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Everything posted by Mikerahk

  1. Mikerahk


    I want a Stephen Colbert-brand Spider!
  2. Oh my, I must finish my entry! Three days, not too much of a problem.
  3. All of the vehicles are great IMO, so the T3, T6, and T9 are all on my list. I'm a huge fan of krika, which is by far the best canister set of the year. Um, don't really have much beyond that, but Toa Ignika and Mazeka look pretty good, as does takanuva.
  4. Monday - 4 hours 11:00AM - 11:50AM: Physics I Lecture – Science Center 360 1:00PM - 1:50PM: Calc II Lecture – Science Center 160 2:00PM - 2:50PM Gen. Chem I Lecture – Science Center 360 3:00PM - 3:50PM Gen. Chem I Discussion – Science Center 356 Tuesday - 1.25 hours 1:00PM - 2:15PM : Clarkson Seminar Lecture– Science Center 344 Wednesday - 5 hours 11:00AM - 11:50AM: Physics I Lecture – Science Center 360 1:00PM - 1:50PM: Calc II Lecture– Science Center 160 2:00PM - 2:50PM: Gen. Chem I Lecture – Science Center 360 3:00PM - 4:50PM: Gen. Chem I Laboratory – Science Center 136 Thursday - 5.5 hours 9:30AM - 10:45AM: First Year Seminar Lecture – Hamlin-Powers 138 12:00PM - 12:50PM: Calc II Discussion – Science Center 356 1:00PM - 2:15PM: Clarkson Seminar Lecture – Science Center 344 3:00PM - 4:50PM: Physics I Laboratory – Science Center 260 Friday - 3 hours 11:00AM - 11:50AM: Physics I Lecture – Science Center 360 1:00PM - 1:50PM: Calc II Lecture – Science Center 160 2:00PM - 2:50PM: Gen. Chem I Lecture – Science Center 360 A couple of things really have me excited: -Only 1 really early class, stupid FYS -With the exception of FYS, every class is in the same building -One class on Tuesday! And a couple things have me not so excited: -CHEMISTRY - 2 hours Monday, 3 hours Wednesday, 1 hour Friday -I still don't know my dorm assignment (unrelated) -Wednesday and Thursday are longish days.
  5. Gray is a face coming out of a wall, with the hands peeling the wall apart, looks very cool. The aperture is similar to the one on Yellow.
  6. Fortunately I've only seen the good side of love, though I've had glimpses of the bad, and I don't like it.
  7. I went to the Stamford Museum and Nature Center in Stamford, CT today to see this: http://stamfordmuseum.org/exhibit-spot.html You can see most of the stuff that was featured on the slideshow, but it wasn't anything compared to seeing the stuff in real life. I'm not all that great with the brick medium, I'm much better with technic, so this stuff was amazing. Not that it wasn't amazing to begin with, but wow. I walked into the first room, Blue was the centerpiece, which is a human constructing itself, I then ventured over to Red, Yellow, and Gray. All are very cool, Gray is my favorite though. A couple other cool things were Infinity and the T-rex. I don't have pictures right now since they're on my girlfriend's camera, but when I get the copies I'll put them all online. (So I'll be re-publishing this) We then went to Rocky Neck State Park for the beach, and it was really nice. Lots of sun and warmth with a nice breeze.
  8. I visited my arsenal today, grabbed a gun off the shelf, and went into battle. I'm no fan at this whole airsoft thing, I don't get the point of shooting one another with bullets. Isn't there something more fun to do? Oh well, I don't like it, and I have horrible aim. I couldn't hit a soda can from 5 feet, of course it doesn't help that I'm nearsighted...
  9. But the mistika come with directions!
  10. Portal comes in the Orange Box combo disk of three Half Life games, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. In Portal you play as a human/robot thingy that uses a portal gun to complete various tests for GLaDOS, a robot in control of Aperture Science. As with many games I like, it's full of puzzles, and I'm looking forward to the challenge modes, these include the advanced mode, and various other things such as completing levels as fast as possible or with as few portals as possible. It's a great problem solving game I recommend for anyone, and of course, the orange box does own.
  11. Mikerahk


    I need a couple more parts to coat it, and then I need to make the turret.
  12. Mikerahk


    I'm taking care of one of my bests friends dogs, which enables me to live at his house! It's so nice to be away from my family, it's nice and peaceful over here. I had to move most of my parts though so I can finish my UBBC 50 entry though, so I took some tape and taped the drawers shut, still gotta figure out where I want to set up base camp for all the bins though... Overall, I'm in a great mood right now, maybe I'll leech some Live and play team fortress 2.
  13. A snap function on the arm, erm, that'd be tricky and would make a lot of bulk. As with the soft-capped blasters, I have one and I don't like how they look.
  14. A super-mega-awesome battleship!
  15. This entry will deal exclusively with the bohrok kaita, which is more or less no more than a thought right now. The body will be largely black, with white armoring. I contemplated the blue and green of the true kaita, but I thought it would look messy, so I skipped that. Krika plays an important role on this beast, would be nice to have a second, but I think that a little bit of asymmetry could be a refreshing change. So then I'm left wondering what to do about the left arm. What to do with it, I know how the right arm will look, but I only have one Krika-head. Thoughts? White bohrok head will be used to stay true to the lineage (of this matoran, not the story), right now I'm thinking of retaining the head-thrust component, it much the same way as on the regular bohrok, see the previous entry for pics. I'm debating as to a head pivot though, not sure what to do, I could toss in something geared pretty easily that would work for a standard pivot, but a ball joint would work for orbital pivoting, the challenge comes with retaining the thrust component and how bulky it'll be. I may start from the head down. And a double-spine going down the back made with krika parts would be pretty cool right? I just gotta figure out how to do it, I got some rubber (++) parts a while ago that might work well... Uh, the legs, definately not sure about those. I can't stick with the original kaita legs cuz they're really messy. So now I'm thinking about a triple jointed design... Thoughts? Ah, hello there NS 068-069. Goodbye blog, hello Naruto.
  16. T9 is a different way to send text messages. It's a one-tap per letter system that takes the combination of keys you hit to form common words.

  17. Av-Matoran Everything is finished on him except for the arms, which have to be made. -White main color with small amounts of black, trans-red heartlight to boot. -White Miru is the mask. Pics: 1, 2 Bohrok Just a small amount of detail work left. -Black body, white head, white extremities. -Haven't picked a krana to put in yet, I have a white xa, not sure what I have in the other colors, probably will go with whatever color is associated with the white bohrok. -Handshields are white rahkshi heads on a white handpiece, I think it looks better than the regular white shield, but the rahkshi heads do seem out of place... Thoughts? -Snapping head feature retained! Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4 (That's not a cool mega-awesome tank in the background or anything), Bohrok Kaita Couple of ideas kicking around in my head. -White/Black main colors with a little red tossed in. -Krika's spiky parts will be used. Transformation Shot No pictures now, but maybe by tonight.... For now I'm going over to a friends house to play Team Fortress 2 and maybe some Brawl. Team Fortress 2 FTW.
  18. Awesome, thanks. I'm too lazy to look through my comics archive. I play as either lucario or ZSS, generally lucario. I don't have access to the internet for my wii, but I'll be taking care of a friends house and can use his adaptor, so maybe next week sometime? That's a good idea, I didn't spend much time looking at using the kohrok shields.... but I do like that, thanks.
  19. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I hope that everything will work itself out.
  20. Mikerahk

    Eye Can See!

    A friend of mine has horrid eyes and has worn glasses since 3rd or 4th grade and has to get her eyes examined twice a year or so just to get up-to-date contacts. It doesn't sound fun. That is amazing, my eyesight revolves somewhere around where you're at now, and I'm pretty happy with it (when I'm not driving ).
  21. Mikerahk

    No, No, Not Vezon

    Vezon will be tributed to summon a 5-star Summoned Skull! Oh Snap!
  22. I can't wait to see the finished product either.
  23. I Are In Your Blogs! Killing Your Bandwidths! So uh, welcome to my non-non-premier-week blog. UBBC50 progress is going well, I have a pretty solid (once I built it) design for the bohrok body. And let me say, clutch gears are very, very nice parts to have.
  24. I just use the water to de-dust the parts.
  25. I've never done any of this soap stuffs. I just rinse them.
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