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Jedi Gali

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Everything posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Sweeeet interest list... 'specially the books. ;)


  2. Yesh, dis' is true. :D

    Btw, it looks like you have a sweet SW epic.


  3. Your screen name is like a story I wrote...

    :D Random, I know.


  4. <_<

    Wellllll, if you understand it, it's not. I take it you don't get it?


  5. So you entered that contest I take it??? And I hope you win!! (Btw, can I see a pic of this moc? Or you could direct me to a link or somethin'.) -JG
  6. Nice 'location'. ;)


  7. Ah, I see. I never knew about the move till I saw your profile. Guess I don't know much of anything since I left 'the site'. :D

    Haha, yeah, that about sums it up. What a good guesser you are. :P And then I'm in the S&T 5 contest...


  8. Sweeeeeet. Green is one of my favorite colors and it's neat how you put the LEGO brick in. Hey, why don't you name it 'Emerald City'??? I wish I had an iota of your art/computer graphics skills. -JG
  9. Responding......



  10. It's been a while... how've you been?


  11. Hmm, I'm not sure either. Well, do what you want. I think they're all fairly decent. *shrugs*


  12. Jedi Gali


    ...... Should I bold the 'not' in my statement for you? And thank you so much for the kind words! Hmm? -JG
  13. Sweeeet. All the people I know who've seen it seem to like it.... I think I'm going to see it with my fam within the next two weeks or so. B) -JG
  14. Hewo. :D

    Ltnt, where have you been?


  15. Jedi Gali


    "You in the red shirt, go ahead!" "Something messy that pigs eat-" "No. How about you in the blue?" "Polls!" **** I couldn't really resist. So, I'm just makin' this quick entry to let ya'll know that the polls for the S&T 5 Contest is up. My story is in the text-based poll (logically) in case anyone is interested in reading all three of the entries in the poll and voting. If that does appeal, I have a link. I do. Honestly. Here it is!!! And for the record, I am not asking anyone to vote for me. Just feel free to read them and choose the one you think is best/the one you like the most. And if that happens to be mine.... well, I won't complain. -JG
  16. Jedi Gali


    *Sigh* I know. Believe me, I know. Sweet, I'll be looking forward to it. Yessssssss. Man, Braveheart is such a good movie. I should see it again... And I didn't pronounce it right in the title, did I? -JG
  17. Hey, thanks so much for voting for my entry!!

    And I like the personal statement...



  18. Why.... thank you?

    (Btw, my rating has gone from a four to a five several times...)

    And awesome interest list!!! Especially towards the bottom. ;)


  19. Aw, being sick is never fun. Well, glad you're better! :)

    Sweeet! Looking forward to it, I take it?


  20. Jedi Gali


    *Sighs* Ah, it's so loverly to be done with my AP exams. Heh, all two of 'em. I know someone who had seven. Anyhoo, thanks much for the prayers and kind wishes. Some of you seemed to have a lot of confidence in me. *Cough*Exo*Cough* I thought AP World went very well. My teacher prepped us really well and I knew like, all the material on the test. It was great. But then, I suppose it might have been because it had been made easier... And because I had help. (And I'm not talking about cheating. Horrors!) But I think you guys know what I'm talking about. The essays were pretty good as well, though the last was slightly rough. The wording of the prompt was rather annoying and well, wordy. All in all though, I think I passed and got a 3 or above. Human Geo was slightly rougher. Multiple choice was alright but the essays took some work to get through. Wellz, I suppose I'll find out in a few months how I do. Blah. I still have finals to come though. And projects. And lots of other stuff. Wheeeee!!!! -JG
  21. Niiiiice... Rub it in, why don't you?? -JG
  22. *Sighs* This is it. After a year of learning World History and Human Geography, I have my AP exams within these next two days. (World is tomorrow) I feel ready.... But at the same time, I'm nervous too. My brain will be fried by tomorrow afternoon. And I'd like prayers. -JG
  23. :D Well, you've only entered the library scene a little while ago.

    Btw, what story are you talking about?


  24. Hiya, Sev! Long time no talk. How've you been?


  25. Er, what story?

    Cuz' if it's in Short Stories you can review it. Anywhere in the Library, in fact. Completely Off Topic is a different story however.

    But if you're really in the mood to review a story of mine, I've got plenty. :D


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