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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Posts posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. I tried to save him, I really did...... Now let Lasher try ;-;Comic was awesome! With a title like that, I almost expected Aunt May or someone to show up. I know, crazy, but still.Hope to see more so- Recalculating. Recalculating. Recalculating.sig.png

  2. These last few comics have been a great form of plot progression. Personally, I'd like to team back up with the symbiotes with Lasher so I can be cool again ( :( ), but I'll protect the ragtag team we have :P Kidding of course. Either way, I'm glad to see we're getting back to the main crew. I wonder what they'll do next, though. And I'm sure the little green one should figure out how to turn invisible soon.Keep it up, and really eager to see where this is going!sig.png

  3. heh. great comics. chimoru R? or no?
    Glad you enjoy the comics! Also, no. The kit I used in the first 7 comics was a previous Chimoru Modification called Chimoru Omega 2.0, an NWI exclusive modification. I think Chimoru R is well made, but I would never use it because I find the creator of the modification to be completely unoriginal. About as much as the copy-paste feature of MS Paint.Thanks again!sig.png
  4. Oh the humanity!True friends fight for each other, even if the other one is dead. *fist of strength*
    :flagusa:Uh, I mean... =P
    Comic 8 was very interesting; I saw what was coming a mile away, and that totally doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I read comic 9 before comic 8. @_@Was still a suspenseful ending, though. Poor Laze. Doomed from the start...Comic 9 followed up on this masterfully. Laze telling Eljay to become the Toa in his last moments was a nice touch. Gives Eljay something to motivate him. Let's hope he takes Sinarahk down in stylish fashion.-Mesonak
    I had originally planned to kill him by burning him alive, buuuuuut plans changed =P Thanks!
    I would suggest....Eljay should kill him.Or did I just spoil comic 10? D:
    Spoil comic 10? Nah. Speaking of which...New comic! Thanks for posting, guys!sig.png
  5. Gah, stinking Deadpool...Great comic. Love the direction this is going in. That is a really cool idea with Tohu giving comic makers power, BTW. It could set up a real sweet plot for a villian and the like. Although, who here agrees that Deadpool is either gonna team up with them, or kill them all? =PGreat per usual, Ven.sig.png

  6. I like the thematic affects you put into the panels. I've been reading the comics with some of the original MNOLG soundtrack songs and it gives it a realistic feel to it.The story is also intriguing, it's kept me reading.You've also improved on your graphic abilities. Don't stop working, chap. :)
    Thank you very much! Glad to hear it has that effect. I should try that =P And yeah, I try to make things look pleasing to the eyes, but also able to stand on its own. Again, thank you!
    Hmm. That hissing doesn't sound too good for Laze...Great plot progression. Truly looking forward to what happens next.-V-
    Oh, it sure isn't! Thank you!
    What if Laze actually became the Toa of Mangosteen, but killed then Eljay, stole his mask and resumed his identity?Plot twist
    Uhh... I don't think that would work :PNew comic!sig.png
  7. That was a great comic.What a heroic save by the .... Toa whose name I forget completely.: |I noticed you improved Laze's text, in the sense that its much easier to read now. Thanks for that. Graphics are nice as usual and the plot is progressing very nicely.Your comics are an excellent work of professionalism. Keep it up; the future is very promising.-Mesonak
    That is Fridak. You may also know him as Fred =P And yeah, I did my best to make Laze's text more readable. Thank you!New comic!sig.png
  8. What an interesting way of getting his old remastered suit back. Sprite looks nice, 'cept for the eyes... They could be kinda rounder I guess =PAlso, where are those backgrounds from? They looks interesting. Either way, looks great and I look forward to the next one!sig.png

  9. Well, two of the entries deserved to be here, so congrats to the majority of the winners.~B~
    I agree.Congratulations to the winners!
    I strongly concur.Congrats to first and third place.You deserved it.-V-
    Basically this. Congrats guys.sig.png
  10. I apologize for the graphics and the challenge in the first comic. I know I should know better. those panels were made by Nuparurocks, not me. I have no Idea how he made them. Einstein defined insanity as trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results. under that definition, I'm cookoo for Cocoa Puffs, which I already knew. Thomas Edison went through thousands of prototypes before he perfected the lightbulb. I'm not giving up. I'll improve. I'm not sure how yet, but I'm setting my mind to it no matter what. that background was a fill from GIMP, which many comic makers here idolize. So you guys may say I'm crazy (which you're correct about), you may say I should do something else( which you have), but if you want something to read, then buckle up. You may think I'll go down easy, but that ain't happenin'. and yes the box was made with MS Paint, but so is MSPaint Adventures. You seem to be under the impression I will give up this time. I won't. Cue the theme from Rocky.
    These comics are far fetched from being able to be compared to Edison and Einstein. We aren't saying you won't improve, or that we want to take you down. No, we're saying that these are not comics. This is text in a .png format.No one has said that you are "giving up." We're speaking what is wrong with what we see and are giving advice for improvement. And besides - If you are going to compare this and yourself to Edison, who made tons of prototypes, then it would be wise to keep them to yourself and post comics when you feel they are at their peek, which these are not. I am not sure, but I don't think Edison allowed people to use his prototypes until he perfected them.sig.png
  11. After only a brief attempt at reading, I must say this really isn't all that enjoyable. Sure, I understand it is beginning, and I did read what you had at the end, but there is a HUGE difference between "potential" and the immediate inability to read. I have fair eyesight, but this I found to be confusing and difficult to understand. The backgrounds seem to be a floor that got on the wrong end of a wood chipper. The sprites in the second panel also seem distorted. There are guides that help with sizing. While this might have potential, there needs to be a lot more work put in to this in later comics. I'll keep watching, and keep on going. Please don't take this as an attack, however. You might find similar posts down the line =/sig.png

  12. That was a great comic. And no, it didn't grate any cheese. The graphics applied were really good, though when Laze and Eljay stood at the table, it looked like there was some rod sticking out of both of them, and not a table they were behind. :P

    Table was somewhat rushed, but I thought it looked okay :P Thank you, and glad you liked it!

    Oh cool a dramatic cliffhanger ending. Those are always fun.Your graphical style with these never ceases to impress me; one of the reasons why I wish for you to continue with these. The plot seems to be going along nicely which is great as well. Can't wait to see the next installment and such.-Mesonak

    Thank ya very much. Well, if this one impressed you, then this new comic should as well! Little more advance to the plot =PSo yeah, new comic! Enjoy!sig.png
  13. New GS comic! Sorry for the long wait!sig.png

    Can I come with you to the shooting range?And you can't kill Venom. It's impossible.
    Sure thing! And of course I can... Incendiary bullets :devil:

    overdue post is overdue~Dun sue me bro.I enjoyed that last one immensely. One of my favorite GS comics you've made in recent memory.You poor unfortunate soul. Always being stabbed through the head. :PGreat job. And such.-Mesonak

    Yeah, I really enjoyed making it. And I won't sue you, but Kahi might! :P Thank you!New comic up! Fun thing Alena wanted me to do :P I should have another one up soon.sig.png


    This was an amazing comic. This really sets up the tone for the next one, which I hope will have the fight scene with the Vahki thing and Vohon. Also, I REALLY love that design for Vohon. Vahki cam was also a great touch XDReally enjoyed this comic, and am always eager for the next.sig.png

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