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Toa Nidhiki05

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Everything posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. I am rather ticked off right now; my *insert social networking site name here* account mysteriously vanished. Gah... -TN05
  2. Awesome seeing another patriot here.

  3. For the record, I support the canonization of a Mask of Healing. For those who are against, I will explain my reasoning here, as well as what I believe the Mask should not be able to do. First off, here is what the proposed mask would be able to do: Now, this mask seems like a reasonable idea; it can heal physical ailments only, not insanity or mutations, and as such would be fairly limited it scope. When one further examines it, you can logically decipher several other limitations. For example, it probably would not be able to regenerate limbs or the like, and would most likely not be able to cure a mortal wound. Taking these limitations into account, it would fit quite nicely with the other Kanohi masks IMO, and would not be overpowered. Now, for those in favor of making it a Legendary mask, I oppose that idea. First off, what is the use of a Mask of Healing if nobody can use it? Second, Legendary masks control fundamental forces of nature (Life, Time, and Creation), not average powers. Healing is not a fundamental force of nature by any stretch of the imagination. Third, each Legendary Kanohi, when destroyed, would have massive repercussions to the Matoran Universe. For example, if the Mask of Time were destroyed, Time in the MU would collapse. If the Mask of Creation were destroyed, all beings in the MU would lose the ability to create new things. What would Healing do; make all wounds fatal? Clearly, making it Legendary would not be reasonable. So, there are my arguments. Not as long as a Bonesiii one, but I think it works for me. -TN05
  4. Toa Nidhiki05


    Survivor predictions, anyone? I think Colby will win; he just has to survive one tribal council, and Russell may try to get rid of Parvati. -TN05
  5. Actually, I live in NC, but close enough. Sure, we can be friends. :)

  6. Ohai, you're on BZP now? Nice! :)


  7. Just got my entry to S&T 2 up; I've been working on it for about a month, so I hope you all enjoy it. Link. Oh yeah, and I changed my signoff for the first time in about 4 years. -TN05
  8. It sucks they shut down NZP. :(

  9. My entries Quantum Energy and Weakness Induction both currently trail in both the Standard and Mutant sections by 1 vote. Any votes toward them in either category would be appreciated, as there are only 2 days left to vote. UPDATE: Quantum Energy won! Thanks for the votes, guys! -TN05
  10. Toa Nidhiki05


    Vote for anyone but Taylor Swift for Entertainer of the Year! -TN05
  11. Good to see you joined! :)

  12. Hey, good to see you joined. :)

  13. Please vote for my entries in the EM Contest voting. If you don't like them for a regular power, than choose mutant: Quantum Energy Weakness Induction Nightmare Force Fields Thanks! -TN05
  14. I'm going through a Guitar Hero funk... *sigh* -TN05
  15. My member interview is up now! You can view it here. Many thanks to Gatanui for being my interviewer as well. -TN05
  16. Well, I couldn't really think of much else, but Hahli seems good IMO. -TN05
  17. Here is what I would have picked for the BIONICLE Stars: HEROES: Red: Tahu - No brainer; he deserves this. Blue: Helryx - Never had a set before, which would tone down on complaining. White: Takanuva - Same as Tahu, but I'd give him cooler weapons. VILLAINS: Green: Nidhiki - Yes, I want to retcon the death of a character. I'd explain how Makuta have the ability to 'recreate' beings they have absorbed, and these would be completely loyal to the Makuta. He'd be in Toa form, BTW, so no four-legged set. Yellow/Orange/Brown: Rahkshi of Sonics (They are listed as Yellow-Green on the Rahkshi sheet, I believe) - I like this better than Heat Vision, and Sonics is more powerful as well. Black/Grey: Exo-Toa - Fits in, as Teridax has Exo-Toa in his army. Only black set I could think of that could go here. -TN05
  18. Toa Nidhiki05

    Pi Day

    This is a bit late, but HAPPY PI DAY! -TN05
  19. @Cholie: Yep, you guys are awesome. @Swert: Nope, nothing happened.
  20. BS01 just got attacked by a vandal who shall not be named. He got dealt with within a matter of minutes. LET THAT BE A WARNING TO ANY POTENTIAL VANDALS. -TN05
  21. I just got the reply from Black Six that I got selected for a member interview! And on my first try, at that. -TN05
  22. Toa Nidhiki05


    That most certainly beats mine. -TN05 I could PM the <Cuss removed> thing to you... I think I'll pass on that one. -TN05
  23. Toa Nidhiki05


    That most certainly beats mine. -TN05
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