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Jedi Master J.

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Blog Comments posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. @The Lord of Wednesday: ...


    Okay, well, that was interesting for you to share. Uh, thanks.


    @Lyichir: Hm...Honestly I do agree to you.


    However I can't say that will ever stop me from trying to explain that stuff to myself because well, I find that stuff interesting to think about. *shrugs* Just how my brain works, I guess.


    I should clarify that I am not trying to get definite answers to mysteries that are left over, but rather I am just sharing my personal thoughts on what I think answers might be such as with destiny example (Which arguably I am almost inquired to say is merely a social construct created by the Matoran species to well, rationalize their reason for existing.).


    But anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts on matter, Lyi.


    - JMJ 2013

  2. @Portalfig: Really that's my default choice for it as I think it better to have members here give back to forums in some way to get a chance to win something in this raffle...


    However I have asked this question about whether or not people would be interest in shirts on three separate occasions here and no one has really expressed interest in them. *shrugs* So I thought the no requirement to enter might be more appealing for people here.


    Obviously not considering turn out in the comments here. *shrugs* Maybe it was wall of text here that was to blame really. Yeah, it probably was. I knew I should just cut it out entirely. Then again though, I kind of doubt that's the case and I imagine people are just not interest in the shirts at all.


    Really at this point, I am inclined to just can the idea and just donate the shirts to clothing donation box since I almost feel like it is waste to even write a standalone entry for it and just hope that there will magically be a turnout for it out of nowhere.


    - JMJ 2013

  3. Funny how many customers who I've never met assume I'm asking about their well-being and reply, "I'm good," when I'm merely saying "good morning" to them as they come into the bookstore.

    Okay, what? If you meant good morning, then say good morning, not "Hi, how are you?".


    I mean seriously I don't understand why you can be annoyed by someone for answering your question with, "I am good," because it definitely a valid answer to your question.


    My favorite has to be when you ask, "Hi, how are you doing today?"


    And then...



    They are just flat out "I'm just looking."


    I'm sorry... what? I was legitimately asking how you are doing today. I wasn't asking what you were doing looking around. Sure I'm here to work, but that doesn't mean I should avoid smalltalk to open up a conversation between us.

    And? Some people don't want to have small talk with random people out of blue. I honestly don't, nor my father (Who regularly does tell store workers that, "He just looking." Why? Because he doesn't want to be bother by them.).




    Just my two cents on this.


    - JMJ 2013

  4. @Aanchir: Well, at this point, it seems pretty likely we will be making another day trip down there for Saturday visitor day since my friend has brought it up in conversation with me. The only reason I am not saying it is definite because it is still kind of early and there is no telling what could happen in next couple of months.


    So yeah, if I do go again, I'll try my best to say hello to you folks this time. Although I do imagine that during a good part of the car ride down, I will be thinking nervously about how I can go about introducing myself to you folks.


    - JMJ 2013

  5. Ask him if they are interested in hiring an intern with an associate degree in Mechanical Engineering. :P


    Okay, if you won't do that question, here some run of the mill questions instead:


    1) How Chima doing? Is doing as well as LEGO has hoped?


    2) Who's his favorite Toa?


    3) What year of BIONICLE was his favorite?


    4) What LEGO theme is his favorite?


    That's all I got in terms of questions at the moment.


    - JMJ 2013

  6. @Zeene: lol That's a good point. XD


    But yeah, that's basically my point. I don't see why people would ask that question when transition from one age to the next is just a day really, so there wouldn't really be difference between those two ages. While in the case of your example, there definitely is a difference because there is 13 year gap and all.


    Really it just another case of me over-thinking things. I have a bad habit of doing that, especially when I ramble about stuff like in this entry.


    - JMJ 2013

  7. @Lyichir: Yeah, I looked around for release date of Book 2 and found nothing, so I guess the network is waiting for a fall release instead of spring.


    As for release of Book 1 on DVD & Blu Ray, I personally have no intended of getting that simply because I already have Book 1 on iTunes since I could never watch the show live. So while it would be nice to have it on DVD with extra features (I say DVD because I generally don't buy Blu Ray since I can't play that stuff on my computer. That and DVDs tend to be cheaper.), I am not going to waste money to get in that format.


    But yeah, I think getting on DVD would be safe choice on your case since you are not sure if your family owns a Blu Ray player (The only one in my house is my PS3.).


    - JMJ 2013

  8. @JiMing: "What are some of your favorite soundtracks from videogames?"

    Hm...This is a tough one. I am just going listed the ones that come to my mind right now. So yeah, this isn't the "official" list per say. Just what comes to my mind right now.


    - Dark Pit's Theme (Kid Icarus: Uprising)

    - Driftveil City Theme (Pokemon Black & White)

    - The Title Theme from Professor Layton and The Miracle Mask

    - Clock Town Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)

    - The Title Theme from Ni No Kuni

    - Ven's Theme (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)

    - Enter the Darkness / Vanitas's Battle Theme (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)

    - Calling (The World Ends With You)

    - Twister (The World Ends With You)


    @Meiko: "I'm bored what should I do"

    Hm...I doubt you are bored anymore since you left this comment almost a day ago. But here's some suggestions:

    - Read a book

    - Build something with your LEGO collection

    - Watch a movie

    - Watch some TV

    - Draw something


    @Kohaku: "Favorite retro games?"

    Hm...Another tough question. Well, the only games, that come to mind that I think are retro, are:


    - Donkey Kong Country Series

    - Yoshi's Island


    @Zeene: "Best type of moustache?"

    Uh, the kind that doesn't itch too much and make you want to shave it off right a way.


    "Also, tophat and monocle or no tophat and monocle?"

    Uh, I don't think I could pull off the tophat and monocle look, so I would no tophat and monocle. I am not really much of a hat person.


    - JMJ 2013

  9. @InnerRayg: ... Please just leave me alone, dude. You already made me cry yesterday about giving in to you. Seriously just leave me alone because honestly I did this to end this annoying argument about my font, not because I thought you were right.


    Also thanks for making me all soul searching today since after reading this, I been thinking all day about how I am no one and will amount to nothing. Oh, and thanks for making the font feature, that I helped funded, completely useless to me now.


    Yes, you certainly did a good job liberating me from a font style that really wasn't hurting anyone and that I was just using to represent my "voice" here. Thanks a lot, sir.


    - JMJ 2013

  10. @InnerRayg: ... *sigh*


    I give up. You folks win. My font & color style posts are officially retired as of this point.


    I will say this though, I am not removing the font from every blog entry or post, I have made here in past. Because honestly it is more time than I would ever want to spent on this silly thing. Be happy with what you get.


    Alright, that's all. I am done. *sigh*


    - JMJ 2013

  11. @xccj: Hm...I guess you have a point. *shrugs*

    It is kind of difficult for me not to be hard on myself though.

    @Zeene: ...

    Yeah, how about we keep political/social stuff out of this? I mean seriously like you said, it is silly, especially considering we are talking about font style of all things.

    Also let me clarify that I wasn't saying people hate Comic Sans because they are on the internet since honestly that idea is absurd as the internet is definitely not some type of hive mind.

    But rather my point was the only people that I hear have problems with the font style is on the internet. And well, that makes sense because I only used it on the internet; so it is not like I personally discuss it with people in real life (Which again, that's silly. So why would we discuss it? XD).

    My other point was they are not giving reasons to stop using it. All they are saying is I don't like that font style, so stop using it. And that's all nice and dandy, but just saying I don't like this is not going to make me stop using something that I personally like using.

    I need to hear reasoning for why I should stop using a font style that I have been using for the past seven years on this site. So yeah, forgive me if I am resistant to stop using something that I personally grown attached to as a representation of myself.


    Alright, with that out of the way, I appreciated you trying to clarity where some of criticism of the font style comes from. Admittedly I kind already knew that since I did look it up once before. But yeah, thanks for trying to clarity that for me.

    As for your comments on customizing your posts in general, I guess you do have a point about webdesign element. In my case, I tend to identify more so with how I post things on forums because it feels a great deal more personal to me since I take my thoughts and put into a text format to share with others, while my avatar and signature are usually not stuff that I made personally.

    Like my current avatar for example, I did not make this and nor would I take credit for it because its not my work. It only represent me in fashion that I like the Kingdom Hearts series, which if you ask me doesn't tell people a whole lot about me. *shrugs*


    As denoted in my previously post and below, I have now retired my classic font in favor of nothing since so many people have complain about this. :(

    - JMJ 2013

  12. @Makaru:


    What do mean tuck in my shirt, dad? :P Last I checked its been tuck in all day.


    You know that not exactly an easy thing for me do considering I have scoliosis and all. Which I am pretty sure I got from your side of the family. :P



    Alright, I give you that one. I do need to comb my hair more regularly. Hm...How about I use my day off from work tomorrow to get a haircut? Sounds like a good idea, dad? :P




    But father... *whimpered*

    Why don't you go visit him then since I am such a disappointed to you, father?

    (am i doing well?)

    (Yeah, you are doing well. :P

    I quite enjoyed writing my responds to your comments. XD)


    @Zeene: Evil, you say? Hm...I don't know seems kind of out of character for me. Beside, I am not much for absolutes. After all, only a Sith deals in absolutes. :P


    @Kahi & Brickeens: NEVER!

    Actually I'll be honest I have thought about just writing in standard plain default text on BZPower before since I kind of find formatting my posts properly to be more trouble than its worth at times. Still I been writing this way on BZPower for so long now that is like second nature to me now and well, I identify with text style that I used.

    Beside, I happened to like using Comic Sans font. It has been my favorite font style since I stumbled upon in Microsoft Word so many years ago. So yeah, I am not ditching it. And really I don't understand why people on internet seem to hate Comic Sans so much. *shrugs*

    So tough cookies, I am still sticking with my style of writing on the internet.
    Since so many people have complained about it, I decided to give up my signature way of writing here.


    @Kohaku: I thought I ask for criticism, not praise. XD

    But thanks, Kohaku. I am not really that great though. I am just a regular person like everyone else with all flaws and insecurities that come with being human.

    - JMJ 2013

  13. ...


    I like how you guys just ignored the rest of entry and just talk about the minor trivia about food instead...






    @DeeVee: I see. Well, you make me glad that I don't really have any friends to tease about that. Although then again, that just reminds me of how alone and friendless I am; thanks for that.


    But anyway, I am glad to hear that I am not only one with picky eating habits and a liking for a good grilled cheese. Although I have hamburgers & chicken before (Not from classy restaurants though...Then again, I have had an Outback burger before and I honestly didn't like it very much since I felt like there was way too much meat in it.), so it is not like I hadn't experience those before.


    It just that I happened to like to order grilled cheese sandwiches at restaurants is all. That and well, if you order a hamburger at restaurants, it will often have pickles or lettuce in it, which I honestly don't like in my burgers (I always picked them off.). I think onions are really only appetizer to hamburgers that I actually like.


    @Kohaku: Yeah, it is. :)


    @Aanchir: Ah, I see. You know funny thing is I don't even have a list of places that I think have great grilled cheese sandwiches. XD Then again, it hardly surprising since I go to a restaurant maybe once every four months or so.


    Ah. Yeah, I can definitely understand liking macaroni & cheese since I think that it is pretty good as well (I only have microwavable kind though. XD). Hm...I am afraid to try it in restaurant though since macaroni & cheese nowadays does not sit very well with me. *shrugs*




    Thanks for commenting, sirs. I hope you all have a good day.


    - JMJ 2013

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