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Blog Comments posted by Constonks

  1. Quite sad that I never knew of him before this. It's safe to say his MoCs are some of the best I've ever seen. Not to mention the fact that he was clearly one of the coolest dads on the planet... This is just absolutely tragic, no question about it.


    So, goodbye, nnenn. You were clearly one of the best there's ever been.



  2. The prefix and Matoran ability are a very nice touch.


    And to everyone complaining about the color - Just look at Toa of Stone and Po-Matoran. Brown, tan, dark orange, bright orange, black, gray, yellow. Just because blue and gold are THE most common colors for Toa of Psionics and Ce-Matoran, doesn't mean it's the ONLY colors they can be. (That's also my thoughts on Lightning, I mean I've got a white and yellow Toa of Lightning beside me at the moment, even though the "most common" colors are blue and yellow.)


    Also, on the "hodgepodge of masks" comment: ANY elemental mask is possible, after all. Also, a Toa's advantages come from wielding more than one power, generally one Kanohi and one element. A Toa wearing one of the masks that holds Psionics powers is able to use their element, and some Psionics as well. Course, that means that they can't use any other mask as well. Whereas Psionics Toa could shoot a mental blast while, for example, using a Mask of Diminishment.



  3. Actually, I have an idea for a contest - create a comic version of any story not shown in the comics before. Basically, it could potentially give us the chance to get some location art for places that we've been in the story but never *seen*... or even canonizing character appearances. It would probably be difficult, but I think it could yield some pretty great results.



  4. The name list thing is pretty awesome. Especially if you end up with a good amount of them. I'm actually quite pleased with how much LEGO is giving towards Bionicle even without the sets.


    And iron as orange kinda works. I always thought of it as a gunmetal gray and dark red, myself.



  5. Found some you forgot:


    Toa Nikila

    Turaga Jovan

    Turaga Takanuva


    If you're counting all of the unseen Le-Matoran from MNOLG, then Boreas, Shu, Taiki and Vira.


    There are also a bunch of unnamed characters, as well:

    - The Fe-Matoran who gave Takanuva his Power Lance

    - The rest of Lesovikk's team (Unnamed Toa of Fire, Water, Stone, Gravity, Sonics and Iron)

    - 4 Toa of Ice from Lhikan's team

    - The Toa of Air that became Spinner

    - The Toa of Earth and Toa of Fire that became Prototype

    - The Toa that became Savage

    - The Toa in stasis on Odina


    ...There are alot more "Other Toa" as well... but those are the more notable ones...


    Anyway, I'll probably be entering... but I'm not sure if I'll use my preexisting Helryx MoC, or a different character...



  6. And yes Norik and Iruini and the like are part of the Hagah team in the main universe but they are still their own individuals and if they disagree with the ideals of their old team and the Toa Empire then there is no reason that they wouldn't rebel and leave their team.


    Well, the other four were mentioned in the retelling of the battle against Brutaka. But N and I have a chance to show up as resistance members.


    Looking forward to seeing it all come to a close :D




  7. Just my traditional January posting --




    If they're fake, they're fake, okay. If they're real, they're very obviously not final box art. And either way, WE'LL FIND OUT... in like... five or six months? If people absolutely need to madly dwell on Bionicle's future, they should await the new serials and look for early releases of Shadows of the Sky :D



  8. 1. I just assumed that the original BoM leader was dead, killed by MoMN long ago... did he used to wear the Kraahkan perhaps? And will this volcanic island have any future significance?


    2. A Legacy of Evil-ish serial? More about the Matoran Civil War? A few more pieces of the puzzle that is the "Plan"? Sounds great to me :D... Wonder if it'll include what regions each of the 2008 Makuta were assigned to... I wonder whose region Voya Nui was in...


    3. Alternate reality! Alternate reality! Yay! I really hope TSO's alive in that universe... and evil Hagah would be awesome, considering they weren't Rahaga at the time of Tuyet's betrayal... Oh this has serious potential. An entire alternate universe, where anything could have happened in the last 2,000-3,000 years. I love the thought of it... can't wait!


    Thank you, Greg, for another excellent sneak peek.




    EDIT (just because I saw Uncle Krekka mention Krahka): Yes. I completely agree... she has to come back some day :)

  9. Kinda sad that this is just going to be a serial... hopefully you have room for a little more interaction and character development... Although Into the Darkness was incredible for a web story...


    Vezon. Ah. It's refreshing to see that guy again. And it's great to see two Barraki in the pack, and ever nicer that it was the best two personality-wise... and set-wise. Takadox is also the one Barraki not to meet Brutaka yet... So... good choice all around. (Although, didn't know who the traitor was... ah well, not too big a spoiler... kinda surprising though.)


    Roodaka... guess the Hagah effectively saved her... seems like the only organization she really hasn't messed with in the past, the only one willing to hire her... definite motive there...


    Brutaka... that's just a Yay. I didn't really care about Brutaka until he appeared in ITD, but now, yay! More Brutaka!


    Spiriah... Don't know much about him yet, but a renegade Makuta seems like a cool addition. Guess he needs protection from the BoM and Tracker... although if Tracker finds him, he finds Roodaka, his sworn enemy... possible confrontation there?




    EDIT: Wait... Vezon didn't have powers when we saw him last... how's that gonna work?

  10. I don't really know about your placement of the Matrix (should probably be right on the fence of sci-fi and scifant), but it's a good analysis. It's also part of the reason I like Bionicle, because it's well-grounded, it's not that ANYTHING can happen, there are limits. And yes, the no-time-travel thing would be cool, but it would definitely cheapen the integrity of the story.


    Of course, this excludes comedy examples that use nonsensical physics for comedic value.

    Such as an improbability drive, or flying just because you missed the ground, lol?


    Ah, gotta love the Bones Blog, one of the few places where you can hear the word "Thus", and undergo some quality over-usage of the scroll bar.




    PS. Episode I Racer = win.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Questions:

    When the voice said that taking off the masks would cut their power in half, was this literal or an estimate? If it was literal, then it would give us a sense on how much power they would have without a mask on. If it was an estimate, then perhaps they are only weakened, or are seriously drained of power.


    Also, he said that they'd need to take off their mask to change masks, but in Comic 1 and 2, Vol 1, the masks just "merge" with their other one(s) and the Toa can switch masks in a snap. What's up?





    With a Suva, their masks can be stored and switched at will. Without a Suva, they'd need to take them off to switch them.



  12. That's a big "Finally" on Krakua. It's also a sign that the Inika/Mahri have completed their mission that Krakua told Vakama about in order for himself to exist.


    As for book sales, I agree on the issue being awareness. I mean, every once in a while I see them listed in the Lego Catalog... but I seriously think placing an advertisement within the instruction booklets would up the sales. It works for other sets, it should work for books too.


    I'm sure that putting that little "For a further story, read "Bionicle Legends 8"" thing (as in 2005 with the first Hordika Comic and BA 7, or as in 2003 with promoting BC 4) in the comics again would be a good sales move.


    Another idea would be promo chapters on bioniclestory.com, something enticing and cliffhanger-filled, making people aware that 1) books exist and 2) you'll find out what happens after the bit you read online... I know that the Prologue and Ch. 1 of Bionicle Legends#7 made me want to rush out and buy it...


    Just some suggestions, I'm sure you have your own... but I seriously hope that they realize how much the fans who read the books love the books.



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