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Tahatu Taluka

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Blog Comments posted by Tahatu Taluka

  1. Good to know that it's coming along, and that the Toa Nuva are in the story more. :) What I want to know are the purpose of the Bohrok Swarm, how the Bohrok-Kal were created, and why they were matched to the Toa powers. Dunno about the last one. Just came up with it. :P



  2. Aparently, there's a bonesiii at rank B, last time I've checked. I'm trying to get to that rank just to race you =P


    You might not remember me but I had an account called Infected Rahkshi before the Maori incident. We posted in a news topic at the same time. Yup, I've got an elephants memory. I keep it in a pickle jar in the fridge o.O


    Not that anyone cares about getting the first post, mind you ^_-


    I'm a Rank B Dromer.


    I continuealy lose to those 50-50-50 Hurricanes with my 40-35-35 Racer. And my nice parts. I'm just dyin' out there. A fellow H.O.T. member, too.



  3. Tahatu get no Lego mag cause Grandparents subscribed to S@H catalog by mistake.


    It'd be cool to have some building tips in it. Like, if a joint is too rough, rub it with your fingers a few times to loosen it. Or if you need to get a +rod out of a hole, use a longer rod.


    As for Behind the Scenes, maybe 'The Making of the Toa Inika/Piraka/Voys Nui Matoran' Like, showing some prototypes, the final product, blurbs saying how it got it's look, and why it has it's light up function if it has one, and how that was done.


    I made that big and bold so you guys would see it better. :P



  4. With a few of my friends, yes. With everyone else in my school I get torn to shreads. I once got my Garan stolen, stepped on, thrown over my head, and finally almost out the window. But they threw it to one of my friends and he held onto it until he got off and slipped it back to me. I had to by a new one cause it was utterly destroyed, though.



  5. You have internet at camp? Lucky. Pretty cool camp, using spynocluars and internet. Hope the food's good.


    those MOCs sound cool too. Hope you get some time. And if you're keeping a MOC around for over a year, I hope it doesn't cause you any piece troubles.


    Perhaps you could post some building progresses?


    Good luck and have fun at camp!


    AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! What is it!? Oh, it's a comment! AAAAH! (:P)


    Actually, I'm only at the camp from 7 AM to 6 PM. So I posted that shortly after I got back home.


    And I'm done with the Self-MOC, Makuta MOC, and One of the Toa Taluka. The Dragons will be hard. 'Cause I don't know how to build a Dragon a little larger than a Toa Nuva. :P



  6. D'oh! Orange and Submarines! My two favorite things! (Not.)


    Sign me up, Bones. I'm a good writer, and I'm awesome at Story stuff, so I can judge, if you'll let me. I've always wanted to put my Klaus Baudelaire like reading ability to the test. I read the books, I remember the books TO THE WORD (almost :P), and I know the story intently (Ooh, big word.). So, I'd like to get into this.


    I'm gonna write about the orange Submarine with the Kanohi Lemitoo on board!



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