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Status Updates posted by ~iCab~

  1. I forgot, YOU IS A BURRITO!

  2. I gotta signoff!

  3. I hope you have a good summer! Its only 23 days until summer vacation!

    Also, *steals pieces of you in TtW's rock garden and put them in my rock collection box* Oh, and I almost forgot *poke*

  4. I just felt like commenting here. But now I don't have anything to say, so it really sucks. :P

  5. I lost it when I was a noob.

  6. I miss him... Does anyone still have Hordika Attack?I lost it. But, I still miss him so much...

  7. I saw.

    Oh, and, strangely enough, right after you made that last comment, a guy named 'Bonaman' just friended me. O_o

  8. I'm glad that your one of the Mods that resisted the TMNT thing!

    Long live Haropi Tohu.

  9. I'm so gonna get Rickroll'd. XD

  10. It's not really. I was just bored and extremely high on blood sugar at the time.

  11. It's probably a dupe.

  12. Liek, ur a grl? Leik, oh eem jay.

    So... yeah.

  13. Lol nice name.

  14. Lolz nice name. :P

    "Things that don't make sense"

    Your name. :P

  15. Look at the conversation about 6 posts ago.

  16. Man, I miss that guy...

  17. May I has a link to the Cartoona topic? D:

  18. MLT? Never heard o' it.

  19. My mom scares me.


    Goodbye... Fighty... *cries*

    Ah well just hope you PM me about it later. -.-

  21. NO U!

    Got bored...

  22. No, I don't quite think I am.

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