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Everything posted by Mikerahk

  1. Double majoring takes a lot of time/effort, only do it if you're really passionate about both subjects. It'd be much easier to major/minor with them. AP credit helps a lot, since that will free up class slots, I don't know if you're taking any AP classes though.
  2. It's an interesting theme, I'm debating if I should enter or not. My time is limited to build to just a couple days over thanksgiving break, so if I do build something it will probably be a quick moc. I don't even know what song I want to pick... I'm sure I'll find something.
  3. Mikerahk

    Could Be It.

    Put a blog on your website.
  4. Mikerahk

    Moc Musings

    I just started brainstorming for a new moc, under the working title Project: Chromehound. If any of you are familiar with the game Chromehounds then you'll understand my source of inspiration. The moc will have both light and metru gray, I'm not sure how much of the moc they'll take up each... What do you guys think would be another good complementary color or two to add to a mecha moc? (besides black )
  5. Mikerahk

    Xbox Avatar

    Bunda, what's your gamertag?
  6. I like it, it's a carbon copy of the windows media center layout, which I like. The avatars I don't care much for, but they are much better than the mii's. BUNDA! You can use your old gamerpic as your gamerpic. Just go to change gamerpic and it goes, there's two options on the screen, it's the second one down, I think its gamerpic, might be avatar, check both.
  7. Go to testchamber 13 (I think, the first testchamber after you have both portals), once you're there, recover both of the weighted cubes and leave them in the first room with the button. Make sure that both cubes are not on the button and go back into the main area, the door that leads to both cubes should be shut. Fire both portals off in the main chamber so that you are trapped. At this point GlaDOS will open the door for you.
  8. I kinda liked the insert key on the desktop at home. It was also next to the handy Home and End buttons. On my laptop the print screen and insert are separate keys, I don't use either of them all that much though I'm afraid.
  9. I love portal still alive, its so awesome. I'm done with the entire thing, and have all the achievements except Out of the Blue.
  10. Mikerahk


    Both of these MoCs will be finished by New Years! If not sooner. Fissure untitled
  11. I wait in eager anticipation for the patch.
  12. I just got stuck in the Bloodstone Glitch in Fable 2. I don't have enough experience to carry on the main quest, since the seemingly pompous Reaver won't talk to me until I have enough renown. So now I'm stuck without the ability to use A, B, X, or Y to interact with people. From reading online apparently this is isolated to Bloodstone so I guess I'll go outside the accursed city and attempt to to other quests and whatnot. Hopefully there will be a patch soon to fix this glitch. Moral of the Story - Have at least 21000 renown before you go to Bloodstone. I really, really don't want to restart the game. ><
  13. Obama/Biden just won the election, which makes me very happy. McCain/Palin gave it a good run, but ultimately fell short, but they tried, that's what matters.
  14. I'm a fan of the voting machines that are being used now in Connecticut, they work very well and leave a nice paper trail in case anything does go awry. Ron Paul ftw.
  15. Hey everyone, just wanted to remind all of you who are elligible to vote to do so in tomorrow's election, and if you're too young then remind your parents!
  16. Guys, chill. Obama is not a Marxist, he is a Democrat. Here in America that means he is more of a Centrist than anything, the divide between the two major parties is relatively small when compared to European Countries. If I was interested in voting for a Socialist candidate then I would have submitted my ballot with Brian Moore circled, since he is the actual Socialist Party candidate. Lets not get into a political argument here please, I have no problem if you simply state who you are planning on voting for for x reason, but lets not have any bashing or any falsehoods, only truths please.
  17. I didn't understand your text yesterday till earlier, oh my. I agree completely.

  18. Is out now, go read it! http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=301836
  19. So a guy from the frat Phi Kappa Sigma just walked into my room asking if I was interested in playing dodgeball, apparently they play every friday at the gym. He then noticed all of the LEGO Bricks that are behind me on my bookshelf, said they were nice, and knew that they were bionicle too. It was awesome.
  20. Mikerahk


    I mailed in my absentee ballot earlier today. I voted for Obama/Biden.
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