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Status Updates posted by Cressona

  1. I used my blog a while ago, when I first went premier, then I kinda didn't go on BZP for a while and didnt use it. I'm gonna try to start it up again soon, though.

  2. lol, you joined five months before you were born! :P

  3. I am a fan of KOTOR, but mostly Revan, the best SW character ever. =P

    *eats pie*

  4. Love it. and i get overexcited whenever i meet another fan :P

  5. Cool new rank =D

  6. Yeah, but then he died. =P

  7. Hey, a POBZPC! and one with some cool MOCs, too... I should check out that epic. =D

  8. Hi. You have a pretty cool avatar, just like the other comments say. U left me a comment... said hello. just returning the favor. :P

  9. zomg Kex you passed T-Hybrid in posts. Now only HD stands between you and the title of #1 BZPoster of all time!

  10. @ your interests: O___o

  11. I see you were born only a month before you joined... well, just commenting to say that you have awesome MOCs and a cool blank banner!

  12. Rage/anger comes again? O.o

  13. Well, it says he has 8 posts, but only 4 show up on the search, so maybe his bad posts were deleted?

  14. Then why are you yelling? =P

  15. What the-- where'd Adventurella go? :P

  16. I was wondering who you were... you're Toa Def? I guess you're a South Park fan now, huh? =P

  17. Keep on posting, man! If you keep it up, someday you'll beat Hapori Dume and become the top poster of BZP! =D

  18. i havent played KOTOR, but my friend has it. isnt the star map supposed to lead you to the planet?

  19. it was a link =(

  20. Wow, that is really good. Usually someone's either a good distance runner, a good sprinter, or good at field events, but to be good at all of them's amazing.

  21. The IIU doesn't exist. ;) Just wanted to let you know

  22. Zeddy! Your disks are glowing!

  23. Yeah, Tohu's not asleep, he lives, he posts, and he watches. maybe he was in a sleep that my topic awakened him fom... :P but Tohu only posts when he needs to, so he's not around the forums posting that much.

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