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Spoony Bard

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Blog Comments posted by Spoony Bard

  1. unless of course it is something like....... X-2, of which I will never recommend to someone

    As a fan of X, I loved X-2 as a conclusion to the story. It got a bit Powerpuffy at times, but otherwise it was enjoyable. Plus I had never played a "Job System" type of game before, so it was an interesting change.

    The Job System really isn't new. :P


    The older FFs had the class system, mainly FF5 and FF3 are most notable for that, since you had the option to change your class during the game anytime you wanted. X-2 kinda brought back the Job/Class change.


    But yeah. :D


    It is the true essence of RPGs, jobs. :P



  2. I'll await news from you on that one. I'm on the fence of that.

    I recommend that you get it anyways, since it is an FF game and all. :P


    And I always recommend anything FF related, unless of course it is something like....... X-2, of which I will never recommend to someone. :P



  3. Yo where was Steve? I didn't see him this year. :(


    But I hope that phone call cheered ya up or something. We wanted you to be part of it in some way or another, cuz you not being there is like Omi not being a playa. Yanno?


    Hope to see ya next year.



  4. KIE, Rayg, Omi, Kaipau (and Rachel, who isn't staff), BR, Sméag (I'm guessing), Black Six.



    We have a winner!!!!!!! Announcer guy, tell him what he has won


    *announcer guy*: "he has won 100 awesome points and a free candelight dinner with Omi. All expenses paid for".




    Anyways thats the staff that came to Brickfest. Cajun was there, but he was camera shy. :P



    Hey! I won like, 5 days ago. Where's my prize!

    You were there, in spirit, so you don't count.



  5. KIE, Rayg, Omi, Kaipau (and Rachel, who isn't staff), BR, Sméag (I'm guessing), Black Six.



    We have a winner!!!!!!! Announcer guy, tell him what he has won


    *announcer guy*: "he has won 100 awesome points and a free candelight dinner with Omi. All expenses paid for".




    Anyways thats the staff that came to Brickfest. Cajun was there, but he was camera shy. :P



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