the ice did as it turns to water. Any questions?



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