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Everything posted by Mikerahk

  1. Mikerahk

    Vacation 08

    Who couldn't use a good vacation every now and then? I could go for one every week.
  2. *waits patiently for premier membership to be aquired* I will conquer the world! *cough* *cough* Why yes, the blog assistants can rest now.
  3. Mikerahk

    Decision Time

    Alright, I have now brawled, maybe it's time to build?
  4. Mikerahk

    Decision Time

    I'm really bored, I suppose that I should finish my entry for the UBBC50. I have started the bohrok, and I still have to build the entire kaita. --or-- I could play Brawl.
  5. Attention Duelists: My hair is telling me that it's time for you to board. Anyone caught without a crazy hairstyle will not be permitted to enter the Duelist Kingdom.
  6. Cute Without the "E" is from Taking Back Sunday's debut album Tell All Your Friends. I love this song, and it is my new ringtone, replacing Spin, also by TBS. And a quick wikipedia search told me that the video for the song is based off of Fight Club, which is an amazing movie within itself. I though a bunch of the scenes looked familiar but I couldn't quite place it, I watched the video again, and bam. I got it all. (I think...) Any other fans out there?
  7. When aren't they fun?
  8. Mikerahk


    I played three games of bowling last night, I must have averaged 65 points or so over the three... yeah, I'm pretty good. I'm a pro at wii bowling though!
  9. Mikerahk

    3 Years

    I've been here for three long years. A Brief History: 2005 July 24 - I joined BZP. 2006 June 4 - 2000 posts July 24- 1 year Oct 18 - 3000 posts 2007 July 24 - 2 years 2008 July 24 - 3 year/current developing
  10. Massive pictures FTW! Apparently my dad's camera goes from 6t40x480 to 2048x1536 with nothing in between. White Av-matoran back - http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Mikerahk/se...IP/p1010272.jpg front - http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Mikerahk/se...IP/p1010274.jpg What do you guys think? I like the way I did the feet since it's remnant of '01, but the feet are kinda small.... And I like using the armor piece off krika, though silly lego made it not so fun to moc with, I had a nice design but it didn't fit into the armor piece because the angle was slightly off. Oh well.
  11. Mikerahk


    I didn't play as him in Brawl today.
  12. I just filled out the form for Premier Membership, I signed up for 1 years worth.
  13. Mikerahk

    Ripped To Shreds

    The one I keep my wallet in, yes.
  14. So I'm at work today and I'm wearing my favorite pair of shorts. These shorts are easily identified as my favorite because they look and feel very worn. I got these shorts several years back when I was a little bit thinner around the waist. I have gained more than a couple pounds of the past year, but the shorts still fit well. Though over the past year I've transitioned from needing a belt to wear them to not needing one at all. It came with great surprise to me today that when I bent down to pick up a dog, a work at a dog grooming salon, my shorts decided to split along the seam of the right-rear pocket, where a small hole had already been formed some eons ago. This whole enlarged, and suddenly a ravine had been formed. Irony lies in the fact that my boss made fun of me 20 minutes before this incident about having a hole in my pants, to which I replied, "I wear these pants far too often." Unfortunately, I won't be wearing them again. --- I relied upon a poncho-like cloak for the remainder of the day to prevent myself from committing indecent exposure.
  15. I bought Krika today at walmart, I have since decided that once you remove the fifth arm, the one that holds the blaster thing (which is pretty cool), it is the Cloverfield monster. If you want directions to this beast, you can find them within the krika canister. After building this monster, I was repeatedly poked several times by its limbs... the beast was controlled by none other than my girlfriend. She seemed to enjoy stabbing me in the nose and face with krika's arms. It was not pleasant. And once I escaped from the beast I was thrown into the ground and trapped beneath a bedsheet, unable to rise, for I was trapped by that silly girl... and I was repeatedly poked again. vv I really like krika, great design overall and some useful pieces, I'm a big fan of all the spikes, they will be used quite soon on an moc. As for girls, they are tricky, tricky creatures.
  16. Just ordered an HP PSC4385 printer with bluetooth online and got a free linksys router with it, all for $100. I'm quite happy and can't wait for till I get them, I'm more inclined toward the router right now so I can get the laptop out of the kitchen and still have internet.
  17. Mikerahk


    I must make a new entry to drown this! Well, in a few hours.
  18. Mikerahk

    Moc Musings

    Alright, here's a somewhat detailed list of the stuff I'm working on right now. Fissure - a big RC tank with a working engine and a pivoting turret, I just gotta make the turret and get some parts in order to finish it. Untitled - yellow/black moc with red highlights styled after an IGPX mech UBBC 50 1 - Av-matoran, white main color with red highlights 2 - Bohrok, ice 3 - Bohrok Kaita, big gigantic flying multi-bohrok with spikes everywhere (need krika) That's what I have going for me right now.
  19. Mikerahk

    Hdmi Cables

    Why are they so expensive in retail stores and so cheap online?
  20. Mikerahk

    Heat Stroke

    It's a quarter past three currently, for you British citizens it's halfway to half-eight. We're at the tail end of a heatwave currently, these past couple of days have been brutal, but it doesn't really help that I'm completely intolerant of heat.
  21. It has now reached 1AM on Monday the 21st. At this current time it is my hope that this entry will last the night without being swept back several pages. This hope stems from the belief that anyone who is younger than 16, the target audience of the BZPower, is asleep at this moment, rendering them incapable of flooding the blogs with other entries of importance. But this entry is important, you see, because in this entry I will be talking about things of importance, such as the new Batman movie. To all you Jokers out there, if you click the spoiler tag you'll find a funny joke: my opinion on your makeup, and why I thought it was awesome. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The makeup thing was a joke... c'mon laugh, Why so serious? Puns aside, I liked the movie, the plot was good though I expected to the movie to end right after the death of Rachel and the creation of two-face, I was ready for the sequel, everything was pretty much summed up, except for that guy with the cell phone bomb inside him, and boom. Another 1.25 hours to go. Long movie, very long, but very good. Ledger's performance was good, definately lived up (no pun intended) to the critic's reviews that I had read. Harvey Dent was an awesome character, definitely someone you want on your side. My main complaint was Batman's voice, it seemed so ... out of place? And I'm banking on either Mr. Freeze or the Riddler in the next movie, I'm leaning towards Mr. Freeze since they could make some snazzy special effects with him.
  22. I promise to be good!
  23. Uh, hey guys. Welcome to my own little corner of the blogoshpere as it is flooded by people just like myself who don't actually have premier membership... I'd say that writing this at 11PM EST would give me some edge from the flow of other blog posts, but it is the summer. Asides from that, here's what's going on in my life right now: -getting stuff ready for college -working -hanging out with friends -a little bit of building (maybe I'll toss in some pics at some point on this blog) / that's right, I do still build. I'll take your questions.
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