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Everything posted by Jacks

  1. re:masks & faces, if you think of the masks as being adhered magnetically to the being's entire face (which IIRC is how kanohi are stated to work in canon) it's easy to imagine being able to move parts of the mask with parts of your face. Hence, facial expresions. They're biomechanical beings.
  2. I actually try to picture everything in the style of the Templar animations (MNOG, Bohrok episodes, etc.) So set-like, but looser and colorful. @Bluebir21: Sort of -- "cyborg" usually connotes a being who was originally all organic, but was augmented with mechanical parts. The characters in Bionicle do not match that.
  3. The only voices that worked at all were Pohatu and Kopaka. Maaaybe Takua/Takanuva. All the other voices were too exaggerated, to the point where Jaller's voice was completely out of character. LoMN was a significant improvement. EDIT: And it's not even like I was picturing something different beforehand -- it took me like 5 years to even realize how poor it was.
  4. It couldn't possibly be in the legs, or how would it have ended up so close to Voya Nui & Maihri Nui? ...That's not a theory, though. That's literally exactly what happened in canon. It was actually catapulted north, not south, so this can't be the case either. Plus, keep in mind just how big the GSR is. If Voya Nui had to float all the way back to the abdomen from the legs, the Mahri would have been swimming after it for weeks, if not months.
  5. The first 38 seconds get 5/5. The rest of the song is a 3.5/5. It's not bad, it's just that the intro is the best part.
  6. 3/5 I think I heard this once like three years ago. silly and lighthearted, but not as good as Rick Astley.
  7. Here's hoping that, if it happens, there will be more voice acting than a single narrator like we'll get in the webisodes And hopefully that voice acting will be better than what we got with MoL or TLR >.<
  8. ¿/5 Over the past four years this song has passed from "bad" to "so bad it's funny" to "ironically enjoyable" back to "bad" then beyond into some eldritch and unknowable place into which none dare venture. and because you compel me:
  9. 1.5/5 Not a style of music I enjoy, and what's more it's too nationalistic for me -- granted, I've heard worse in that respect
  10. The Tahu/Vakama combo offer on the back cover of the March/April '01 LEGO magazine.
  11. That couldn't be, as the prime universe has never had any Av-Turaga, and yet there are more than enough Bohrok Va
  12. 4/5 Not a fan of Call of Duty. or video games in general. But this was fun and clever
  13. It might be one of the mini-comics that came with the Matoran sets in '04. I can't really tell from the picture though
  14. Then, presumably, a Komau-user would be unable to compel one of those Skakdi to sit down.
  15. 5/5 I'm a big fan of solo overdubbing, and this was really well done. And wow what a voice.
  16. I really think a lot of people don't realize the rules aren't anywhere near as strict as they used to be. And I don't even know what you mean by "liberal bias." Political discussion is still highly discouraged. The only thing I've seen that could possibly be misconstrued as "liberal bias" is allowing members who are LGBTQ+ to be open about it. Even then, allowing people like me to go "yo everyone I'm trans" on our profiles is not liberal bias. That's just Living In The Modern World and Not Being Terrible. While I personally did grow up with this site, I've seen a significant influx of newer fans in the past two months, so I'm not sure how true that last item is either. And nobody's going to ban you for civilly disagreeing You really have to be actively and confrontationally unpleasant to get banned around here
  17. Yes there is. Greg didn't say Takanuva is the only Toa of Light who currently exists, he said that Takanuva is the only one who has ever existed. Well yeah, nobody is disputing the ability of Av-Matoran to become Toa, just the fact that, except for Takua, none in the prime universe have.
  18. 3/5 it was all right. To make the video appear in the post you just paste the URL. If it doesn't embed automatically, I think this should work: [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPKZSq0hrww[/media]
  19. I think "first" generally refers to "first in existence," ie Helryx. @Tenth Norik: I'm well aware. That's not the argument I was making.
  20. can't even words how happy I am to see this back! This was one of my favorite epics on the old forum. So far it seems just as good as I remember it being
  21. Point of contention: the Mata came looooong before the Metru. The Toa Mata were created even before the GSR was first launched, whereas the Metru were only ~1001 years before the reformation of Spherus Magna.
  22. Who says they were? They might have been. We know there was one Bohrok nest directly below Ko-Wahi -- it could very well have been in that region of the Drifts. Perhaps there some such carving near all the major nest tunnels?
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