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The Invisible Handman

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Everything posted by The Invisible Handman

  1. IC: Kohu - Running Laps Wake up, run 6 laps round the wall in the morning, then proceed with training and recharge. That was the daily life of a dark hunter, excluding when he's on a mission of course. Some felt the need to complain about this, but the truth was that if one intended to live as a mercenary they needed to be in peak condition. That meant running laps every working day for the rest of their lives. It was either that or get lazy, and lazy bounty hunters often ended up dead. I paced my run, pushing myself to go a bit faster than yesterday, but not so hard that I'd overtax myself. At this rate I was well ahead of the Matoran and the slower trainees, but behind some of the more eager candidates. Didn't matter though, the only person I had to beat right now was myself. This was my life now, no this is what my life has always been like, so I might as well get better at it.
  2. Ok let's give this a shot Name: Kohu Codename: Ghost Species: One of Hyrdaxons kind Appearance: Kohu has a strong build of average height for his kind, standing at 2 bio tall. Below his armour, his body is covered with scars from past battles. Kohus armour consists of large pale grey segments covering his legs, arms, feet and upper torso with grey flexible material covering the gaps and everything else. Kohu wears a powerless pale grey Iden, behind which his piercing green eyes shine. On his hip he wears a grey satchel that holds crossbow bolts. Kohus pale grey crossbow clips onto his back and he has a supply of rope wrapped from over his shoulder to his hip, and held in place by clips. Powers: Kohu can create a dense fog that obscures both sound and vision over a wide area. Kohu does not need to create this fog at his position , he can place fog clouds a distance away from himself. To allow him to see through his own fog, Kohu was given infra red vision. Backstory: While currently a taciturn and professional sort, Kohu started out his life as a young warrior eager to prove his worth under Carapar’s banner in the time before the Barraki aligned together. As he worked for Carapar he came to develop his skills in stealth, often sneaking behind enemy lines to sabotage them. In this time Kohu lost his enthusiasm and any naiveté he had, becoming nihilistic and interested only in warfare. Yet after campaign after campaign of battle, each becoming more intense in the lead up to conquering the world, Kohu’s career suddenly ended with the defeat of the Barraki. Now alone in a (sort of) peaceful world, Kohu would become a mercenary who would throw himself into any battle even if the pay was little. Some of this work was for Makuta Bitil, who gave him his powers in exchange for his work and as part of an experiment to create a perfect assassin. Eventually the Dark Hunters noticed someone was out pricing them and offered Kohu a deal, work for them or die. Not caring who he took orders from, Kohu accepted. As he stands now Kohu is a taciturn and focused individual. Prioritizing the mission above all else, he cares little for the lives of his enemies but does value his team mates. He can be reckless at times, showing little care for his safety. Oddly enough for a Dark Hunter, Kohu shows little ambition. Tools: Crossbow and rope that can be tied to his crossbow bolts to form a zip line. Skills: Kohu is a stealthy sort, even when his powers are not active he can be hard to find, and his experience climbing makes it easy for him to sneak his way into anywhere. Kohu is well disciplined in war, brutal in hand to hand combat and an excellent shot with his crossbow, able to easily make killing shots from a distance. Edit: formatting goof, fixed now.
  3. IC: Flynn Flames Nodding at Cobra's affirmation, I set off. This would be difficult, there was a clear lookout watching for heroes at the ships entrance and not much cover I could hide behind. Peering round a corner I waited for when the watching villains attention was drawn elsewhere, then I made my move. Springing from behind cover, I darted back to an alley behind our position. It was a clean space clearly used not for seedy secret dealings, but for simply delivering stock to shops discreetly. Noticing a stairway to the roof, I climbed up and crouched to a prone position to spy on the ships side. Still no view through the ships window though. I needed to get to another position.
  4. OOC: Dude, Silvans running the quest. Also we're down to 3 people now so that sucks. IC: Konihi "Coward" Speaking of cowardice, the others were also taking their time. At this I proceeded to the next chamber. After all it was only natural that the strong would leave the weak behind.
  5. IC: Flynn Flames I was beginning to get overwhelmed by the number of villains we would have to deal with if I we wanted to save Gyro. From the brief moment I met him, I knew he was a friendly sort but ... could we even save him? As much as I hated it we needed a plan. "Let's sneak to another position, I want to see who's in the pilot's seat."
  6. OOC: Did everyone leave or something? IC: I peer round cover to see a guy with orange eyes keeping a lookout. "He might not last much longer if we get spotted"
  7. That temple door feature is nice. I also love the miniature tarkava who's just great. It's a good setpiece.
  8. They look nice. Skeez is my least favorite for his asymmetrical legs and meh arm designs. I do love how happy Burlzz looks though, he's kinda cute.
  9. Well shoot, considering Flynns heat based powers you should spot him pretty easily.
  10. IC: Flynn Flames I felt anxious at the sight of the ship full of villains, were they watching us now? I couldn't see inside to check. Gahh, waiting is hard. "Yeah but for how long can he keep on bluffing?"
  11. IC: Tio "Well let's stop them from following our steps again" I lazily held out my hand and with a small flick of my wrist, summoned the elemental energy needed to obscurificate our footsteps in the snow, all the way to a little beyond the hut we were staying at moments ago. Satisfied I continued my stride to the observatory hut. The hut itself had been unclaimed by any of the new residents, as I could see through the windows. Unfortuantely it had been ransacked and the top bore a hole, assumedly from the battle where Ko Koro was taken. Eager to get to a vantage point, I opened the doors and slipped into the building, making my way to the top floor to get another handle on what was going on in the Koro.
  12. OOC: Might just wait for our group to find something we can respond to when we reach the tower. IC: Tio "Yeah, I would very much love not to meet them again ... do you know how the Vortixx tracked us?" While we talked in hushed tones, we walked to the observatory. Banking on the guard not being fully alerted yet we walked through the streets themselves instead of suspiciously creeping through allys, yet the group did it's best not to draw attention.
  13. I feel like if you're going to build a mech you should include a cockpit. I feel like the common flaw these builds have is that most of them feel lanky and bare. Maybe that's your intention but I've rarely seen bare hero limbs look right. I like some of the colour schemes here, though I don't like the blending of old and new Bionicle colours. The guy who's a redesign looks the best.
  14. IC: Flynn Flames - Antropolis Ohhh, I see someone else is a Bond fan. I should talk to him about it ... after the mission. Yet my attention was drawn back to the sound of the villain ship beginning it's take off preparations. Was Gyro taking off in a ship full of villains? Were the villains taking off with him as a hostage. Whatever it was this was a terrible situation. "Erm guys, what do we do about this ..."
  15. Same way everyone knew where Gyro was when we needed to group up, our feeds are all being monitored by zib, so that will inevitably include our gps position. That and I mistakenly assumed Gyro had included the ships make and location in his email, which he might not have so sorry about that mistake.
  16. Pretty neat colourful map there, I should check out that interactive adventure sometime. I assume the colours match up to the elements, but there are 8 regions so I'm a bit confused.
  17. Pretty nice Kurahk avvie. I assume it was made in mspaint though?
  18. IC: Flynn Flames - Antropolis The moment Ferro stopped talking I crouched down behind a crate. "... Good point, I never got your name though ... I'm Flynn Flames"
  19. IC: Flynn Flames Now that I had calmed down a bit I followed ahead of Cobra at the briskest of walking paces. Coming to just within sight of the spaceship I could see some black amphibious alien entering the ship ... clearly some nefarious evildoer just waiting to kill Gyro ... NO, I had to wait. "How do we know when Gyro needs us?"
  20. OOC: That's the problem with running challenges for super powered individuals. They cheat. IC: Konihi - Po Wahi Temple I took notice of the letters below my feet as I walked the path of tiles, even though it was disconcerting to look down at the thin columns that held us up above an endless abyss. That said I had slept just fine in trees just as thick back at my home. There was something funny about how they read knowledge. Sure wisdom could take the form of spotting patterns, but back at my home wisdom always took the form of risk avoidance. On an island where danger lurked everywhere, the smartest option was to fight unfairly. "Come on, I don't want to wait here too long before something else collapses"
  21. On Toa Ballom I am referring to the area covering below his head and at the top of his metru-toran chest plate, to both of his shoulders.
  22. Oh ok, when I was talking about the gap in front of the neck I meant the space between the straps on his shoulders, I assumed it was all armour so the gap between them looked out of place.
  23. IC: Flynn Flames With Cobra's hand still in my grasp, the moment he stopped my momentum carried me forward, I let go and fell straight into the ground. "But we have no time to lose ... fine we can stake the ship out"
  24. IC: Tio I paused for a moment, ... where could we go as a group. "Away from here, and to high ground, if we're lucky we can spot the guard patrols from atop a taller building without them seeing us" I trod through the snow to a familiar street. "I remember there was an astrologers hut nearby, it should be tall enough to serve as a vantage point"
  25. IC: Flynn Flames - Antropolis Hero Krew It seemed like I was not getting an answer soon, oh well. Things were getting a bit dull though, as I idly checked my computer I noticed I had an email. As I read it things got a lot less dull and a lot more ... dramatic. "GYRO WAS SNEAKING OF WITH A REPORTER, BUT SHE MIGHT BE A VILLAIN! QUICK COBRA! WE MUST RESCUE HIM" I bellowed as I grabbed the cold hero by the hand. We had to save gyro at all costs, especially now he was in such danger.
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