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The Invisible Handman

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Everything posted by The Invisible Handman

  1. Good job on integrating a launcher into a folding scythe. Can you get it to fire? Regardless the folding mechanism is impressive on it's own so well done there!
  2. Since most of us are quite flexible, I wonder if we should just let a random number generator pair us up. It'd keep things unexpected.
  3. I'd argue that the fight would not necessarily end their animosity but could intensify it, but you two know your characters and bring up good points so yeah. Guess you'll have to fight some other guys.
  4. I do(want to see Zarnya and Erox fight), it'd be a nice capping off to Erox's self destruction of his standing amongst the group.
  5. I'm amazed you managed to make red and green work together so well. I think he needs more distinct eyes, they blend in a bit. Still this is an awesome build, well done.
  6. As the guy who specced in stealth over combat and has to hold back because lethal headshots are gonna be frowned upon during training, yeah this is gonna be hard. That said I will happily fight anyone who wants to.
  7. Yeah I thought the same thing, Strider did send me a pm explaining how but he really should include that information in his post himself.
  8. IC: Kohu The exit to the labyrinth was in sight, just across a huge spiked pit, too far for me to jump, too wide for me to zip line across. I pre-emptively attached a bolt to my rope, just in case. There were chains attached to the ceiling though, and handholds on the walls. Quickly planning my path, I tentatively sidestepped along a narrow ridge. Yet as I did so the ground gave way beneath me. Plummeting to my doom, I quickly grabbed a handhold with my feet dangling inches from the spikes of the pit. Aware of how close to death I had come I pulled myself up to another handhold, checking the stability of each one as I made my way back up to the top. My progress slowed as several handholds gave way, yet I reached the top. Leaping off the wall I grabbed onto one of the ceiling chains, thankfully it didn't drop me. I sung from chain to chain, making my way to the exit, yet at the last chain. *SNAP* I was plummeting to the floor again; quick as I could I pulled out my crossbow and fired my rope bolt at the exit. I held on the end for my life, any panic I had disappeared as the rope pulled taut and I stopped falling. Proud that it was finally over, I pulled myself up the rope to the exit. I stepped out of the maze into the open, noticing who had completed the maze ahead of me, and one new face amongst the bunch.
  9. IC: Tio As we got moving I was left alone with my thoughts. I could not stand running from these people for too long. We had to fight back somehow. A wicked idea sprung up in my head. I opened a trap door in a rooftop not too far from the observatory I had been in, motioning for the others to get in I entered last peeking my head out so I could watch for when our pursuers entered the tower.
  10. OOC: Yay thanks for joining in again terror. IC: Konihi I watched Kultax intently, if I wanted to conserve energy I would need to avoid teleporting, so if he found a safe path it would be best for me to copy it. "Watch carefully, whatever path he takes is the one we may have to"
  11. Po Wahi temple run IC Konihi: Well that confirmed my fears. I could teleport past this easily but my meat shields couldn't. "If we touch too many pillars this whole room will collapse I could teleport across but going through the temple alone seems like a bad idea ... Ayna you're small so you go first"
  12. IC: Tio "He's surrounded by Echelons forces, I doubt he's doing well" I turned towards where Kaen was pointing ... they did not let up did they? "Guess we'll have to give them the slip again" I made my way to the opposite side of the building from where the collectors group was approaching and with my elemental energies, summoned a ladder of ice leading down to the rooftop of another building. Climbing down quickly I signaled for Kaen to come.
  13. I really like the bulky look this guy has. Those trap hands and the custom head are excellent and the unique feet are great. This is an excellent build.
  14. IC: Konihi The smell of stale temple was a new one to me, and not something I waned to smell again. Still the stone rods here intrigued me. "I have an idea ..." I said whilst picking up a loose stone. Backing off a bit, I threw it at one of the rods.
  15. I think we're all waiting for Terror right now, Konihi's moved ahead though. Kinda sad that most of our party is gone.
  16. IC: Kohu - Still in the maze I worked through the pain as I made my way around yet another corner. As I tentatively stepped on a tile a Kanoka of ice shot out of the far wall. I dived forwards to doge it with seconds to spare. The room was just too long and narrow to cheat this one with my rope, but there was no sign of a safe path. Guess I'd have to rely on my agility then. Jumping to a wall, I briefly gripped into the rock with my long toes thenI jumped further into the corridor. Ducking low as a Kanoka shot above my head leapt to the next wall, and bounded further ahead, this time nimbly jumping out the the way of a low flying Kanoka disk. As I got closer I would have no time to doge, so I pushed myself to the limit, jumping to the next wall before using all my leg strength to wall jump to the other wall, almost drained I made my final desperate jump from the wall barely to safety beyond the tiles. As I made my way further into the maze I wondered how many more challenges I would face.
  17. IC: Flynn Flames, on top of a roof I shook my head in response, then I focused on the ships exit, when the villains weren't looking again I darted back behind an air vent. With some cover to me now I made my way to a new position that allowed me to see the cockpit. Where Gyro was quietly freaking out ... WHAT!
  18. IC: Tio "Yes, but how do we help?" I wondered if helping was even worth it, bumping off a champion of Mata Nui would be great, but so long as Echelon drew breath Makuta could return. At the rate of progress the Maru were making towards reawakening the great spirit, I could afford to let them live for now, but would I ever get the chance to kill a Toa Maru again? I decided it didn't matter, the slightest chance of Makuta's return with no one to oppose him was worse than risking Mata Nui's awakening.
  19. IC: Kohu I didn't have the firepower to take these monsters on, but I could get past them but first I wanted to recover my equipment. I backed up as I dropped down to a prone position, fortunately the scorpions hadn't noticed me yet ... I grabbed my rope and wrapped it back around myself, I could very much need it later. Activating my powers a fog descended down onto the catapult scorpion filled chamber, agitating the Rahi within. From their tails they launched boulders haphazardly in an attempt to strike the source of the fog, me. Taking my chance while the thick fog obscured their vision I dropped to the ground, darting between insectoid legs towards the next chamber. With my thermal vision I could easily make out the scorpions though their blinded movements were random. WHAM! A segmented leg slammed into my side as I ran to the exit, slamming me into the ground with a powerful kick. The pain dazed me for a second but I knew I had to get moving before the scorpion noticed it had hit me, or before my fog dissipated now I now l was no longer focusing on it. I rolled away in the nick of time to avoid a scuttling leg and pulled myself up. Hobbling beyond an exit too small for the Rahi to pass, and aware I could be attacked at any moment, I made my way to safety. Relief passed through me as I crossed the threshold, to safety which turned to terror as a stinger smashed itself through the exit, writhing around at my general direction. I crouched low to avoid the catapult scorpions wrath, it hadn't seen me yet but my fog was dissipating fast now. Taking my chances and fighting through the pain, I broke out into a run crossing into a corridor too narrow for the Rahi. The loud angry screeches of monsters thundered through the air behind me.
  20. IC: Kohu I glumly took note of Acanon's silence as I finished my remaining laps, finishing alongside the group at slightly slower than my personal best. If I was to become a dark hunter that was not acceptable. Still, I paid close attention to Nidhiki's speech before quickly making my way into the obstacle course. I chose my own path out of principle, if I was to succeed as a dark hunter I would need to be able to do it independently. I adjusted my pace in a compromise between speed and caution. Carefully approaching blind corners wary of what could be ahead, but never dawdling in one place for too long. Coming across an impassable smooth wall, I considered turning back for the slightest moment. I quickly had a better idea though, attaching my rope to a crossbow bolt, I took aim at the top of the wall and fired. The bolt lodged itself in the wall firmly and I now had an easy way to climb to the top. Jumping up I grabbed the rope in my hands, and wrapped a section under my foot, giving me something to stand on for my next 'jump' up the rope. It was upon reaching the top of the wall that I realized my folly. Just below me on the other side was a group of truly violent Rahi ... Catapult Scorpions!
  21. IC: Tio It was the flames that drew my attention to the fight. From atop the observatory I could see flames that could only come from a toa Maru. Oreius was fighting someone. Fortunately the observatory had a telescope I could use to get a look at the action. Still the others needed to see this, so I called to them. "Look!"
  22. Boy am I excited to play project protodermis

  23. IC: Kohu - Running and thinking. Also keeping silent to focus on running, I took a moment to focus on what Acanon had said. A return of the Barraki? Could the shadowed one find them? Would he find them? ... No, no he would not. The thought brought a grimace to my face. Odina was not a place where dreams came true, especially dreams of the Six Kingdoms. No, Odina's the place where dreams died. I turned away for a moment but soon realized we were at the top of the tunnel, we could speak again. Maybe Acanon had good reason to believe the Shadowed one could find Carapar. "How do you know The Shadowed One can find the Barraki?"
  24. IC: Kohu - Running confused The mere sight of my former lieutenant, Acanon catching up to me, the one person I never expected to see here of all people, threw me out of my focus. Ancient routines brought themselves to the surface as if I had learned them just days ago and for one moment, I was back serving under the six kingdoms again. "SIR, YES SIR!" I called out on reflex. In truth though I was glad to see Acanon, and on my face was the closest thing to a smile I had sported in millenia. Between Acanon besides me and Zaryna ahead of me I could only wonder about how things had changed from the days of the six kingdoms. 70,000 years was a long time, during that time my Iden had broke, I got my new powers, swapped my mottled brown armour for grey, and I realized that combat was the only time I felt alive. How had time Changed Acanon? "How did you end up on Odina sir?"
  25. Ok, gotta check Acannon is talking to someone called Toru, but no character of that name exists. I'm under the impression Acannon's talking to my character Kohu, but I can't help but wander if this could be some 4th wall breaking shenanigans and Acannon is talking directly to Toru Nui.
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