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The Invisible Handman

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Everything posted by The Invisible Handman

  1. IC: Kohu (Ghost) "Yes, your illusion masked your shape, but did nothing to change your body heat, a Matoran with the temperature of a titan tends to stick out" Forget the secrecy, he'd figure out the nature of my powers soon enough. Besides was I really going to act distrustful towards my one major ally amongst the dark hunters?. Maybe I was getting too cynical already, but thought about our battle I knew I had noticed some form of upset from Acanon. I had to ask about it. "So is there something you want to get off your chest?"
  2. Huh it's gotten pretty quiet right now, what's holding people up?
  3. IC: Kohu (Ghost) I considered explaining powers before the idea struck. This battle had been too short, I'd need to keep the information advantage in the future If I wanted any chance of future victories. How freely should I give out information? I could lie right now and give Acanon false ideas about my powers to make the next match easier ... no, I'd need to share the nature of my powers sooner or later. No need to be secretive with allies and especially old friends ... but then again did dark hunters even have friends? No. I chose to answer the question in a simple manner. "I have infra red vision"
  4. IC: Tira Oh dear, seems some other poor toa has had a bit too much alcohol and now they've smashed their head on my table. Good thing she didn't hurt herself so bad. Still ... maybe I should help her. But I already need to help Viis. Hrmm. "Do you need any help miss?"
  5. The consistent black with blue details colour scheme is quite nice. Old and new parts have been mixed pretty well and you even included finger articulation. That said the head of this model is really disappointing. Try thinking up a custom head build you can apply here because the current head is just too basic for an otherwise complex model.
  6. OOC: Well guess I should just accept Kultax's death or summat. IC: Konihi Huh looked like Kultax has frozen. "Figured they would be, now make your way through the maze"
  7. IC: Tira "Foreign one's called ... Daskake? They come from a far off island, which is incredible considering how no ones ever gone beyond Mata Nui's shore before"
  8. IC: Tira I considered stopping and taking Viis home, but decided against potentially arguing with her drunken self. Instead I decided to continue on as if Viis was still sober. "Speaking of, have you seen those people who arrived on the submarine, they've been here a while but I never had the chance to talk to them"
  9. IC: Tira "Yet integration doesn't always go smoothly, especially when all these new people arrive after Makuta's victory ... I'm really proud that things turned out the way they did, current problems with the island excluded"
  10. IC: Tira "True, but when I first arrived it was Matoran sized everything, nobody really knew how to handle all these new species arriving, yet now we live in a thriving village where people of all shapes sizes and colours are welcome"
  11. IC: Tira I finished my water. Looked like Viis couldn't be helped right now. I decided to talk a bit about my past. "This village was so much smaller when I first arrived here, I cold have never foresaw Ga Koro developing like this"
  12. OOC: Are you gonna PM Septima's owner then? IC: Tira I considered saying something longer, but decided that lecturing a drunk was clearly a bad idea. "Well I guess I cant stop you then, but when life got hard for me I found that alcohol rarely helped"
  13. IC: Tira Ok now I was starting to get worried "Are you sure you want to keep drinking?"
  14. IC: Tira Hmm, I gave a moment to think of all the fish I had caught since I had come to live in Ga Koro. "Stuff like Takea sharks, ray's and Ruki fish like everybody else in this village"
  15. IC: Tira I slowly sipped my water. It was cool and refreshing, as could be expected of the village of water, "Oh well ... I make my living fishing the larger sea life around the Wahi, stuff most Matoran are too small to catch, it's a problem free, carefree life"
  16. IC: Kohu (Ghost Vs Acanon) Resignation set in as I realised I had been utterly trounced, and as I tried to dea with the blood rushing to my head. Still as I looked at Acanon I noticed he was upset, probably about how easy this had been. "Yeah ... I concede"
  17. IC: Tira Hrrmph, I'm not fond of looking through a trash-heep of a house. I just know it'll be cramped. Still now was time for some fun. "Then I guess we can go look for them later" I said "for now though let's try not to get too drunk, ok?" Finishing my first drink I considered signalling for a second, before remembering that I might have to take the position of responsible guide later. I ordered a water.
  18. IC: Flynn Flames The pressure was getting to me, I had to be out there helping my friend ... not waiting. Just watching this was tourture. Witha resigned sigh I let out pent up energy. "Okay ... yeah get the other heroes involved, none of us are cut for hostage negotiation"
  19. IC: Tira Compared to my friend I was still on my first drink. The rate she was going through alcohol worried me a bit. "Well there's your problem, you're working to learn something off of half faded memories ... here's what you need to do, tomorrow you can sober up and then we can find the book you learned from, do you remember where you got it?"
  20. IC: Tira "But you have been reading those books correct? ... " I realised my mistake the moment the words left my mouth "well I mean someone else must have read them to you, how else have you been learning unseen fighting?"
  21. IC: Tira "But the books would mention masters of unseen fighting, and would have themselves been dictated by a master would they not? You could use that information to find someone to tutor you."
  22. IC: Tira "I find that combat is best learned from a tutor, you can only go so far teaching yourself ... are you sure you don't know of any masters of Unseen fighting?"
  23. IC: Tira I take a longer sip. What Viis said was puzzling. "So how did you learn about unseen fighting?"
  24. IC: Flynn Flames Gaaaah, that was true. Flynn was in a position where he almost had to let gyro get captured, because these villains were too numerous to risk attacking. No. Heroes took risks all the time, we couldn't coward out now just because the enemy forces were scary. That said maybe we had other options. "I guess we have to start hostage negotiations then" I replied into the comm.
  25. OOC: Could be if whoever owns the character is okay with it. IC: Tira I slowly sipped on my drink. A fighting style for the blind, that's interesting. "So are you self taught or do you have a master?"
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