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Jedi Gali

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Everything posted by Jedi Gali

  1. *Shrugs back*

    Oh, btw, nice S&T4 entry. ;) You entering this next contest?


  2. I'll be honest and say I didn't reread the whole thing, but from what I saw and remember, it looks good. *thumbs up* Write more!!! :D


  3. Wow, congrats on becoming staff, Exo!! :)


  4. I did a really quick review of FS2 just now. ;) Sorry that it took so long. (Trust me, I'll do more later. And I want to finish reading the other epic too...)


  5. *Raises eyebrows* Oh really? I... did not know that. :D

    And, how is it that I know you? :P


  6. You guys are hilarious. Whatever you get (I don't have an ipod, mp3, etc.) I hope you enjoy it!! -JG
  7. Very nice interest list, even down near the bottom. ;)


  8. Ah, gotcha.

    You still writing Zero Hour?


  9. :) Yay! Sometimes, familiarity is nice...


  10. Gah! So confusing... I was wondering who that Voltaire in my friend's list was. :P

    I'm so sorry about that. I'll PM you later to try and help you remember what the chapter was about. That is, if you want the help. ;)


  11. ....*Looks at profile in puzzlement* I'm sure this sounds lame, but who are you?



  12. *Nudges* Look at your personal pic. ;)


  13. Amen. That's all I'm gonna say.... -JG
  14. Welcome, Saiph! (I'm a member of the Epics Critics Club and saw your post.) Looks like an interesting story. :)

    Have an awesome time here.


  15. Amen. :) Same to you!


  16. Happy Easter! :)


  17. Jedi Gali

    Happy Easter

    What in the world? A Happy Easter to you, Res!!! -JG
  18. Eh? Who's keeping count? :D

    I'm sure you'll catch up and overtake me..


  19. You're welcome!! Sorry it took so long... I only remembered a short time ago.


  20. Glad you think so. :)

    Hope you enjoy this one, too!


  21. Ah, I see. You enjoy it?

    Yeah, 'Blackest Heart' does seem to go with Roodaka... :D


  22. You did??? You didn't say anything though, right?

    If Roodaka, then you'll want 'Blackest Heart'.


  23. How are you feeling? Better?

    Btw, guess what movie I watched last night... :D


  24. *Winces* That makes it really tough. Most of my SSs have those three elements... Blackest Heart was for the SSC5 Contest (romance) but has some funny moments. What about characters? Do you like Lariska, Maku, or Roodaka?


  25. Hmm. It really depends on the genre you like. All my latest (and better, in my opinion) works are romance/action, one's just emo. :P Let me know.


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