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Jedi Gali

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Everything posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Aw, I'm sorry. :( Maybe next time?

    Ooh, I would like to know what you think of it....

    Heheh, yeah, I have TONS of school stuff going on this week!!!

    Okays, maybe sometime this week... if I don't, you can remind me. ;)


  2. Heheh, Bones suggested it. :D There's some serious noncanonity....

    Okieday. Reviewing The Calling is now on my list of things to do on BZPower. ;)

    *waves hand* You must wait, padawan. :P


  3. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the review on my epic! That definitely made my night. :)


  4. Sweeeet. :)

    Have you ever done any writing??


  5. Thanks much for the sentiment. :) If you want to check it out, it's called 'Lewa-Air'. (the link is in my profile)

    Sweet!! Glad you're getting unstuck. :D Which would you rather have me review?


  6. Ah, gotcha. Was it a story?


  7. Am I supposed to take this as "annoyed"? Because I had no intentions of making you so; I was only trying to be funny... And by class I simply meant your math course. ~GBG~ Me? Annoyed? Not at that; don't worry about it. And it was funny And math is a complicated issue for me. I don't have a class, course, whatever, at the moment. No grades, no tests, no homework. But I'm studying so I can test out of Algebra 2 (which I did in eighth grade), and later, I'll be prepping for PSAT Math. So yeah. -JG
  8. That's what they all say.... Fail my class? What class? I don't have any math class...... This year, anyway. -JG
  9. Hiya. Indeed it has.

    Teachers do love to give work, eh?

    What story? The Calling?

    I'm pretty good; doing lots of writing for contest and such. And school...


  10. Meaning, what topic, story, review, etc. do I know you from? Comprendas? :D

    Hmm, my favorite set is any one of the Toa Olda, methinks. And from my name, I like Gali. ;)


  11. Yep, that's me. Bonesiii gave us what, months to work on our entries for the Storyline and Theories contest. And I work on it.... this past week? And probably three-fourths of it was done since Friday. (Finished it Sunday afternoon) Yikes. It gets even more intense. I was writing an essay for an essay contest (cash prize!) and I needed to give it to my teacher by Monday, though at least I had a lot of that done before Sunday. Still, guess what I was doing Sunday evening? So, what is this 'it'/entry am I talking about?? Well, here, take a look! It's called Lewa-Air and is my first finished humorous (in my opinion) story. No, I'm not going to use the 'C' word. So anyhow, it's for the Storyline and Theories Contest 5 and the polls will be up... next weekish according to Bones. If you like such things as voting, go and check it out and vote for your favorite!! I'll let you know when they're up. If or while you're waiting, I would appreciate any thoughts or opinions you might have to offer! On another writing note, I've decided exactly what I'm going to do with To Be or Not To Be. Originally, I was going to finish it up in one chapter, but currently it's over five pages and I'm nowhere near done. So there will most likely be thirteen chapters when all is said and done. But now, I need to hit the books. *punches* Not that way. Math is calling my name.... "Jedi Gali!!! We want to be solved! We feel so lonely!!!" -JG
  12. Hmm, a lot of people were talking about it in school today. I'm not sure if I'll have the time or means (transportation) to go see it. It sounds like it could be interesting, though. -JG
  13. Pretty good. Yourself??

    (Where do I know you from? :D)


  14. Heheh, thanks girls. I looked for it on BS01 but couldn't find it. I think I just won't mention a name.... (S&T5) -JG
  15. That's exactly it. I'd really appreciate if anyone could tell me ASAP. Thanks! -JG
  16. I know what you mean. One of my friends, Exo, was just promoted as well. And then everyone becoming OBZP... And you're very right. One shouldn't spend too much time here, 'cuz it's not gonna last. And you want to go into engineering?? Sweet! -JG
  17. *Waves* How've ya' been?


  18. I'm workin' on it... Just writing an essay for a contest and my reply. ;)


  19. *becomes puzzled*

    Wait, are you talking about the Certavus one? Because I see a completed version. Or at least, it looks like it....


  20. (Btw, is it cool if I add you to my friends?)


  21. Shweet...

    Haha, how brilliant you are! :P (Joking)

    Yeah, I've started it a few days ago. Hopefully I can finish soon. Especially considering the deadline is days away. :o


  22. Awww, my apologies. :( I sorta know how it feels since I've had some stories in COT... Would you like me to look at you BBC entry instead?


  23. Jedi Gali

    Real Quick.

    Yeah, I know 'real quick' is bad grammar but I don't really care at the moment. In fact I did it on purpose. I know I haven't done many entries lately. Y'know, school, life, writing, etc. And the writing has been really been put on the back burner. Well, anyhoo, I started my entry for S&T Contest 5 last night. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it pretty quickly, especially considering the deadline is next week (May 4th). *Sighs* Typical me, eh? And then I've had after school study sessions this past week and will continue to have 'em for the next few weeks... Prayers would be appreciated. -JG
  24. Whoa, that's some pretty sweet 'Lightning Voyager' pics. Very nice.

    And yes, that was a completely random comment. :D


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