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Kallista ~ Little light

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Status Updates posted by Kallista ~ Little light

  1. *glomps Resev before he can escape* ^^

  2. Yes,

    you boys are so smart ^^

  3. The Art is falling out of the bag

  4. Aww thanks Jordboy :)

    that is sweet of you.

  5. Thanks for your support guys.

    I really do apreciate it all...

    I only wish there was something I could do for all of you in retern...

  6. *hug*

    thanks for the vote.

    I apreciate it!

  7. thanks guys I really apreciate it

  8. Yes I did take that picture ^^

  9. I need people to vote for me...

    I ain't gong to make it >_

  10. Pretty good,

    School is a blast! I'm progressing well and learning a lot.

  11. *grabs chainsaw and readies for the next attack*

    Thank you ^^

  12. Hurray for pounding the ever loving pulp out of the Server ^^

  13. *drop kicks server* I hate it when it does that...

    I just stopped by to say Hi.

  14. I want to be an Ambassador for lego :)

    (please don't point and laugh)

  15. *Group hugs VF and Nihly*

    Hugs should be free ^^ XD

  16. what type of return offer?

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