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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. YAY, FORUMS! *Hugs random disco ball.*

  2. Yay! *Puts on coat.*

    Nothing much is up, just sneaking on the computer when I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork. =P You?

  3. Yay! I'd go swimming if the pool weren't frozen! :D

  4. Yay! It's Larry in your avatar! *Hugs your avatar.*

  5. Yeah, now I really am getting old. O_O

    *Pokles back.*

  6. Yeah, she is. She didn't really like wearing the hat, though. Maybe if it had been smaller...

  7. Yeah, that sounds really annoying...

  8. Yeah, they do that at times...

  9. Yeah, well, yellow-checkered cars! So there! >=(

  10. Yep, being a girl is great fun, day in and day out! =P I like your personal photo, by the way. It's so shiny...

  11. Yep, Fullmetal does rock! And I suppose, Alphonse being taller and stronger and more metallic, he is better than Ed...

  12. Yep! It was pretty good (love the CGI armor), although I don't think we ever did find out the villianess's motives... did you like it?

  13. Yep. It's a lot of fun. =P Are you?

  14. Yes, ~Po~ rocks very much. =P

  15. Yes, complete with her basket of goodies and a theme song!

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