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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Posts posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. I think the sentence structure in the panel regarding Alena being a stalker could be rearranged to be better, but for the most part, this was a good backstory comic. Decently funny. :P
    Yeah, it was difficult to do and I was up late again finishing it. But I think for what it is it gets the point across. Glad you enjoyed it!
    So Alena was a stalker. That may be a sign that she likes you. Hey, just saying.Need my help, Eljay? Should I destroy you so your troubles will be over?
    So, I read her this post and what she has to say is this:"Not a... Stalker, persay. More like... Interested in the affairs of his world. I singled him out, and he became a target. No romantic interest... It was just a coincidence that he was a male, you know? Just like for how it could be considered a coincidence to have a... Claw, or sword... In your throat. Just no one would find the body, or locate the murderer, or suspect foul play.Now the question is, without the claw or sword details ever truly being known, is it a murder, or someone whose run away?"-From the Fires of Mt. Doom,Alena"She really wrote that. She scares me. I can't kill her off like I can characters. ;(
    I'd recommend a restraining order...get a good one though, I don't know many lawyers that can trump a eternal slavery contract.I recommend Kahi.
    He's tried. It doesn't work. ;(
    Well that's certainly an interesting first meeting. Falling from the sky and landing on Eljay twice in a period of a few days? Wow.I hope that as this progresses we'll learn more about Alena's motivations and backstory to make her less of a one-dimensional character. But as it stands, this was quite the good comic. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.-Mesonak
    Gravity hurts. It also hurts me.Yeah, I'll be making 4 more of these and flesh out the story a bit more. It's her writing it, so we'll see what happens.Thanks guys!sig.png
  2. 2. Where is Marendar now?
    The only thing we have heard about Marendar is that it has activated and is on its way to kill Toa, so I'd say it's safe to assume that it will simply be wandering about until its sensors pick up Toa.
    True, but always good to ask anyways. I mean, we asked about Lewa and got an interesting answer.sig.png
  3. Well that was comic was just awesome. Where to begin...The premise itself is quite cool; I enjoyed how we were all assigned to get seperate items. I loved my quips about the door and the bright light before Alena came rocketing out.Eljay's secondary plot to destroy my sets and Alena's blatant disregard for our safety were both very cruel, and I thought my accidental acquisition of one of Eljay's chickens was just great. But it all worked out in the end, right? :DFor all the work you put into it, that turned out very well. Definitely keeping consistent with your other holiday comics in terms of quality. Great work.-MesonakEDIT: Forgot to mention the ending. All I have to say is this: ._.
    Thank you very much! Yeah, I really enjoyed making that part of it. I wanted to hint back to Thanksgiving 2010's comic, but decided against it due to the over amount of work I'd have to do.Cruel? NOT CRUEL ENOUGH, MWUAHAHA- Nevermind.Well, thank you again!
    I loved the drown in tea part :DSilly Brits
    I liked making that part. XD Thank you!Well guys, I have made a new banner!lazy_life_3.0_banner.png

    BTW, anyone who uses it from here to the first of the year will get a cameo appearance in Eljay: The Becoming! Just provide a sprite sheet!Thanks guys!sig.png

  4. So, I just wanted to post with my thoughts about the comics so far. From what I've seen, your work on the text is really good now, and I was able to read between the two Gavla's. As for the backgrounds, I still suggest trying to make your own, because I've noticed that when someone makes their own backgrounds, the personality of the author and the comics kinda shows through, and melds really well for the eyes.No matter what nonsense you make of that, it's just my observation.As for the story, I've noticed it's picked up a lot. The guy with goggles is rather confusing, and I have no idea why he is still there, but he makes for an interesting plot device. I'd be interested to see some character development in Chilly, however. The Gavla character is interesting, and I get the sense of "controlled psycho" from him. Sane or not, he's kinda evil. Interesting twist. Although, the multiple Gavla thing got kinda confusing for me.Something I'd like to suggest is when you end a comic, try making the end a little longer. How you do it now makes it seem abruptly cut off and awkward. If you give it a tad more time, I think it would flow nicer (least to me).Other than that, these seem to have gotten real interesting. Been keeping up with them. I'll be looking for the next one!sig.png

  5. Steve Irwin?! You are a great man. And that Spartan costume looked a little funny...It's sad that you're quitting. You don't know this, but back in the old forums, your comic series was my favorite. I loved to just go through the topics main post and read all the different comics. I hate to see you go, but if that's what it has to be.It's a good thing I wasn't at the party. I'm dressing as Eddie Brock/Venom and that could confuse people.
    I loved watching his show as a kid, and ever since he passed away I went as him with one of my real snakes for Halloween up until this year, to honor him.Also, I meant to reply to this as soon as I saw it, but got caught up with things. That means a lot to me, as I used to do that with old comics here too, like VC's, and Dark's. I'm glad I've had the chance to make so many people laugh and love the series, but recently I've been feeling it's been growing old on me, with lack of motivation. One thing I promise to do is to give this series a really, really nice ending. Thank you for posting and reading this whole time, it means a lot.
    That was one awesome comic. For all the work it took to get it done, it turned out quite well.I loved the appearance of Pierre and his prompt murder, and I also love my costume. It's quite awesome. As were everyone else's.Loved the ending, as well. El-Potato-Jay? Really? That costume got the deserving response. :PThat was really great; fitting for your final Halloween comic.. Man, my thoughts on you ending The Lazy Life... I don't know. I completely understand your reasons, but I'm more than a little sad it will be coming to a close. Going to miss it when its gone, but I am looking forward to the other projects you have in store.Excellent work.-Mesonak
    Work was a pain, but I enjoyed how it came out as well. =P And yeah, I thought Pierre would be fitting here. I liked killing him off, though.Yeah, thanks. I'm sorry I didn't bring it up with you first, but I kind of made up my mind then and there. As I explained above and to you before, it's just feeling like the work being put into these isn't getting all I can. At this point, I only continue them because I love making people laugh, and showing them to you and all of my other friends. It's never been about posts, of course. So, I'll keep going until I give it it's end... Either way, I am sad too. I've so far been doing this for about 6 years. I've grown so attached to Rainbow, and Fred, and all the others. When it goes, I will miss it too. It's gotten a lot farther than I ever could have imagined.Well, with everything sad comes something happy. Today, I give you guys a comic!Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Sorry it took so long. I stayed up until around 7 in the morning to finish it, though. Enjoy!sig.png
  6. Overdue review is overdue, granted I voiced my opinions in private, but still. A post is nice.Quite enjoyed the comic, as per usual. Cool fight scene, and I enjoyed the part where Eljay wanted to kill him, but was halted, being informed of the Toa Code. Thought that was a nice segment. And ono, the final tablet. Seems as if things are progressing along, which is nice.That was well done. Keep 'em coming, yo.-Mesonak
    Things are progressing indeed. I feel as though I'm rushing things here, because I am capping this series off at 25 comics, so it's gonna be tough fitting everything in. But from what everyone says, everything is alright. Glad you liked it!Well guys, got another comic! Enjoy!sig.png
  7. I'm not sure if I should agree with Var on the present thing...But whenever you get hurt, everyone comes to watch?! Terrible people.
    It's like a sport. Sort of like baseball... Or Akilani.
    Well, I realized I never actually reviewed your own birthday comic, so I must review both yours and Alena's. So here we go!-I thought your birthday comic was pretty well done, bar the fact no characters ever wished you happy birthday in-comic... but I guess that comes with the territory when you dedicate an entire comic to montages of various violent moments. :P-Alena's comic was also quite lolzy, mainly Var's line, your treatment, and the ending... which was quite brutal, to say the least. Good work overall; 'twas a fitting comic for Alena's birthday.You maintain your ever-present high quality standard, I see. That's a good thing. Keep it up and such.-Mesonak
    Better late than never, so it all works out. =P And yeah, no one did, but hey, maybe they did in their own... Violent way. And as for Alena's comic, I think it all worked out in the end... Besides my treatment. ;-; Thanks, and glad you enjoyed it!Regardless of my pain, here is a new comic! Happy Halloween guys!Now, for that there announcement...Not easy saying this guys, but this season will be the last season of The Lazy Life of a Comic Maker. I'm just somewhat exhausted from doing this for a while, and my motivation has been wearing thin. It was hard enough making this Halloween comic, which I spent last minute (aka until 6 in the morning) finishing up. As a side note, I won't be making anymore Halloween comics. Just rather stressful.I'll be making comics for some time longer, but this will be the last season. I will finish up Eljay: The Becoming and move on to my final solo series. That series will be announced at Christmas.Sorry to have to break the news to you guys, but it's just not what it used to be. I've had so much fun making comics for around 6 years, and will continue to do so for however long I will be making comics until I can give this series the ending it deserves. I see too many comic makers making wonderful stories, or comics, and not giving them a proper ending. I don't want this one to suffer that fate. I'll give it an ending that will feel right for it, and be a great send off for the future, and possible projects afterwards.Thanks for reading guys, and have a safe and fun Halloween!sig.png


    Oh, that was a great comic! Bloody Metahk running in and tearing everyone up. Little bit hard to see the Toa Stone, but I'm sure we'll see it in a later comic?Also, great touch with the Ko-Matoran whispering. Took me a bit to get it, but it's VERY fitting and a great touch to the characteristic of the MU Matoran we kinda see in the background.... Like me. cool.pngIf I may, which Toa Stone is next on the list? Or will we be seeing more of Metahk's search?sig.png

  8. It's normally very hard for me to get into the beginning of something, such as a book or a story such as this, but I must say this was really easy to get into and very addicting. The detailing was clear enough so I could imagine where they were, and I liked that. Really interested to hear more about these coffins, and what they have to do with the main characters. I'm also gonna guess by the last coffins symbol and Mr. Mummy mans powers that the last one was Time? Or maybe Thyme? Oh, or oregano... Er, anyways. Really enjoyed the first chapter and will definitely be back for the second!sig.png

  9. Well, now that I've caught up on your series...I found in comic 7 that the perspective, or at least direction of characters was a bit odd. It seemed like the matoran were supposed to be facing the Rahkshi but they were both facing the right.Comic 8 lacked in wording though, like "better with weapons and stuff like that". While a better phrase eludes me right now, that was a weak statement. :P9 and 10 however, were very good, very dramatic and tragic. The transformation taking place for most of the comic was great too. Those effects, man...
    Yeah, it was a failed perspective test. Think of it as the camera spinning around them.As for the wording, I guess I tried to make it sound... Just simple. I didn't see a need for complexity in that case. :PAnd thanks! I am actually really glad how those came out. Some might say what happened is a little too soon, but I am not trying to draw this out.
    Comic 10 was great and such.The number one thing I have to call out in this comic is how strange you look without the Mangosteen blade and the gold Miru. I'm just not used to it.._.It was cool, though. I think Sinarahk's in for a beatdown. Congrats on wrapping up chapter 2. :P-Mesonak
    Yeah, it's not something very commonly seen. I look A LOT more like Lewa Mata. But, hey, gotta stick with the story. =PAnd oh boy, he sure is. Thanks!
    WoahFirst he was a matoranNowHe's a toa :o
    Do it man.Do it.For Laze.Also, nice job on those effects. Very clean.-V-
    I did try and make sure the transformation looked alright. Took as many cues from The Legends of Metru-Nui as I could. Thank you!Well, new comic guys! Gonna try and finish this series up!sig.png
  10. These are actually really neat! Out of all of them, my favorites are the MU robot and Pohatu. Although, a suggestion I have would be to do something about the black lines. They kinda contrast the colors and seem a little out of place. Try making them just darker shades of their primary colors and it'll look even better! Will you be making anymore, like the Matoran and Turaga? If so, I can't wait to see 'em!sig.png

  11. BEST. COMIC. EVER.Not.JKing.JKing to that.JKing about THAT. =D *Pattern repeats endlessly*BUT... Other than that... Very adorable. ^^ I loved it how you put your character into a pink 1800's dress/wig. Is that a new idea or were you building it off of something?
    Oh... Something you've done to me in the past just reminded me of it... And by past, I mean the last five years we've known each other. OH, and last week. ;(sig.png
  12. Wait, it's YOUR birthday TODAY? Wow. Mine was yesterday.Wow. Those were a lot of deaths, yet I only have one show. When you live alone, I don't think things will go well!
    They are indeed a lot! And yeah, I would think so!
    Ah, interesting comic, Eljay. I thought 6 and 7 should be the very top of the list, though. KUTGW 10/10! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    WOW INVI! XD Well, thanks! Glad you liked it!New comic! Happy birthday to Alena!Also, I will have an announcement when I release the Halloween comic. Be on the look out!Thanks guys!sig.png
  13. Wow, Eljay. You actually got me a few more than expected. Good... job? :P
    Glad you liked it! :P Happy belated birthday, Invi!
    I'd have to agree with Invi on this one. But at least you said happy birthday!
    Yup! Thought that counts. :P
    The last two comics have pretty much proven that you aren't very good with birthday presents.
    You will get nothing. But yeah, pretty much. :P
    ^I concur with Vataki's statement.Buuuut at least my comic got more panels than Invi's.Suck it, "Tenny". :P-V-
    XDD This made me laugh. And yeah, you did get more indeed. Glad you liked it!New comic guys! This time, my birthday and International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Enjoy!sig.png
  14. Wow.... Speeder mush feel pretty loved right now XP
    Possibly. Ironically enough, he did get a Nerf gun for his birthday. =P
    Poor Speeder can now spread the terror of pink day wherever he goes!
    I don't think he'd like to, however...
    Kay, so that 7 year anniversary comic was pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. I always like comics of yours that expand upon the actual plot, so this was nice in that regard. Seems like interesting times are ahead for the Lazy Life crew.Congrats once more on 7 years. 'Tis a pretty huge feat to accomplish.Continuing on, happy birthday Speeder! An unfortunate gift to receive, but what can you do? Better than nothing, I suppose. You could always sell it. :P-Mesonak
    Oh, very interesting times. I'll touch upon that again soon. And yeah, I am turning into an old man. ;( He could, but he'd most likely use it to shoot people first. :P
    Can someone please clarify the problem with Speeder's gun? The coloring isn't exactly to the point where I thought it'd be terrible (as in, it's bad, but not bad enough where I see the problem).
    It's pink. He hates pink. That is the problem.Speaking of you, Invi, here is a birthday comic! Happy birthday!sig.png
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