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Toa Nidhiki05

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Everything posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. Did you quit or were you fired?

  2. It's nothing personal, I just don't like the page. :P

  3. I haven't honestly been looking at many other SE entries; I'll probably get a review up tommorow, since I can't do one well on my iPod. :)

  4. Yeah, that's lame; now I have to decide between an airsoft gun and lifetime Premier Membership. >_

  5. My 1-year membership expired; I'm saving up for the lifetime now. :D

  6. My Sleeping Awake entry is up, so review it... -Toa Nidhiki05
  7. Toa Nidhiki05


    Well, we actually figured out we had to reset the power cord by leaving it out overnight (lolwut?). It works now. -TN05
  8. The spaghetti is OVER 9,000! This... is... MUSHROOM KINDGOM!

  9. Toa Nidhiki05


    Finally came back after three agonizing days away from home, only to find the Wii fried due to a big storm. Second time we've had damaging issues with it, and the warranty might not cover it. >_< -Toa Nidhiki05

  11. Toa Nidhiki05


    Oh, I love time paradoxes! Seriously, how is he supposed to know to give the message? I'm hoping a Great Being gets involved, personally. -TN05
  12. No, I was talking about the movie with Angelina Jolie. -TN05
  13. Has anyone else seen the movie Salt? It's a spy thriller movie starring Angelina Jolie. I enjoyed it, as the stunts and special effects were great. Unfortunately, I had to use the bathroom, and came back just after movie ended with an apparent cliffhanger. -TN05
  14. Chiara: Mask of Conjuring Orde: Mask of Sensory Aptitude Zaria: Mask of Healing -TN05
  15. Toa Nidhiki05


    I'm making her female in mine as well, but not stereotypical; I don't think anyone else has thought up my idea. -TN05
  16. I'm actually homeschooled, so that is off the table... -TN05
  17. I might get off in two weeks for good behavior. *shrug* -TN05
  18. ...I want either BB created or SS destroyed. I'd be fine with either, as long as it is consistent. -TN05
  19. I think it looks nice, but it's been nomed a few times before. I'd support it, but staff permission would probably be needed. -TN05
  20. Toa Nidhiki05


    I'm going to be inactive here for about a month, as I am being severely punished and my computer time is restricted to 30 minutes. Since my iPod's internet access will also be gone for a month, I'll be unable to respond to most PMs (as that is how I respond to them). -Toa Nidhiki05
  21. I like this idea; this would finally put the EMK to good use. The only problem I can see is Undeath, as all of those Makuta are dead, yet we see no Unedeath zombies. -Toa Nidhiki05
  22. I'm not staff, but I hope you don't mind if I give my two cents here; While I don't agree with calling the staff 'hypocrites', the policy is definately hypocritical. The options I see here are to create the EMK or to delete the MoM and MoC, which were never seen in story, have 'no' image, and were not created by Greg. Also, all the EMK technically have an in-story appearance through the images they have, which were in various canon media. -TN05
  23. I finally got the Member Spotlight after being here for 4 years! Thanks to all who voted for... Wait, it just picks a random member? Lame. -TN05
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