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Everything posted by Mikerahk

  1. Maybe I'll dig up something for that PBZP-2... I know I have the schematics for at least 4 MoCs written in some document on my computer... Dunno, me entering is a function of time.
  2. Mikerahk


    Greg, you've cured my apathy.
  3. Mikerahk

    A Blog Contest?

    Including the makuta as an option for set revamps would make Mikey most happy.
  4. Assuming you're talking about the Makuta of Metru Nui: You mean a miasma of antidermis? I think it's kinda cool. Assuming you're talking about the '08 Makuta's: The sets have potential, naturally the potential is not utilized.
  5. That's too bad, perhaps you can alter your idea for now and still enter... If I can mass together enough time I may be able to build it... I thought out the MoC in terms of my older building style, so I essentially have to start from scratch. But again, time is the most important factor.
  6. Dunno if I'll enter. Vamprah is a necessity to finish the self-moc I've been idealizing for the past year. Do note that I haven't started it yet.
  7. *response to 6 week old poke*



  8. I feel as if I am breaking the trend. I do not correspond with Turakii in any sort of fashion.
  9. Mikerahk

    Pick Of The Week 2

    Thanks man. I designed the eye connection pretty much by mistake, if you'll consider that a valid excuse. When I made the connection, I had already created the border to the shield piece, and that's when I realized that there was no feasible way to keep the shield in place or to use it to support black frame. Lo and behold, to the left of the thigh lay the ring piece, I do not know it's actual name. I attached to to the convex side of the shield because it had an axle-connection inside of it, and I knew I'd need the axle compatibility in order to do anything pertaining to a stand or stability of the eye inside it's frame. Now, I have many of the exoforce arms lying around, mostly in silver, after nothing that I could connect them to the ring, I hypothesized that I could use viking horns in such a manner as to secure the shield in place, and it worked. I was initially going to use 4 arms, 90 degrees separating each, as the support, I later decided to add up to the maximum of 8 for maximum stability. One little tidbit I'll toss out, when I hold Unown up to a bright light source, I used my lamp, the hue of the white shield turns red, with the arms appearing in black, and it does look pretty cool.
  10. Mikerahk


    YYYYYYYYoooooooosssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Mario! How could you?!
  11. Mikerahk


    Nice job. If you don't mind me asking, which college?
  12. I was skeptical at first glance due to this years set design, next year seems somewhat redeeming, I like that.
  13. The phantoka are amazing, I must get them. And pohatu *shudders* as well, I want the faux-vahi.
  14. Mikerahk

    Christmas Decor

    Talk to me on the 24th... we may have a tree by then... My personal favorite is the lights when they're done correctly.
  15. Mikerahk

    Poke Moc Update 2

    I stopped following pokemon after Gold version... why are there four deox--? He can morph his body into 3 other suitable forms fo specifc reasons: attack, speed, and defense
  16. Artist: Cheung Sha Wan Album: Dyrhólaey County of Stanley, QueenslandSamuel W. MoultonPuerto Rico Automobile Accident Compensation AdministrationBrunswick Heads, New South WalesX-4 BantamGodlewski's BuntingStuart MacintyreThe Nearness of YouMounthGene BartowMemories Are Made of ThisCanadian Arctic Archipelago Sick name, sick album.
  17. Mikerahk

    Smash Bros. Rant

    Widescreen support? Why would anyone actually complain about that. I don't have a widescreen TV... or a Wii for that matter... but I can say that widescreen support is great for the times when it can be harnessed. I couldn't agree more.
  18. Mikerahk

    A Few Things

    Concerning point 2: If I were in your shoes, I'd take a step back to analyze the situation. Judging by the quoted material, I'd give the original girl a chance since it seems obvious, from my perspective, that the girl who moved is not returning. There is no point agonizing over the past, I would move on. Go back to the original flame.
  19. Mikerahk

    Need Ideas....

    Mewtwo, but not the regular 'catch me in the cave' mewtwo, I mean the original 'lab' mewtwo with all of the sick armor.
  20. If it is at all appropriate, I 'disappeared' under my own free will since I do not visit this site nearly as much as I used to in times past. I for one am eager to see the changes that will be brought in for the next BBC contest. However, I must ask, will this contest happen in December or will the change sweep in with the coming of the new year?
  21. You can't even begin to comprehend how envious I am of you.
  22. Mikerahk

    Build It!

    Seran scares me immensely, Roa scares me immensely as well. But I have a tank, and you guys do not.
  23. Mikerahk

    Maj/bshelf 2

    And that's why I use photobucket.
  24. Mikerahk

    Read Me!

    I prefer the original Lewa Nuva to the 2008 variation.
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