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Everything posted by Mikerahk

  1. Mikerahk

    B B C C 4 6

    If you can pull this moc off I will worship you.
  2. New name much? BBC 46 is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life. It shall be awesome.
  3. I do prefer brown/black to brown/white, but I'd support brown/lime more if done correctly.
  4. My dad and I both got some Rossignol Z9's last week, I am eager to see some snow. I am quite jealous.
  5. I must concur, that hoodie is nice. Colour coordination FTW. -S
  6. Mikerahk

    2008 Sets.

    DV, I couldn't agree more.
  7. Mikerahk


    I get such a feeling much too often.
  8. Maybe so, but compared to how the sets actually look, I find this to be a nice alternative.
  9. Same size ratio to your energy sword on the Arbiter, just without the convenient Elite. I'll make a nice looking stand, I promise.
  10. Would building a weapon by itself be permitted?
  11. Mikerahk

    Halo 3

    Good luck getting those skulls, cuz that samurai armor is sick. And when you play sandtrap, make sure that two players have an elephant-sumo-wrestling match. And for the record, I don't own a 360, but I have friends who do.
  12. Mikerahk


    Oh how I wish I had finished those two mocs... Can't wait to see some pics though.
  13. Mikerahk

    Bloggy Seran

    Five different persona's, is that it? I'm sure I've peaked at least 10 at one some point, with 2 or 3 of them being constant day-to-day.
  14. The disclaimer makes this entry even more true.
  15. I just know that I do this all the time.
  16. The brutal truth which you have broadcast has left me in a state of awe, I did not know it was possible to tear such a set into 256 parts.* *Not all parts all created equal, in fact, most are different sizes. As can be viewed here.
  17. I <3 the head. I'll post a review at some point... send me a reminder if I don't do so within a week.
  18. Mikerahk

    A Primal Scream

    Or perhaps (B+C)2=B2+2BC+C2 ?
  19. Mikerahk


    I'd like to see a free-build (with the technic-system ratio changed to 60-40) where toa-mods are not allowed. And if one is feeling risky, limit the amount of colors that can appear on the moc, similar to the idea of BBC 39. I also like the song-based moc idea.
  20. But what if one was farsighted and without his glasses/contacts? (I'm not farsighted, it's a hypothetical)
  21. Mikerahk

    Brickcon 07 Update

    Sometimes you have to take a step back in order to move one space forward.
  22. I really do need to get onto MSN and talk with you more often don't I?
  23. What's with all the singles? Albums is where it's at.
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